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Because of the amount of graphics ahead, it might be slow on a 56k or lower (dun feel bad, I have a 56k too...) So if you dont

want long loading dont go to this section, all though this section might rule soon. SOON. I just started on it!

Hey Jeff! Do you have the sky runner ready yet? Our guest wants to check out Eagleland.

Uhh... it broke down again, it will take at least a couple of days to fix it back up.

I pity da foo!

Jeff we cant wait that long! Your the science kid, fix it!

Hmm... well now that I examine it a hundred and twentieth time I notice that there is a quicker way to fix it. Hold on...

Ahh, this goes here, and this should go right here, and th-

I messed up, yeah I messed up...

Jeff! Our guest is getting impatiant!

Yeah I know, hold on, I got it for sure this time!

Ok, instead of that going right there, this should be added, this nail should be tighter, this shouldnt be here...

Alrighty! Its all fixed!

ZzZz...! Huh...? Did you say som- Oh! You got it fixed! Great!

Yeah but it can only goto Onett right now. Stkboy87 is planning to fix that, right?

Um, yeah!

And special thanks to Captain_Napalm for the image of Onett!

Also, thanks to Luna for trimming down the giant image of Onett! So now your computer wont crash trying to load Onett.

Ok guest, where to?

Happy Happy Village!

More places coming as soon as Stk finishes them! Onett is still not finished either.

Ack!! Something bad happened!

What Jeff?

Stkboy87 doesnt have an image of Twoson, or any other place for that matter.

So we can only goto Onett?!

Actually you can goto Twoson but you wont be able to see anything.

Also Stk just told me he needs to find out how to make image maps too.

Man Stk you really suck at html!

Im trying to learn I swear!