Original Sega Genesis Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) -Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun ***NEW CODES*** AK0A-AA5T Walk thru walls. Also lets you walk over water. RF8A-A60G Any character can equip any weapon. ADHT-BJX8 Can buy the +3 Sword instead of the Staff in the Castle Weapon Shop. You can easily modify this code to get any weapon you want. ADHT-AYYG Can buy the +2 Dagger instead of the Dagger in the Castle Weapon Shop. You can easily modify this code to get any weapon you want. ADHT-AE6R Can buy the +3 Spear instead of the Spear in the Castle Weapon Shop. You can easily modify this code to get any weapon you want. ADHT-AN70 Can buy the +3 War Hammer instead of the Sling in the Castle Weapon Shop. You can easily modify this code to get any weapon you want. RGWA-A6X8 + RGVT-A61E + ALWA-AA7C Enables part of the debugger menu. Pause the game and select Options/Special. You can choose from: Music Menu, Create Enemies, or Boost Gold. RGWA-A6X8 + RGVT-A61E + ALWA-AA7C + RGSA-A6ZL + ALVT-AA5L Enables all of the debugger menu. Pause the game and select Options/Special. You can choose from: Music Menu, Create Enemies, Boost Gold, Coords, Boost Players, Game Level, or Collision. PAR Codes: (PAR codes have only been tested with Gens): FFA94C:007F Enables part of the debugger menu. Pause the game and select Options/Special. You can choose from: Music Menu, Create Enemies, or Boost Gold. FFA94C:007F + FFA94E:0055 Enables all of the debugger menu. Pause the game and select Options/Special. You can choose from: Music Menu, Create Enemies, Boost Gold, Coords, Boost Players, Game Level, or Collision. Old Codes... HBGT-CA28 Infinite abilities and spells that have been scribed/learned. B3GT-CA4J Infinite spells. Works on spells that are still on scrolls, providing the ability to use them an infinite number of times even if the character is too low of level or the wrong class to learn them (i.e. an Elf using Magic User exclusive spells). However, the infinite usage only lasts as long as the scroll is equipped in the A or B slot. Once it's switched out, it has to be repurchased. AXCA-AA5R Don't get charged in shops.