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Dear Visiter,

This is the first step to my avian dream. I wanted to say hi, say a little about my self and what ever else I might think of saying during this little letter. naturally I am going to leave out (most) of my name and pics of my self and most of my family such for obvious reason, but I'm going to try to be as open with you in this letter as I safely fell I can.

First I want to say I love birds, and naturally would rather work with live ones instead of the taxidermy, but, because of my own allergies, and lack of room I cannot have many live birds in the house. At this time I have a small avairy in my workshop where I raise zebra finches and a pair of amherst pheasants in the back yard. But I picked up on taxidermy out of a love for these birds and to help me learn more obout them, in my childhood I have always had eggs, feathers and nest of diffrant birds I had found (they have since been destroied because the legal knowlage I have gained.), and as I got older skulls and wings. I like seeing the diffrance up close between one birds objects to the other. Taxidermy just naturally followed.

Why Ducklings? Well because of what I knew and have figured out since starting taxidermy... it just makes since. Poultry Chick breeds are hatched by the thousands and some of these either die or for some reason are unsellable, and are normally just tossed away. For a smaller investment than the larger birds, I have these birds shipped to me instead.

The profit goes into trying to start up my avairies and raise birds as well, I want the taxidermy to be able to pay for itself and these birds. I am also going to start an educational site in connection with the avairy and taxidermy, to help teach stuff about birds. Pictures have to be all my own so most will be of taxidermied birds, birds I have owned, etc. But I'm going to try to do at least one new bird a month... Depending on how sells go. But if your interested this website will show you how well I do.

Oh and where did "Fancie" come from? Well it is my middle name


