Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Final Fantasy VYUOKITE This code lets you choose from over 250 different characters when you start a new game!!! (instead of only 6.) In addition to the 6 normal characters, you can also choose any of the 6 transformed characters: Knight, Ninja, Master, Red Wizard, White Wizard, or Black Wizard!! Or, there are about 242 other new characters you can pick from that normally aren't available in the game without the use of a Game Genie!! NOTES: Some of the new characters created by this code will have MEGA starting stats, some will have normal stats, and some will have all stats set to zero, you'll have to experiment to find the best ones. I've made a short list of some of the starting stats (below). Some of the characters graphics may look a little strange, but it won't affect the game. IMPORTANT: If you choose any of the 6 transformed characters (Knight, Ninja, Master, Red Wizard, White Wizard, or Black Wizard), you will also have to use at least one of the codes below for the character you want. If you don't use the codes below (which sets their HP to 255) for the transformed characters you want, then they will die the first time they battle because their HP will be zero. All of the transformed characters (listed above) will have all of their stats set at zero unless you use the codes below. The 255 HP code is the only one you must use, the rest are up to you. Below the codes is a partial list of characters that start with MEGA stats without using any extra codes. NNXLPAAE The KNIGHT starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the Knight as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOXLYAAA The KNIGHT starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOXUPAAA The KNIGHT starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NNULPAAE The NINJA starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the Ninja as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOULYAAA The NINJA starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOUUPAAA The NINJA starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NNKLPAAE The MASTER starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the Master as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOKLYAAA The MASTER starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOKUPAAA The MASTER starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NNSLPAAE The RED WIZARD starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the Red Wizard as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOSLYAAA The RED WIZARD starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOSUPAAA The RED WIZARD starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NNVLPAAE The WHITE WIZARD starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the White Wizard as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOVLYAAA The WHITE WIZARD starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VOVUPAAA The WHITE WIZARD starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NNNLPAAE The BLACK WIZARD starts with 255 HP (instead of 0). This must be used if you pick the Black Wizard as a starting character. Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VONLYAAA The BLACK WIZARD starts with 150 Damage (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). VONUPAAA The BLACK WIZARD starts with 150 Evade (instead of 0). Must be used with VYUOKITE (see above). NOTE: If you know a little about making Game Genie codes, then it should be fairly easy to make codes for the rest of the stats (Str, Agil, Int, etc). ------------------------------------------------------ Below is a partial list of brand-new characters that start with MEGA stats (when using the VYUOKITE code from above): -HP Wizard: HP 71, STR 85, Evade 93%, etc... -Wizard: HP 55, STR A2, Damage 128, Hit% 134, etc... -ST Wizard: HP 130, STR D3, Hit% 73, Evade 133%, etc... -PO Wizard #1: HP 137, STR E4, Hit% 133, Evade 139% etc NOTE: Numbers from above like A2, E4, and D3 mean that the number is over 99 (similar to hex but I don't think they're quite the same). I can also make codes that will change any of the starting stats for the new characters listed above (HP Wizard, Wizard, ST Wizard, PO Wizard, etc), but the codes would have one interesting side effect... they would also change which items you get in certain treasure chests. For example, this code: NZELPPYK would give the HP Wizard 175 HP (instead of 71), but it would also change what you get in the treasure chest (the left-most one in Castle Coneria) from Iron Armour to 65,000 gold instead. Not a bad side effect I guess. Since I figured this out by looking at the ROM, it is only theoretical (in other words, I haven't actually tried it), but it should work. Keep in mind that there are 254 different characters available when using the VYUOKITE code, and I've only tested a small number of the new characters. This code seems to have lots of interesting possibilities. Also, I haven't played the game very far through with any of the transformed characters, so I don't know what will happen later on in the game when they are supposed to do a class-change (tranformation). Since they are already transformed, it will be interesting to see what happens. One last little note: If you choose the last "ANOE" (there are a few different ones) as your lead character, he will look just like a pirate when you walk around.:-) If this whole thing seems kinda confusing, then just enter the code: VYUOKITE and start playing a new game. When you go to pick your first character, just keep pressing the directional pad (or arrow keys) and you'll see all of the new characters (254 of 'em!).