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The Commandments of

Storytellers will meet when possible to discuss options for the game as well as storylines as well as improvements to be made in the game and on the boards, if possible.

Storytellers will distribute experienced points based on a characters ability to make their storyline believable and staying true to their character they submitted. Experience will be handed out monthly upon request, and only after reveiw of the players postings after the request. Experience is not as important as writing ability.

Storytellers will not allow personal feelings to interfere or have pre-conceived judgments which will cloud results of your playing character or increase in your characters rank or status.

Storytellers will, on rare occasion, distribute bonus points based on wit, humor, or believability of a playing character at their discretion. These bonuses are known as freebie points.

If you want a non-playing character to appear in your posting, the non-playing character must have a storyteller's approval. Contact the storytellers for the reasons of their appearance. This rules does not apply to ghouls or members of a herd or brood.

Storytellers may interfere with a storyline if a playing character has used an ability, trait, or disipline which they do not have. They may also interfere to provide obstacles, information, clues, and assistance if the storyline requires it.

Storytellers will do all rolling of the dice when the situation, storyline, or playing character requests a roll of the dice to be made. All rolling of dice requests must be made at the bottom of an in character post, as well as a request sent to the storytellers.

Players may suggest changes or amendments to the rules at our e-mail. All suggests will be considered.

We the storytellers do not mind if an established player wishes to begin a new character. All new characters can be introduced for storytellers approval after one month of loyal gaming. We stress that no player will be denied additional characters.

Rules once posted as Commandments may be changed or altered if it helps the game run smoother.

Out of respect for the storytellers, please notify us of any extended absences. We do not wish to accidentally delete your character. You may email us or post your vaction on the OOC boards.

If the player of a character is away and has given notice in one of the two forms, no harm will befall their character in their absence.

All in character posts must be in book form with attention given to spelling grammar and punctuation. If you do not understand this contact the storytellers.

It is the players responsibility to check for message updates, announcements, information regarding the boards, or changes to be made.

If for some reason the character boards are down and posts are lost, it is the players responsibility to re-post again accordingly.

Changes in the rules will happen. All playing characters should check this page at least once a month. Players suggestions are welcome, and the rules are not solid, so feel free to tell us what you like and what you hate on the OOC board.

Character sheets are returned to the player at the time of approval. No character sheet will go to a particular storyteller. THis means all storytellers have acess to your stats at any given time. If a player needs a new copy of their stats please contact the storyteller.

The storytellers word is law.
No favoritism will be permitted.
No storytellers will overturn another storytellers ruling once judgments have been made.
Storytellers back each others decisions and they will be final.