NAB Tactics

Here I will explain the tactics of Nerf Arena Blast. This will be long, so get comfy!


In NAB you need all of these things:



It helps to know the map that you are playing on


knowlage of guns

I will try to explain each one of these the best that I can. After that I will cover some more advanced things.


Aiming is probably the most important thing in any shooting game. Everything from a Sniper to a Mercenary needs to have decent aim. Without it, you would always miss, and never frag anyone. There are two simple ways to improve your aim in NAB. They are playing one player bot match, and shooting targets. I highly suggest playing bots for aim, because the bots move around, and create a more life-like opponant. When you feel confident, try multiplayer. Players will jump, run, strattle, and be shooting at you, all at the same time! I think that the bots just shoot, and strattle. So of corse you try to shoot the other person. You try to put your crosshairs as close to the opponets body as you can, and then you fire! Who cares if when you fire if your crosshairs are not directly on the person, take a chance! Who knows, they might just be running and run into your bullets! And the brings me to aiming ahead of the person. Aim ahead of the person if they are running, because in NAB, the darts take some time to get to their target. The only time you should always aim right at the person is if you have the hyperstrike, then you should aim right for them. One tip for the Triple Strike: If you are running behind an enemy and they do not know it, and if you have the TS, shoot them directly in the back. But if you are not doing that, like if you are going in a circle shooting at each other, then try shooting at their feet. The TS missils will explode and then the enemy will zoom into the air. This takes a lot of practice.


Movement is very important. Not as important as aim, but still useful. You never want to be standing still. It is much harder to hit a moving target than a standing target. Therefore; MOVE A LOT! For example; if you are standing, waiting for someone to come by, chances are they might see you first and kill you instead. Or you might miss the first shot, and then they know that you are there, and then they kill you. Always try to move as much as possible. Jump, strafe, and run all around the enemy, so he/she cannot get a good shot.


Knowing the map you are on does help! I suggest creating your own server, and set the player limit to 1 on a map to get used to it, and learn where all the guns, powerup etc. are. On newly made maps that people made, just play on them, and try your best!


Being agressive can be the difference of 5000 points for you in a game. If you are timid, you run away when ever someone comes by because you are scared that you will die. Its not a good idea to run away from a fight, but its also not a good idea to run right into one. The only time I ever will try to avoid a fight, is if I have low health. What I love to do, is go towards two other people that are fighting, and shoot at them. That way, they have low health from fighting each other, and you can get an easy kill, without taking much damage yourself. Always follow someone if you are winning a fight. If they are just running to get out of there, chances are that they will not turn around to see if you are following. They will run for their life! Just wait until you have a good shot, or sometime before they get to a power suit.

Dodging Darts

Quote from the Matrix. "Dodge this!" BANG! Thud (agent falls to the ground)

This dodging darts is somewhat hard. I would say the easiest way to dodge dars is by strafing. That means running side to side. You can do this my pressing "D", "A", left arrow key, right arrow key. That should make them miss. Another way is jumping. Never forget to jump in a battle. If you don't they can do the foot thing with the TS. Basically, my point is DON'T GET HIT!


Yes, it does help to know what each gun can do and so on. Luckly I do not have to do this, because for one, you can see for yourself, and two, you can click here for each blasters. When you get there, just click Blasters on the side panel. Select a Blaster, and read.

Advanced Tactics

There is not going to be much here, just because I explained a lot in Basics.


Yes, this might sound stupid, but it works. Just annoy someone, so they consentrate on that, unstead of the game.


Being in a clan is very fun. You get to play on a team, unstead of a loner. Try to join a clan, they will usually take you!

Gun Selection

As you have probably found out when playing online, is that most people use the Tripple Strike, but is it the best choice? Most people seem to think so, but here I will list some of the ups and downs of each guns, especally the Scatter Shot, which in my opinion, is much, much better than any TS.

Secret Shot This desperation pistol can be quite useful, if used in the right way. This is a great gun to shoot heads with, and to tag targets with. Never runs out of ammo, but make sure to be moving while firing this, or you are dead. The ALT shot on this gun is nothing specail.
Ballzooka This is another last resort gun, better at longer ranges, or to shoot people around corners. ALT fire is very cool, all that you have to do is hit the person, and they are stuck there! This can be used for offensive, or defensive tactics. A big hail of goop from the ballzooka could leave an ememy stuck, with enough time for you to run away, and collect health, or shoot the player!
Wildfire Great gun for clearing spaces quickly. Both modes are great. What else is there to say?
Scatter ShotThe Scatter Shot is the shotgun of NAB. It shoots many pellats that do an immense amount of damage if they come in contact with an enemy. Try to aim directly at the person because the SS doesn't have much splash damage. This shouldn't be too hard because when you shoot the SS, the pellats hit very quickly. Aim for the head, if you hit it you will receive more points. Use the secondary fire to literally blow up the enemy. This gun's potential is highly overlooked in NAB.
Nerf CannonExcelent for medium spaces. Make sure that you aim up before using this gun though. Watch out for the bouncers too.
Pulsator I would only use the regular fire mode on this if I had perfect aim, which is hard to do, because the shot goes so slowly. It is useful though, and a great feeling to knock someone's gun away from them, then blast them with a scatter shot. ALT fire is definatly the way to go with this gun.
Tripple StrikeThe rocket launcher of NAB, this gun is very powerful. A direct hit on a person will result in a lot of damage, but that is hard to do. The easiest way is to shoot at your enemies' feet. The spalsh damage will hit them, and eventually kill them. If you are not careful you might end up killing yourself with this gun. Secondary fire shoots three rockets that spread out over a distance. Use this mode when you have the enemy clearly in your sights, because it takes a couple seconds to reload.
HyperstrikeThis is a good sniping gun, it can also be a pure killing weapon if you can get your aim hit % up.
SidewinderThis is a good gun in a small space, because of the bounce feature. The ALT fire, I rarely use, because it leaves you exposed, but, I use it when I am right next to a person that I want to kill. I run right at them, and fire the ALT mode. Then, the projectile hits the person, and because when you gide the disk, it is a one shot kill, it will kill the person, and then you pick up the points.
WhopmerThis gun is used very rarely, and when ever I use it, I only use the ALT mode. It is better in speed, and splash damage than the normal mode of fire. Not much to say about the ole' whopm!

Also, make sure to set your gun preference, you know, what gun you would rate higher than others, so that the autoswich automatically goes to the more powerful gun.


While sniping is not an ideal thing to do in NAB, (because you don't get to go pick up the points that your victem droped, which is where most of the points come from. Also, the only time I would really ever snipe is if I were playing a team game, and wanted to help my team)it still can be helpful. Baisically, sniping means having good aim. You might want to lead your target, because by the time you click the mouse to fire, your target will be in that spot. You should be crouching when you snipe, because you don't want to be seen and hit by a bystander. The only gun you should consider sniping with is the hyperstrike. It wouldn't do much good if people could see your darts coming from an area, and if your darts arrived 10 seconds late.

From Here on, you are on yourself. Good luck!
