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I see the Twoson Hotel is a question mark.

Like I said, i leik milk!

Err, thats not what I was going to say.

I meant Stk doesnt have an image of Twoson, like I've said before. So no hotel images.

Also it'd be cool if we had some images that were actually INSIDE the buildings!

I can take care of alot of that.

Thats cool, but you still need the image of Twoson right?

Yeah, as well as HappyHappyVillage, Threed, DustyDunesDesert, and Fourside!

*ahem* Are you guys going to be staying in the hotel tonight? Bwahahaaa!

What the?? What are you doing here?

Now Jeff, just because he has a bloody chainsaw in his hand and he has a mask on doesnt mean you can discriminate!

*passes out*

Dont mind him, our guest will be staying tonight.

Bwahahahaa!! Perfect!! Then sign the checkin book please! Gahahahaaa!!

Twoson Hotel Check in
Sign in
Read it. 

*gets scared*

Um, guest, your not REALLY staying, are you?

Theres nothing to worry about, I hired this guy, hes had no criminal record.

Go ahead and take off your mask.

See, ya gullible foo's! I aint Jason!