Original Sega Genesis Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Shining Force 2 NOTE: If you are using these codes with a real Game Genie (on a real Genesis), you will probably not be able to save your game (this is because of the Game Genie, not because of the codes), but if you are playing on an emulator, you should have no problems saving your game. *** NEW CODES *** ABKA-AA8L Can move anywhere on the screen during battle. You can even walk thru walls and attack enemies while standing inside of a wall. RGHT-A6XY + RGGT-A6YA Can equip ANY weapon on ANY character. CBEA-EA8Y Can cast magic spells, even if you don't have enough MP. 2GMT-B8R8 + 30MT-AA9A + CBEA-EA8Y All characters that join your party (including Bowie) will have learned and can use AURA 4, ATLAS 2, and BOLT 4 spells, as well as any spell they normally start with. Note that some characters will also have a "HIGINS" spell, which I believe is just a glitch spell (doesn't appear to do anything). Codes MUST be entered at the start of a new game. You can modify the first 2 codes to include any spells you want. RFKA-A60W Press B to walk thru buildings, mountains, etc. Works anytime except during battles. RGPT-A60L Battle cheat is always available. When you get close enough to attack an enemy, choose the attack or magic option. When the enemy is highlighted, hold down START and press C. A small box will appear in the upper right hand corner. You can change the number in this box by pressing LEFT or RIGHT. Select the number you want and press C. 00 = Attack any enemy/character (128 = Boss) 01 = Cast any spell on any enemy/character 02 = Use any item on any enemy/character 03 = Not sure (seems to give you exp without attacking) 04 = Makes character explode (damages anyone nearby) 05 = Gives a funny message 06 = Prism Laser For more details about what the numbers do, look here under Battle Options: http://sf2.shiningforcecentral.com/pages/secrets_codes.html BAAT-EA3W Can buy anything in the shops, even if you don't have any money. Note that the cost of the item will still be subtracted from your total if you have enough, but even if you don't have any money, you can still buy it. JTEA-F852 Can buy the Counter Sword, as well as most of the weapons in the game from the Weapon Shop in Granseal (where you start the game). You can easily modify this code to get any weapon or item you want (just change the first 2 digits of the code). Examples: NTEA-F852 = Mystery Staff, GYEA-F852 = Hyper Cannon. Only use one code at a time for the Weapon Shop. Note that almost every weapon in the game is available no matter which one of the codes you use. AAET-F828 You can buy nearly every item in the game from the Item Shop in Granseal (where you start the game). This includes all the rings and gloves, Fairy Tear, Healing Rain and Water, etc. You can easily modify this code to get any thing else you want (just change the first 2 digits of the code). Old Codes.... 2F1A-CTPR When you use the Medical Herb, it will restore ALL HP to ALL CHARACTERS in your party!! 2F1A-CTP8 When you use the Healing Seed, it will restore ALL HP to ALL CHARACTERS in your party!! 2F1A-CTRR When you use the Healing Drop, it will restore ALL HP to ALL CHARACTERS in your party!! ------------------------------------------------------ FK1A-CTR8 When you use the Antidote, it will restore ALL MP (Magic Points) to ALL CHARACTERS in your party!! (instead of curing poison.) FK1A-CTS8 When you use the Fairy Powder, it will restore ALL MP (Magic Points) to ALL CHARACTERS in your party!! (instead of curing poison and sleep.)