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Stuff to decide and Items

That was that. It was the end of the World. Me, Matt Kinsey, would be an abuction unless I could make it to my house. I knew this would happen, so I had built and underground shelter. I knew it would happen sooner or later. The president accepted aliens to earth. I was possitive they would attack. I turned down Silumne Av. They were still after me. Dropping cluster bombs and shooting automaitic lasers everywere. It looked as if there was a chain reaction of bombs exploding as I sped on. The mother ship shot a reactor beam and blew up City hall. Then it took out his abduction ray and beamed up the Mayor. I still sped on. They must of seen me, because they started going as fast they could toward me. I was on Elm Street when I saw it. The gun shop. I pratically jumped off my bike, ran in, took a Rocket Launcher, ran back outisde, and jumped, just in time for me to grab on to the handle bars. I went speeding down Elm, went on to third, then took a right. I was right behind the Mother Ship. I fired a rocket, and it got hit. It sped away. I let out a sigh of releif, but then I relised what I had done. Exactly 24 smaller ships came out, carrying 2 aleins.