Extreme Gaming Network

Extreme Gaming Network
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Welcome to Extreme Gaming Network! Check out the new X-Box story by clicking on the X-Box picture. We hope it will give you an idea on how great the X-Box is looking to be. The story was done by Robzilla. Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Being students and running an internet site isn't all that easy. Soon EGN will get back to being updated regulary. Check back often and e-mail us with any suggestions. Have fun!

HEY ROB. Yes... This is Tuesday, November 18th 2008.
I remembered the user name and password, so I logged on for sh!ts and giggles. Wow... All our old RMWF RPs are saved on here too... Man, this was such a long time ago. Great stuff. Better get back to the the studying and HW, eh? Have a good one, later...

NCAA Football 2003
Is the *Game Of The Month*
(August, 2002)
Click on the picture to vote for next month's *Game Of The Month*


Top News Column: THE 2002 GAME WARS!!!

Click on the X-Box picture to get previous outbreak news...

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