Original Sega Genesis Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) To save time and space, I've put lots of codes I made for several different games into one file. Here's a list of Genesis games included in this file... -Bugs Bunny in: Double Trouble -Crusader of Centy -Dune: The Battle for Arrakis -Granada -Haunting Starring Polterguy -James Pond 3: Operation Starfish -King Salmon -M-1 Abrams Battle Tank -Master of Monsters -Streets of Rage 2 (JE) -Theme Park -Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics -Warrior of Rome II ===================================================== Here are the Game Genie codes.... NOTE: If you get a blank (or red) screen with any of these codes, try leaving the codes OFF until you see the SEGA screen (usually about 3 seconds after you press the Start button (or reset the emulator)). As soon as you see the SEGA screen, turn the codes ON. If a game has a master code, using it will bypass this problem. ===================================================== Bugs Bunny in: Double Trouble BHRA-EAGC Start a new game with 9 lives (medium difficulty only). CXRA-EAGC Start a new game with 20 lives (medium difficulty only). ADTT-AAF4 + ACFT-EAEN + ACGA-EABJ + ACGA-EAHT Infinite energy. You can still die if Elmer gets you. AWPT-EA2W Invincibility. You can still die if Elmer gets you. If the invincibility code doesn't work later on in the game, try adding this code: AXVT-AA4Y. ===================================================== Crusader of Centy ATBT-AA4R Master Code. 9LKA-CAAN Start a new game with $250 malin (instead of $0). VCKA-DGAN Start a new game with $5000 malin (instead of $0). AVZT-AA3A Always have $9999 malin (gold). AKZT-AA5A Protection from most attacks. SD3A-FAY6 When you buy the "Apple of Life" (it normally increases your max HP by 1) from the mermaid in Soleil, your max HP will increase by 8 (instead of only 1). May work in other areas as well. SD3A-FAY6 + SBCT-FA1C Anytime you get an "Apple of Life" (it normally increases your max HP by 1), it will increase your max HP by 8 (instead of only 1). Should work in all areas. ===================================================== Dune: The Battle for Arrakis BJYT-AA4A Master code (improved). Only needed if you get a blank screen when using the codes. Also makes the game load faster. Probably not needed on real hardware. *** NEW CODES *** RFZT-J61N All your troops and vehicles are invincible. Only applies to you, so you can still kill enemy troops and vehicles. RH6T-A6TC All your buildings are invincible. Only applies to you, so you can still destroy enemy buildings. Old Codes.... RF5A-A6ZA + RF4T-A6WT Can always see the entire map. Just scroll the screen in any direction and you'll be able to see everything. AK8T-EA7Y + B5YA-AA5C Can place your new buildings anywhere on the map. For example, you can place a vehicle or troop factory right next to the enemy base, put a refinery out in the sand dunes, etc. GKPT-JACA Harvester only has to collect half as much spice before it returns with a full load. This means the harvester will return twice as fast and you will be given credit for a full load of spice, even though you only collected half a load. May also affect enemy harvesters. DFPT-JACA Harvester only has to collect 1/4 as much spice before it returns with a full load. This means the harvester will return 4 times faster and you will be given credit for a full load of spice, even though you only collected 1/4. May also affect enemy harvesters. AC4A-NAFT Refinery doesn't use any energy. HC3T-P958 Windtrap produces twice as much energy. BW3T-P758 Windtrap produces 5x as much energy. 4C4A-NRFR Refinery holds 2000 units (instead of 1005). May work on silos as well. May also affect enemy refineries. YC4A-N8FR Refinery holds 4000 units (instead of 1005). May work on silos as well. May also affect enemy refineries. ACZA-BA2T All vehicles and troops take no damage. Can be turned on or off at any time. Also affects enemies, so use with caution. Can be very useful. AK0A-JA34 1 hit destroys any vehicles, troops, or sand worms. Can be turned on or off at any time. Also affects enemies, so use with caution. AM6T-AA24 All buildings take no damage. Can be turned on or off at any time. Also affects enemies, so use with caution. AM6T-AA3C 1 hit destroys any building. Usually, several buildings will be destroyed with 1 hit. Can be turned on or off at any time. Also affects enemies, so use with caution. AMAA-NAH0 The blue trikes (Atreides) move very slowly. KSAA-NAH0 The blue trikes (Atreides) move faster than normal. NXAT-NAAJ The blue trikes (Atreides) do 100 damage per shot (instead of 8). 4DAT-NRAJ The blue trikes (Atreides) do 2000 damage per shot (instead of 8). You can destroy any vehicle or building in the game with 1 shot. 3DAA-NAGE The blue trikes (Atreides) can take twice as much damage before they are destroyed. JDAA-NNGE The blue trikes (Atreides) can take 10x as much damage before they are destroyed. ADAA-NAGL The blue trikes (Atreides) cost nothing to build. K5AT-NAAG The blue trikes (Atreides) can attack any target from anywhere on the map, no matter how far away it is. This means you can attack enemy bases from the safety of your own base. 7Z2A-LGAA Automatically win mission 1 (Atreides House only). BB2T-LRFC Start mission 2 with 1800 credits (Atreides House only). MK2T-LYFC Start mission 2 with 2650 credits (Atreides House only). ===================================================== Granada NOTE: These codes are for REV 01 (they haven't been tested on REV 00). *** NEW CODES *** ALRT-AA9J + DLRT-AA30 Can shoot thru walls, buildings, etc with your tank's Normal Shot (A button). AB2A-AA7C + AB2T-AA68 + AK5T-AA5Y Can drive your tank thru walls and buildings. An "Infinite Shield" code is included in the 3 codes (AK5T-AA5Y). Include the "Shoot thru walls" code if you want to be able to shoot at enemies while inside walls and buildings. Old Codes.... ATBT-AA4C Master code. AK5T-AA5Y Infinite shield. AKLT-AA72 Infinite time. AKYT-AA3J Infinite lives. SCWT-BLW8 For each target that you destroy, 2 points will be subtracted from the target total (in top right corner). This code may cause you to skip the boss, but you'll still move on to the next level. Only works on the first level. SCWT-BCW8 For each target that you destroy, 8 points will be subtracted from the target total (in top right corner). This code may cause you to skip the boss, but you'll still move on to the next level. Only works on the first level. ===================================================== Haunting Starring Polterguy RH2B-86T2 Master Code. *** NEW CODES *** 9V9A-DCC6 + 579A-CAC8 + B39A-C9MA Always have all spells, and infinite use of them. Update: Code seems to make it so that you auto-complete the dungeon area with your ecto replenished. Thanks to GelmiR for the info. RG2T-A61W Have infinite use of all spells, even if they're greyed out. NOTE: You must keep at least one "high-lighted" spell in your spell menu. If you use all your "high- lighted" spells, the game will think you don't have any spells left and you won't have access to the spell menu until you pickup another spell. MF6A-AABT Start a new game with all 5 spells. BECA-7732 Spells (letters) stay longer before they disappear (5 seconds instead of 2 seconds). Spells are dropped as letters in the dungeons and disappear pretty quickly. Old Codes... SD3A-AND6 + EM3A-A9NA Infinite ecto. Also increases your score. Doesn't work in dungeons. Causes the ecto meter be be glitched, but doesn't appear to hurt game play. If you want, you can turn the codes on to refill your ecto, then turn the codes off (this allows the ecto meter to work normally). ==================================================== James Pond 3: Operation Starfish RHRB-8606 Master code. A63A-137R Invincibility. I've only tested it on a new game, so I don't know if it will work on a password game. SCWA-1TWC Each moon you collect is worth 4 (instead of only 1). Has only been tested on a new game (not password game). SCWA-1AWC Each moon you collect is worth 8 (instead of only 1). Has only been tested on a new game (not password game). ==================================================== King Salmon AWKA-CA3L Stops the clock. AWRA-AA2E Don't get damaged when you hit other boats (new game). AXFA-AA94 Don't get damaged when you hit other boats (password game). PAR codes..... FFC3F3:00 + FFC3F4:00 + FFC3FC:00 Once you hook a fish, you will instantly catch it. ==================================================== M-1 Abrams Battle Tank ALCA-AN6Y Invincibility and infinite ammo. SDFT-BLT8 Ammo reloads twice as fast. SDFT-BWT8 Ammo reloads instantly (Don't use with AX rounds). ==================================================== Master of Monsters AT2A-AA2W Infinite turns. A3BT-AA96 Infinite magic (MP). ==================================================== Streets of Rage 2 (JE) L3MT-AA7W Regional lockout bypass code. This code lets you play the "JE" version on a US Genesis console. NM6T-AAGY Choose up to 99 players on the option screen. BB9A-BA60 Start on level 5. AABT-AA4J Master code. If you get a red/blank screen when you use any of the codes above, using this code will get rid of it. You may or may not need to use the master code on a real console. NOTE: These codes might also work on Bare Knuckle 2.(?) ==================================================== Theme Park NOTE: The codes below are only for the "Easy" level setting. RGPB-86X6 Master Code. A2BA-RAF4 Start a new game with $396,000 (instead of $200,000). KYBA-RAF4 Start a new game with about $5,000,000. 6YBA-RAF4 Start a new game with about $15,000,000. ==================================================== Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics NOTE: These codes have only been tested on the 1994 ver. The codes are for player 1. *** NEW CODES *** JDZA-YNHL Jump higher. RHMT-Y6X0 Infinite footballs. May also work on other items. Old Codes... 9S2T-YAFA Start each life with much more energy (you'll get the extra energy as soon as you get your first fish). AMDT-YA3W Infinite time (may need to switch off). AMAA-YA66 Keep your fish if you die. PAR codes....... FFCD41:39 Invincible (once you're hit). ==================================================== Warrior of Rome II NOTE: The codes below have only been tested on a 1 player game. The codes below will not work on a saved game (only on new games). Also, the codes only work on the first level. BL7T-CLET First 4 enemies start a new game with zero energy. 987T-D92J First 4 fighters start a new game with max energy ("Very Easy" game setting only, or "Campaign Mode"). 987T-D920 First 4 fighters start a new game with max energy ("Normal" game setting only).