Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com Dragon Warrior 2 AAEZTEGL Club is free (instead of $60) AAEZAEEG Magic Knife is free (instead of $200) AAEXZAVA + AAEXLAPA Chain Sickle is free (instead of $390) AAXXAAET + AAXXPAPA Chain Mail is free (instead of $480) AAUZGEZI Leather Shield is free (instead $90) AAEZZAKG + AAEZLEPA Wizard's Wand is free (instead of $2500) AAOZAEKI + AAOZPAIA Broad Sword is free (instead of $1500) AAOZYEYP Dragon Killer costs $64 (instead of $8000) AAOZYEYP + AAOZTAAG Dragon Killer is free (instead of $8000) AANZZEAA Antidote Herb is free (instead of $8) AANZGEYA Medical Herb is free (instead of $15) AAVZGEAZ Fairy Water is free (instead of $40) AAVZTAAI Wing of the Wyvern is free (instead of $80) AASXIAZA Dragon's Bane costs $128 (instead of $640) AASXIAZA + AASXGAEA Dragon's Bane is free (instead of $640)