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Welcome to The Masters Harvest Moon 64 Page


Click on the pic above to enter the old site for now!

News on the new site:
Yes yes yes yes, I am reopening my site and just for the moment I am leaving the old site for you people to look at for now. I will soon get the new site up and running. But for now let me tell you why...

Feeling all so bored and seeing a old friend of mine, The N64, I started to think. "Man wouldn't it be great if I updated my HM64 site." So I looked over to my shelf, I saw the box with HM64. So I pulled it off the shelf. I blew the 5 month old dust of it and pulled the the game out of its prison. This is were I spent the next few days playing it, Hacking it and said to my self "Masters HM64 is back." This is when I run to my computer and pulled out Adobe Photoshop and started to make pictures for the site and now this is were it starts...

Click Here to see a preview of what it will look like. Its a Site Map. I have to upload it in Ftp to get the wood picture in the back to look good.