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07-04-03: Good News! Orders of Magic Link Up and Running!



Del Wiston
Gorlie Cove
Ka Mone
E Archon
N Archon
W Archon

NE Altir
NW Altir
SE Altir
SW Altir
NE Quinron
NW Quinron
SE Quinron
SW Quinron
E Zoria
W Zoria


World Map




Orders of Magic
Towers of Magic


Altir Guide
Ka Mone
Journals of:
the Jade Tree
God Musings

Roleplay Forums

RP Altir
RP Quinron

Jade Chat


Linked Gemworlds

Black Opal

NWN Links

NW Nexus
NW Vault


Although clouded, it holds treasures within. Looking closely, the layers are cloudy but begin to swirl before you. Further, further, and further you peer, as the cloudy grains slowly disperse and they become more consistent. The clouds become more of a fixture as heavens spread out into a vastness before you. Slowly a sphere defines itself amongst others. The sphere contains fires and molten lava. As the sphere turns, a jagged edge can be seen, and a sea of blue slowly appears. The sphere rotates slowly revealing it's contents. Yet again, it changes from a sea of blue to an edge of browns, greens, greys, and beiges. Then, the sea of colors end in fire again.

This piece is a bastion, a citadel of life within. The edge can only mean death. Yet, the edge seems to grow slowly as if a world is forming within the sphere. Eventually, the sea of colors comes again, and life moves freely. Small wars dot the landscape and activity is rampid.

Suddenly, the dream ends and a room of stone appears around you. A lone window off to the left shows only a clouded fog outside. The fog seems to swirl and then swallows you.

Minutes later you find yourself next to a throbbing tree made of Jade. It begins to speak to you...

Musings of a God...

Galactic Year 86, Day 533, Hour 16.9.

AltoN observes from his scrying pool far above the planet of Jade and into his own personal universe. Here, he looks upon a scene with avid concentration. Below him and trekking across a scorching desert plateau is his son, RantoR. RantoR, in his dwarven avatar form, someone called Sands Ka Zuk, seems to be struggling with his heavy boots and stout frame. Ironic that his name is Sands and he is trekking in the stuff. Yet the dwarf is right upon the very thing he has been searching for since he began six days ago; the Obsidian Birthstone. Moments pass and the great dwarf looks upon a desolate place. Here, and not more than sixty paces off, sits a cropping of great orange and green vines in a huge clump. They grow in every which direction and apparently into the forsaken ground. Here, he finds the glint of black stone, the obsidian, AltoN mentioned.

Upon arrival, the dwarf silently removes a golden axe and begins chopping away the vines. This works greatly as his own magical weapon outshines the magics within the vines. Soon, a nasty mess is strewn about the obsidian stone. It is then that RantoR stops and stares in disbelief. A small crack in the stone reveals milky white and silver skin. The skin of a person, a humanoid. Yet, it is unnaturally pale and devoid of life. At least it seems so until the God sees a slight heave. It is then, he understands the whole of AltoN's request. This here is a magical warrior of his father.

AltoN pulls back and smirks, his confidence somewhat returned. Now AltoN must wait and see if RantoR can find this one person that can touch this magical stone.



Update: Hey there everyone! Happy Fourth of July! Well, I've managed some motivation and got myself into working the website some again. The first thing I've taken care of is completing the Orders of Magic Link with detailed information for all you magic users out there. Great! It needs some standard clean-up, but I wanted to get the information to you first. Next thing is the clean-up on the Linked Gemworlds links. Most of them were bad, so I altered them to no-link status. Four remain, but Obsidian is still defunct. Obsidian has a new page, I am just trying to find the link so I can correct the issue. The remaining links that have issues I'll clean up another time. The Ka Mone page is still up, but I cannot edit it due to a file corruption. I'll eventually kill the link and rebuild the page. The story is being revamped to fit a little more into the sequence of things now. I will be working on other projects again here soon as well. KERKIN is due to have his project: 'The Georgian Isles' to me sometime this summer. Once edited and completed I'll post that up. My own project list includes the following: Ka Mone-Story Re-Write, Elven Nations, A Travelers Guide to Quinron, A Travelers Guide to Zoria, Redevelopment of the Jade Tree Stories, Redevelopment of Darlantan's Journal, and several other projects including Wars. All this is a ways down the road unless I have sudden inspiration to delve into things heavily this summer. The most likely things to occur are the link fixes, the Ka Mone fix and Re-write, and The Travelers Guide to Quinron.

The forums are moving along just fine. A new gate has opened into the world from obsidian and a plasmic storm is erupting over the continent of Quinron. A half-orc seems to have made a temporary companion. The saga of Jackal Haranda, the evil mageling continues, and Briga, the sailor is in a deluge in the sewers of Archon. Stay tuned for more.

I apologize for my lack of a Musing this time around. I will get to it when I next post in the forums...hopefully!

RantoR-"Fear the bear or be torn asunder.

