Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ Destiny of an Emperor 2 AESYUTPA The ULTIMATE code!! Here's a list of what it does... You get MEGA experience and gold after battle! I used this code with a new game, and after my first battle, I received 2374 exp, and $128,757 gold! (The game may pause for about 10 seconds after battle because it is trying to add up all of your exp and gold). I also had several level-ups, and learned 28 tactics after just one battle! Another thing this code does is it lets you get LOTS of money back when you buy things in shops. I bought a sword for $100 and my gold increased from $114,109 to $139,872. Please note that I've only had time to test this code for about an hours worth of game play, so there may be some side effects that I don't know about yet.