Original Sega Genesis Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ To save time and space, I've put lots of codes I made for several different games into one file. Here's a list of Genesis/MD games included in this file... -The Addams Family -Addams Family Values (E) -Alien 3 -Chuck Rock (US) (E) -Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck (E) -ESWAT - City Under Siege -Fantastic Dizzy (jump codes) -General Chaos -Generations Lost -Langrisser II (Warsong II) -Out of this World -Side Pocket -Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers ==================================================== GAME GENIE CODES: ==================================================== -The Addams Family RH1A-R61Y Jump in mid-air (multi-jump) SH1A-SCX6 Jump higher B2AA-TA8C Kill enemies that walk/move on the ground just by touching them (you normally have to jump on them to kill them) ==================================================== -Addams Family Values (E) ABSV-TA4J Walk thru walls, bushes, etc. Also protects you from spikes. ABXV-TA66 Invincibility. Does not protect you from spikes. Needs to be turned off to pick up items dropped by enemies. DJHB-1RX4 + ATDA-AA78 Level select. Use the Sound Test number in the Option menu to select the level, then press A (you should hear the sound effect), then Exit and start the game. Make sure you turn the code off as soon as the level starts or the game may glitch when you press A. There doesn't seem to be any levels past number 17. AL8B-TA88 + AMBV-TA6E + AL7B-TA42 Always have all items. This includes: Keys, cookies, potions, weapons, etc. Even gives you items you normally can't get (Portal Potion & Black Egg). ACXB-TA6A 1 hit kills enemies. Also works on bosses. BTDA-AAGN Start a new game with twice as many skulls (6 skulls/2x energy). DTDA-AAGN Start a new game with all 14 skulls (full energy). Password (use this at the Password screen): BBSVB3X7YVF YJKSRS7JKSR Start with all 14 skulls (max energy). You will start near Cousin It (Eastern Swamps). ==================================================== Alien 3 AJTT-CA4Y Aliens move slower. May not work in some areas (ladders, etc). Also causes your ammo to move slower. AJTT-CA46 Aliens don't move. Important: This code also causes your weapon ammo to work incorrectly (rockets, flame thrower, etc won't move). You can easily kill aliens by walking up to them as close as possible and firing a rocket or grenade. ==================================================== -Chuck Rock (US) (E) These codes work on both versions (USA and European) AL4A-AA76 Hit enemies from anywhere with your belly (B button). RG5A-A6TL Hit enemies from anywhere when you throw a rock (large rocks only). 8MDA-B97G Jump higher. Can be combined with the moon jump code to jump much higher. This code can be turned on or off at any time. AC9A-AALT Jump higher (moon jump). This code will make you move slower when jumping. Code must be turned on before you start the game (at the title screen). Can be combined with the regular jump code to jump much higher. AR9A-AAC2 + ASDT-AADR Walk faster (when you're not carrying a rock). AL9T-AAE8 Walk normal speed when you're carrying a large rock (you won't slow down). AR9T-AAE8 Walk faster when you're carrying a large rock. ADYA-AADN Rocks don't sink in lava/mud/tar, but will disappear after 20 seconds. ADYA-AADN + AMXT-AA4A Rocks don't sink in lava/mud/tar. Disappears only if it goes off screen. ==================================================== -Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck (E) These codes are for the European Mega Drive version. *** NEW CODES *** RGLT-E6VA Hit enemies from anywhere (as long as they are anywhere in front of or behind you). Does not work when they are very far above or below you. RGLT-E6VN Hit enemies from anywhere (when they are below you). Old Codes... CLMA-EA4A Invincibility (non flashing). Can walk thru enemies. Spikes and lava still hurt you. RFLT-E6W6 Invincibility (flashing). Can walk thru enemies. Spikes and lava don't hurt you. 9BTA-F95L Jump higher. At the very beginning of the game, there are some telephone lines and platforms above them. Don't jump up on these until AFTER the gigantic enemy has run by or else you may get stuck. 83TA-F95L Jump much higher. At the very beginning of the game, there are some telephone lines and platforms above them. Don't jump up on these until AFTER the gigantic enemy has run by or else you may get stuck. BEVT-EAB8 Start with 9 lives. ALVT-EA2A Infinite lives. Doesn't work on the 2nd snow level (with the moose). ALVA-EA20 Infinite lives on 2nd snow level (with the moose). ALRT-EABC Start on "Dippy the Dinosaur" level. ARRT-EABC Start on "Butterfly Grove" level. AWRT-EABC Start on "Lively Lava" level. A0RT-EABC Start on "The Fruit Mountain" level. A4RT-EABC Start on "In the Smelly Sewers" level. A8RT-EABC Start on "The Apple Tree" level. BCRT-EABC Start on "The River Race" level. BGRT-EABC Start on "Statue Carving" level. ==================================================== -ESWAT - City Under Siege *** NEW CODES *** CABT-AA34 Master code (improved). Gets rid of the blank/red screen when using codes, and makes the game load faster. 86GT-B98R Jump higher. Can use with "Slow moon descent" code. 8TGT-B98R Jump much higher. Can use with "Slow moon descent" code. AESA-AAAY + AESA-AAAN Slow moon descent when jumping or falling. Can use with jump codes. RYSA-A6YW Don't fall when you walk off ledges ("Walk on air"). Press Jump to drop down. A69A-GAAA Can select up to 15 lives in the Option screen (the "?" equals 15 lives). ??0T-AAD0 Music modifier code. Replace ?? with: AB = disables music, BK = different music, B3 = different music, etc. I'm sure there are many more. Old Codes.... A2YA-AA3A Infinite uses of FIRE. Also, all weapons code, selecting the slot gives it to you. ==================================================== -Fantastic Dizzy AALT-B6C4 High jump. AALT-A8C4 Super high jump. AKAA-AA4R Infinite lives. ==================================================== -General Chaos RH8T-86VA Master code. NW5T-3WBR Blue team has infinite health in battle. Does not work on 2 man team. SDFA-3WC8 + SDFA-3WDE 2 man blue team has infinite health in battle. AL5T-2AFC Red team starts with almost no health in battles. Note: If a red team member uses a medic, that member will come back with full health restored. You can solve that problem by using this code from below: ACVT-2AG6. AT4T-4A32 Infinite medics for blue team. ACVT-2AG6 When the red team uses a medic on one of it's team members, that member will die. Don't use with AAPA-AAA8 code below. AAPA-AAA8 The red team starts with no medics. 9TET-CAEG The blue team has almost infinite health in close combat. AEET-CAEA It only takes 1 hit to defeat the red team in close combat. ==================================================== -Generations Lost RHAA-A6T0 Walk across any opening without falling ("walk on air"). Press Jump to drop back down. Note that you will also drop back down if you are hit by an enemy. BC2T-AA4J + RG3A-A6X2 The "ERAD" (Energy Radiator) will work on ANY surface when used to pull you up. Normally when you press and hold UP + A and there is a specific type of branch right above you, a beam will shoot up and pull you up. This code lets it work on any type of surface (rocks, trees, etc). Even works if a surface is out of sight (above you). Very useful. ALYT-AA24 Weapon meter is always full. RF2A-A6VY Activates "debugger". During game play, hold down the Start button for one full second to enter pause menu. You'll see your co-ordinates in the upper left corner. Not sure what else it activates. Let me know if you find anything else. Note on playing this game: If you get stuck at the beginning of the game where you can't jump high enough to move on in the level, just press and hold 'UP' and 'A'. Your weapon will act as a "rope" to pull you up. Use the code above to make it work on any surface. NEW PASSWORDS: I found these passwords in the ROM. I couldn't find them anywhere on the internet, so I'm pretty sure they're previously unknown. Enter these at the password screen... PURE (new password level) AAAC (activates debugger in pause menu, shows co-ordinates in upper left corner) HOPE (view game ending). ==================================================== -Langrisser II (Warsong II) CLAT-AA4G Master Code (use this if you get a blank/red screen). Note: This is an improved master code, which means it will make the game load much faster on start-up. Has only been tested on "REV02". *** NEW CODES *** AMMT-AA7E + R18T-A6X4 Allows you to control enemy units during battle (for ver 1.2/REV02). Also works on the Jon Najar English Translated version: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1314/. Old Codes... AMRA-AA8Y Move anywhere on the map during battles (for ver 1.2/REV02). AKEA-CA6N When you get a level-up, you'll level-up all the way to level 10, and you'll get to make a class change. This code has only been tested on "REV02". Old Codes (these codes do not work on REV02)... AJYT-EA3L Don't get charged when you buy troops. AK5A-EA7A Don't get charged when you buy items (knife, etc). =========================================================== -Out of this World AV1T-M96C When you fire a super shot with your pistol (hold down the shoot button for 4 seconds), it only uses 1 part of your ammo (instead of 100). This lets you shoot a few hundred super shots instead of only a few. 971A-M992 When you use your pistol shield (hold down the shoot button for 2 seconds), it only uses 1 part of your ammo (instead of 10). KVBA-JADG + 0VCA-K92L Jump twice as far when standing still. Only works on level 1. Makes it easier to jump over creatures. 53BA-JADG + EKCA-K92L Jump the entire length of the screen when standing still. Only works on level 1. Makes it much easier to jump over creatures. A5AA-L4T4 + A49A-MHSN Jump twice as far (when standing still). Only works on level 2. A5AA-M7T4 + A49A-LESN Jump the entire length of the screen (when standing still). Only works on level 2. Can jump right past the guards. ATMT-AA8Y Most enemies are gone, and you can walk thru/over most walls or obstacles. Code is for fun and exploring only (can cause problems). On level 1, you'll need to shut the code off right before you encounter the Black Tiger. =========================================================== -Side Pocket CTCT-AA9C Master code (use this code if you get a blank/red screen when you use the codes below). *** NEW CODES *** JCKT-CAB2 Can make more powerful shots (power meter goes up higher). HV6A-B2CW + D36A-AACY + RF6A-A6W0 "3 in 1" code. You'll start each stage with 6000 points, each shot will be worth 3000 points even if you miss, and you'll also have infinite shots. Must use all 3 codes. HE2A-BJW2 Only have to knock in half as many balls to finish the stage. HE2A-BTW2 Only have to knock 1/4th as many balls to finish the stage. AEAA-JGAA Stage 1 (Los Angeles) only has 2 balls. AEAA-JGBN Stage 2 (Las Vegas) only has 2 balls. AAAA-J09N Las Vegas bonus shot is MUCH easier (straight in). AAAA-JHS2 San Francisco bonus shot is MUCH easier (straight in). AABA-JW60 San Francisco Challenge Shot is MUCH easier. Just hit the blue ball straight in. AABT-J2V8 + AEBT-JEB4 New York Challenge Shot is MUCH easier (straight in). AEBA-JEAY Atlantic City Challenge Shot is MUCH easier (just hit the yellow ball in). Old Codes.... A35T-AA3R You will go to the next level even if you don't score enough points. Doesn't work on the "Let's Challenge" stages, and doesn't work if you use up all your shots (although there is an "infinite shots" code for that). This code may not work on later stages. Use the "3 in 1" code above instead. HF6A-BEVR Infinite shots (1 player game only). ================================================== -Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers 8J1T-B98L Jump higher. 721T-B98L Jump much higher. If the codes above don't work, you may have a different version. Try these: 8J1T-B99C Jump higher. 721T-B99C Jump much higher. ==================================================