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The Realm of Singori.. Hidden deep within the mists of time, and reachable only to those who are chosen, the mythical Kingdom of Singori has been a topic in fireside tales and children's stories for as long as memory can recall. Some speak of the endless bounty of the world itself in which the High Seat is built, some of the exotic races and rare creatures, and some even of the fair castles and stalwart fortresses. But most of all, stories record Singori as being home to some of the most powerful and unique races to ever traverse the dimensions of existence.. Dare ye to travel with them?

Time flows quickly for some, and slower than a snails pace for others, but it waits for nothing. After an age of rest, sealed off from all realms and dimensions, now the seals have been shattered and the guardians have awakened once more. Legend soars through the cerulean skies and myth stalks the night, while the blue and gold banners of Singori flap eternally upon the winds of time..

Enter ye now into the home of undying Honor.. Enter ye now into Singori, a world in which magic is a way of life, common men can rise to greatness, and from time to time, those who strive to rise above the fate of the common can become godly in their might..

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