Original SNES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Mortal Kombat A3CA-4D6D The Computer opponent (CPU) has to win an infinite number of rounds to win the match, but you only have to win 2. In other words, no matter how many rounds you lose, the CPU will never win the match, but all you have to do is win 2 rounds to win the match. 33B6-C4D7 You skip over every other opponent on the "Battle Plan". E2BE-3FA4 Player 1 and CPU start with more energy. NOTE: The following codes have only been tested on an emulator... DFBE-3FA4 First person that gets hit loses. I've only tested this code in a 1 player game (against the CPU). DD62-3464 Lets you start fighting before it says "Fight".