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Adam's World

Adam's World


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          I'm working on a new page. It's on the 2002 Playoffs. I will post it up on the links when I am done with it, or at least partially.
          Added a game to the site, called Crate Man. It's not much, but it's something you could do if you're bored. Any ideas? Then email me; the button should be below the news sections. Right now I'm looking for things to enhance the site, starting with getting the counter back online.
Adam 9-26-02
Just got back to my site, I havent done anything to it in a while. I'm gonna update some of my other sites and probably on a regular basis, too. So if you have been coming and haven't seen anything, hopefully i will start posting new things.
Adam 9-25-02

Thanks for coming to my web page. I have a poll, a guestbook, and a few other things. I'm constantly updating this page, so come back later I will have something new. For that, check the News Section.
Crate Man

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