Episode 7: Leeching is as Leeching Does

We open to see me starting the entire thing with a little provoking.

Annoy me and you get bad luck. Every time!

Not many responses, so I do it again.

Now we're getting somewhere. I pin the crime on someone else, as usual.

I see traces of violence...

I try to reason with them. Surely they will see the error of their ways?

Just in case...

Realizing I would not be able to win this battle with purely wits and deception, I brought in Danish_Turkey with my other comp and got into the party.

Feigning interest, I ask about this 'Tal_Sapphire' and immediately I hear overwhelming praise to his testament.

I have declared war...on myself! Or have I?

A little more provoking will do the trick...

Of course I do...LOL! They haven't noticed that the 2 account names are VERY similar - l3H~Razsagal and l3H-Razsagal!

Everyone leaves the party and hostiles me. Since my Zon was still partied with Tal, she automatically hostiled my victims. Perfect.

They aren't coming down...now for the bait...

I got one! Ooh, it's a squirmy one! I don't think maturity has anything to do with this...

I reveal the master scheme...

He comments 'I have way more gold than that, too much to count!'

Justiceii tries his hand...and has it cut off. One person leaves.

I killed him again for some more gold. Another guy leaves.

I decide it's time for my Zon's leave. As with any courteous player, I was sure to kindly show my appreciation for their gold.

It's time for Tal to make her reappearance.

They call me a panzy for not dueling...with a 30 level difference. They were even higher than my Zon!

They still evidently missed the fact that the 2 chars were both me...

They also JUST got it that my purpose was to leech...

No, I got D2 by borrowing a CD.

Here come the threats...

And I doubt 'anywas' is a word. Oh well.

He has my account? Uh oh.

And I have his account. Double uh oh.

It's not like this account has anything good...just one character with Tal Rasha's Guardianship...then again...

The last people leave, and I am victorious again!