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Thomas Look, 1622
Thomas Look, 1646
Samuel Look, 1682
Samuel Look, 1702
Samuel Look, 1745
Thomas Look, 1765
Sylvester Look, 1802
William G. Look, 1831
Carrie A. Look, 1864
Jennie Cook, 1884
Kenyon Huggins, 1908 m. Ruth Hammond, 1914
Donna Huggins, 1935 and Geoffrey Huggins, 1940

My next project is a photo page. Send me any you want included.


We are all descended from Thomas Look, born in 1622, probably in Scotland. The name Look is derived from the biblical Luke. It is a name found in Scotland before 1600 among the rentallers of the Archbishop of Glasgow. In the next century there were several opulent merchants of the name of Luke in the city of Glasgow. It is also of record that a considerable number of Scotsmen were employed at the Lynn Iron Works (Essex Antiquarian, XII, 70). A Thomas Lucke was a merchant of Penthurst, Co. Kent, in 1662 (Suff. Deeds, IV, 35).] The family was a sept of the Lamont clan. A sept is a family that is part of the clan, but with a different name. Please see the History of the Lamont Clan complete with tartan and crest.

Thomas Look was a collier, and was recruited to work in the Lynn Iron Works mine in Lynn, Essex County, northern Massachusetts colony. John Winthrop may have recruited him in England. He seems to have arrived at the colony about 20 years after the Mayflower, in 1642. He was only twenty years old. In 1659, he was one of the original associates of Salisbury who purchased Nantucket Island. He did not move to the island, perhaps he was only investing. In 1674, he decided to leave the Lynn Iron Works and move north to Rowley, where another mine was starting. The mine burned the following year. He remained in Rowley until returning to Salisbury, near the New Hampshire state line. He died there some time after 1680, and is buried in the Colonial Burying Ground of 1639.

Those who purchased Nantucket Island, appear to have been escaping the suffocating control of the Separatist church. The story is that Thomas Macy befriended some Quakers during a storm and took them into his home. For this violation of the laws against the Society of Friends, he was fined and admonished. Of course, if one investigates the history a little more closely, one finds that the incident with the Quakers occurred several years after the purchase of the island, when he had moved back to Salisbury. However, Thomas Macy and his family were the first white family to settle on the island, having surveyed the island and opened negotiations to buy it from Thomas Mayhew. In 1659, he formed a group of nine purchasers and drew up a deed on July 2 to purchase Nantucket Island for the amount of thirty pounds and "two Beaver Hatts, one for myself and one for my wife". The spelling of hatts is by the writer of the contract, not a typo. Each of the original nine purchasers was allowed to take on a partner, and others were added later on a half-share basis. Altogether there were nineteen surnames in the original group, but the name Look disappeared from the annals of Nantucket Island for a time.

It is interesting to note that the settlement at Nantucket is the one ancient settlement of Massachusetts that has had no history of Indian fighting. The next step each settler made after taking up his portion was to make arrangements for payment to the natives.

Sarah Mary Miller was born in 1624 in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. She was married to Thomas Look in 1645 in Lynn, bore him five children, and died, June 30, 1666 in Salisbury, MA.


Name: Thomas LOOK
Sex: M
Birth: 1622 in England
Death: after 1680 in Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA
Burial: Colonial Burying Ground

Marriage: Sarah Mary Miller, born 1624 in Essex, Massachusetts
Married: 1645 in Lynn, Essex, MA

Children: Thomas LOOK, born June 6,1646 in Lynn, Essex, MA
Sara LOOK, born Mar 1647/1648
Jonathan LOOK, born Jul 1651 in Lynn, Essex, MA
Experience LOOK, born 1653
Mary LOOK, born Jul 1654
Elizabeth LOOK, born, May 1656

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The first of this family to settle in Martha's Vineyard was Thomas, a son of Thomas Look, a collier at the Lynn Iron Works. Thomas, the collier, became one of the original ten associates of Salisbury in 1659 who purchased Nantucket, and through this transaction his son Thomas, born June, 1646, removed to that island about 1670 and took up the share as a settler. There on April 11, 1669, he married Elizabeth Bunker, who bore five daughters and a son, Samuel Look, in 1682. [History of Martha's Vineyard, by Banks]

The date of his move to Tisbury may be placed about 1685-6, as he made the first purchase of land in town on Feb. 15, 1686, acquiring of Joseph Merry the valuable water and mill privilege on the Tiasquin which his descendants improved for over a century. [*Dukes Deeds, I, 290.] Here he spent the rest of his days, following the occupation of a miller until his death. He was a selectman in 1688 and 1695, surveyor of highways in 1689, and deputy sheriff of the county in 1699, besides the usual services as juror. He was one of four dissenters against extending a call to Rev. Josiah Torrey as minister, but the reasons for this are not known. [*Tisbury Records, 42.]

His will, dated Dec. 4, 1725, when he was four score years of age, was signed with "his mark," probably because of infirmities or disability from illness. It was probated in January, 1726, and we may conclude that he had died in the latter part of the previous year, making some allowance for the time before the will was presented for the action of the court. [*Dukes Probate, II, 3.] He called himself "miller" in this testament, and bequeathed all his property to his son Samuel and his daughters.


Name: Thomas LOOK
Sex: M
Birth: June 6, 1646 in Lynn, Essex, MA
Death: Dec 4, 1725 in Tisbury, Dukes, MA
Father: Thomas LOOK, born 1622 in England
Mother: Sarah Mary MILLER, born 1624 in Essex, MA

Marriage: Elizabeth BUNKER, born 1646 in Maulden, Bedfordshire, England
Married: April, 11, 1669 in Nantucket, Nantucket, MA

Children: Experience LOOK, born Nov 22, 1672 in Nantucket
Elizabeth LOOK, born Nov 28, 1675 in Nantucket
Sarah LOOK, born Apr 3, 1678 in Nantucket
Jane LOOK, born Dec 24, 1680 in Nantucket
Patience LOOK, born 1681 in Nantucket
Samuel LOOK, born mar 1682/1683 in Nantucket

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Name: Samuel LOOK
Sex: M
Birth: Mar 1682/1683 in Nantucket, Nantucket, Massachusetts
Death: 14 Jan 1772 in Tisbury, Dukes, Massachusetts

Note: Before his marriage in 1704 to Thankful Lewis, Samuel had a son by Alice Daggett:Alice/Ellis Daggett did not marry; but had 3 children outof wedlock. Each was named for their father. All were mentioned in her will dated 19 March 1711 and probatedin May of 1711. Her father, Joseph was executor and he fulfilled the trust. The will was allowed, even though the childrenwere illegitimate and property passed to Henry Luce; money to Samuel Look and movable estate to Patience Allen.
(1) Henry born 1699, son of Henry Luce
(2) Samuel born 1702, son of Samuel Look
(3) Patience Allen born c.1704, prob. daughter of Joseph Allenmarried to Patience Bourne, res. of Tisbury.
(History of Martha's Vineyard by Banks)

Father: Thomas LOOK, born June 6, 1646 in Lynn, Essex, MA
Mother: Elizabeth BUNKER, born 1646 in Maulden, Bedfordshire, England

Marriage 1: Alice DAGGETT
Married: 1702 in Tisbury, Dukes, MA
Samuel LOOK, born 1702 in West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard

Marriage 2: Thankful LEWIS, born April 1684
Married: Oct 19, 1704 in Tisbury, Dukes, MA
Thomas LOOK, born Nov 18, 1706 in Tisbury
George LOOK, born Oct 17, 1708 in Tisbury
Seth LOOK, born Jan 25,1709/1710 in Tisbury
Daniel LOOK, born Sep 29, 1711 in Tisbury
Elijah LOOK, born Nov 17, 1713 in Tisbury
Thankful LOOK, born Feb 6, 1714/1715 in Tisbury Samuel LOOK, born Feb 6, 1714/1715in Tisbury Stephen LOOK, born Mar 6, 1716/1717 in Tisbury
Noah LOOK, born Nov 27,1719 in Tisbury
Job LOOK, born Jan 26, 1724/1725 in Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard

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The youngest son of John Daggett, Joseph Daggett was the pioneer of the family on the Vineyard, and the only representative of that distinguished family in Tisbury. He was born about 1647 [*Deposition. Aged about 51 years in March, 1698-9.] and is particularly noted as having married a native whom we can designate as the Pocahontas of Martha's Vineyard. It is believed that she can be identified as the daughter of Thomas Sissetom, a Sagamore of Sanchacantacket, named Alice by the English, and that the marriage occurred some time prior to 1685, as at that date two children of this union were old enough to receive property. Presuming they were eighteen and sixteen respectively that would carry the date of assumed marriage back to 1667, when Joseph was about twenty years of age. It is doubtful if a lawful marriage was consummated. This strange fact is established by a deed on record in which "Puttuspaquin of Sanchacantacket gives to his cousins [nieces] Ellis [Alice] & Hester Daggett" a tract of land which is now known to be in the present limits of Eastville adjoining the ponds on the east bank of the Lagoon. [*Dukes Deeds, I, 251.] This territory is identical with a tract of land granted sixteen years before in 1669 by the sachem Wampamag to "Ales Sessetom and Keziah Sessetom.... the daughters of Thomas Se[sse]tum" and probably was a gift in confirmation to the children of Alice of the property originally given to the Indian sisters. [*Ibid, VI, 412.] It remained as an inheritance of the two half- breed Daggett girls, Alice and Esther, and was divided between them in 1698, after the latter had married Edward Cottle. [*Ibid, I, 24.]

Joseph Daggett was one of the first proprietors in the new settlement and his holdings are thus described:

The Lands & Accomadations of Joseph Doggatt which Leieth in the Township of Takymmy or tisbury on the vineyard as foloeth One halfe house Lot which containeth twenty-five Acres Leying on the east side of the brook where his dwelling house is this present year 1673 bounded the brook on the west ( & the halfe lot which James Redfield bath taken on the south) ( & the halfe lot which Charls Crossthwat hath taken on the north) laid out twenty five rods in breath by James Allen & Thomas Mayhew & Runing eight score rods Easterly from the brook being twenty five Acres mor or lesse.

And halfe the sixth part of the neck by John Eddys of which; halfe the fifth lot is Joseph Doggats leying next to henery lewis his lot leying Acrosse the neck as the neck is devided to every mans lot Contained in the neck As before spoken in the order of devision of the three necks baring date february the first 1671.

And the two And thirtyth part of all undevided lands whether purchesed or that may be purchesedthis is the lands And Acomadations of Joseph doggatt [*Tisbury Records.]

This property had its north boundary at the Scotchman's Bridge road on the east side of Old Mill brook, and extended half way down to the Post Office corner. Here his house stood and there played in the front yard the two half-breed children born of the romantic union, Alice (Ellis) and Esther. He maintained his residence until sometime between 1711 and 1715, when in a deed on latter date to his grand-daughter Esther Cottle, he describes himself "of Edgartown, wheelwright." There is nothing to indicate that he ended his days on his home lot in Takemmy, where he had lived so long.

His public services were of the average kind and quantity. He was surveyor of highways, 1687; committee to divide common lands, etc., 1689, 1690, 1703, 1708; selectman, 1689, 1693, 1695; pound keeper, 1690; constable, 1697; and had other small duties at various times till 1716. When he died is not known, nor the place of his burial. Equal uncertainty exists as to his Indian wife. It is probable that he was living on March 5, 1720, when as one of the proprietors of the town he executed a deed with fourteen others to a purchase of some common lands.

Of his children, Joseph, the only known son, married and had issue, descendants of which are represented to-day in the lines shown under his family in the genealogical portion of this work in the Daggett, Huxford and Enoch Norton lines. Through these claim can be made of descent from the Vineyard Pocahontas, Alice Sessetom, the Indian bride of Joseph Daggett. Esther 3 , the second daughter, married Edward Cottle sometime between 1690 and 1698, and the first daughter, Ellis or Alice, is our ancestress.

Since this bio was written we have come across one opinion that Alice Sessaton was not the name of the Indian woman that Daggett married, however his wife, if this view is true, was a full blooded Native American with unknown name.Lineage remains the same.

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Name: Samuel LOOK
Birth: 1702 in West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, MA
Death: Jan 14, 1772 in Rochester, Plymouth County
Father: Samuel LOOK, born Mar 1682/1683 in Nantucket, Nantucket County
Mother: Alice DAGGETT

Marriage: Ruth SAVORY, born July 28, 1704
Married: 1724 in Rochester, Plymouth County, MA

Samuel LOOK, born, Sep 26, 1725 in Rochester
Adam LOOK, born Nov 22, 1726 in Rochester
Joseph LOOK, born July 13, 1729 in Rochester
John LOOK, born Jun 10, 1731 in Rochester, Plymouth
Ruth LOOK b: 10 Apr 1735 in Rochester
Rebecca LOOK b: 22 Feb 1735/1736 in Rochester
Margaret LOOK b: 27 Mar 1739, in Rochester
Alice LOOK b: 22 Jul 1742 in Rochester
Savory LOOK b: 1745 in Rochester

Samuel's mother died in 1711, when he was 9 years of age.It is assumed he grew up in the Daggett home of his grandfather, Joseph. At an early age he moved to Plymouth Co, MA where he married Ruth Savory.(History of Martha's Vineyard by Banks)

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Now we seem to have something of a mystery. Samuel Look has been listed as being born in 1725 and Savory Look in 1745. Samuel Look is listed as a Revolutionary War veteran. Do the numbers. Was Samuel 50 years old when he fought for independence, or did the records get mixed up and Samuel was born in 1745, and Savory in 1725? Samuel's marriage was in 1764, so it looks like he was the youngest son of Samuel Look the second.


Samuel LOOK

Birth: 26 Sep 1745 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,MA
Death: 1817 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma
_Note: Mass Soldiers in the War of the Revolution -- Volume 9 page 933:Look, Samuel, Rochester. Private, Capt. Earl Clap's co.,Col. Theophilus Cotton's regt.; company return dated Oct. 7, 1775.

Birth Source: IGI Film # B501281(Believe this date may be in error; should read 1745. Brothers Savory and Samuel birth dates are reversed) Had Samuel been born in 1725, he wouldhave been age 50 in the Revolutionary War. Savory Look is not listed as asoldier in the Revolution.)

Father: Samuel LOOK b: 1702 in West Tisbury,Martha's Vineyard,Ma
Mother: Ruth SAVORY b: 28 Jul 1704 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma

Marriage: Mary SHERMAN b: 9 Sep 1746 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma ·
Married: ABT 1764 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma

Thomas LOOK b: 27 Jun 1765 in Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Margaret Marcy LOOK b: 3 Sep 1770 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma

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Name: Thomas LOOK
Birth: 27 Jun 1765 in Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Death: ABT 1849 in Prattsburg, Stueben, New York, USA

Father: Samuel LOOK b: 26 Sep 1745 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma
Mother: Mary SHERMAN b: 9 Sep 1746 in Rochester,Plymouth Co,Ma

Marriage 1 Mary Elizabeth FRANKLIN b: 24 Sep 1767 in Swansea, Hampden,Massachussetts, USA·(cousin of Benjamin Franklin)
Married: 1783 in , , New York, USA

Thomas LOOK b: 1784
Sarah LOOK b: 1785
Elizabeth LOOK b: 1786 in , , New York, USA
Benjamin Franklin LOOK b: 18 Nov 1788 in Stillwater,Saratoga Co.,n.y.
Samuel LOOK b: 1792
George LOOK b: 1794
Hannah LOOK b: 1800
Sylvester LOOK b: 27 Jan 1802 in Hector,Tompkins Co.,n.y
Mary Franklin LOOK b: 17 Mar 1803 in Chatham, Columbia, New York,USA
Anna LOOK b: 1804
Enos LOOK b: 1806

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Name: Sylvester LOOK
Sex: M
Birth: 27 Jan 1802 in Hector,Tompkins Co.,n.y
Death: 20 Aug 1879 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,Ny
Burial: Prattsburg,Cem

Note: His will was written 12 Aug 1879; he died 20 Aug 1879 and administered 6 Sept 1879, Steuben Co., NY. Will names his children and grand children.They included 2 sons by his second wife and the 7 surviving children by his first wife; 2 children died young. Sylvester has two tombstones, one in Prattsburg and one in Bath, NY ... beside of each of his wives.

Father: Thomas LOOK b: 27 Jun 1765 in Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Mother: Mary Elizabeth FRANKLIN b: 24 Sep 1767 in Swansea, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA

Marriage 1
Mary Sprague BIDWELL b: 14 Oct 1805 in Whitestown,n.y. ·
Married: 24 May 1824 in New York

Elisa Ann LOOK b: 10 Apr 1825 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,Ny
Mary Jane LOOK b: 24 Feb 1827 in Hector,Tompkins Co.,n.y
Sarah LOOK b: 8 Feb 1830 in Stueben Co,n.y.
William Gardner LOOK b: 30 Aug 1831 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,Ny
George Harvey LOOK b: 18 Jun 1832 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,n.y.
Emily Bidwell LOOK b: 20 Dec 1838 in Stueben Co,n.y.
Franklin LOOK b: 28 Mar 1841 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,n.y.
Samantha LOOK b: 22 Jan 1843 in Stueben Co,n.y.
Amelia LOOK b: 26 Apr 1847 in Stueben Co,n.y.

Marriage 2
Maria F. UNKNOWN b: 1839 ·
Married: AFT 1870 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co. n.y.

Sylvester G. LOOK b: 1872 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,n.y.
Winfield S. LOOK b: 1874 /font>

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Name: William Gardner LOOK
Birth: 30 Aug 1831 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,Ny
Death: 9 Oct 1896 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,Ny
Burial: Prattsburg,Cem

Note: Civil War Veteran Look, William G.Regiment 161; NY Infantry, Company A

Father: Sylvester LOOK b: 27 Jan 1802 in Hector,Tompkins Co.,n.y
Mother: Mary Sprague BIDWELL b: 14 Oct 1805 in Whitestown,n.y.

Marriage 1
Martha Jane WHEELER b: 12 Feb 1835 in Stueben Co,n.y. ·
Married: 1856 in Stueben Co,n.y.

Mary E. LOOK b: 2 Feb 1857 in Scott Co,Ia.
Charles Sylvester LOOK b: 1860 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,n.y.
William E LOOK b: 1864 in Prattsburg,Stueben Co,n.y.
Carrie A. Look