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Dreamcast Extreme Sports Games



Welcome to the Den, todays news....
Evil Dead, Hail to King
In the last update which was last week, yes we know its bed but we just havn't had the time, anyway if you thought Resident Evil: Code veronica was scary with its scary 1 foot dogs then you have another thing coming, as you can see fron the front cover, this game is a mega horror game, packed with action, also check out the guy on the front with the big f'#@k off chainsaw, his name is Ash i wonder what he gets up to with that i wouldn't like to find out. Check out the preview next week.
Written By Danny Kerins
Commandos to be the next big hit
This army based role playing game is supposed to be the next best thing, while medaling between coomand and conquerer, red alert and Sergants Heroes, you know the title where you are a plastic figure, s@#t game which is on the DC. Any way check out for this game in weeks to come.
Dragon Riders Chronicles of pern
Dragon riders, this game has been kept well out of the way, with not many people hearing about it. But soon everyone would have heard of this game and everyone will be wanting it. The game is actually based on a novel (book), written by Anne McCaffery, the title of the book is the same of the title of the game. You can fight on the game also there are little side games, so you can brush up your skills so you can be the best around. But the most important thing that you are all wondering is whether you can play online with it and the amswer is we dont know as such yet, but check out the review next week.
Written By Danny Kerins
New Headhunter news
Sega have revealed some news that a game called Headhunter will be making its way to the Dreamcast and with a bang, saying that it will be better than Goldeneye, hmmm!. Well if it has the same multiplayer options etc, maybe it will but remember Dreamcast are capable of much more than what the N64 is capable of. So we recommend that you keep a look out for this game as we reckon that it is going to be big.
Written By Danny Kerins
Half life delayed
We all new it was coming to us, but none of us actually believed it would happen, now half life has been delayed until mid April, why we dont know all can think up is the game isn't isnt up to scratch and it needs alot of work, also we found it weird that it was supposed to be released two months ago.
Written By Danny Kerins
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Evil Twin
This game is rare, as we can geuss some of you gamers out there wont even known what this game is about, well we are her to tell you, watch out for the preview tomorow.


Evil dead
Ash revisits a lonely cabin and those words as the classic horror movie heads to dreamcast complete with Bruce Cambpell and his chainsaw...Groovy


Cheating on PSO
Not no more, sega have finally cut down on you hackers and cheaters out there, now sega are watching the servers etc, and anyone who is caught will be removed from the server, and banned for ever! Nice one sega