
Earth Stores

Senzu Bean-5 CG-Relieves you from a day of rest.

1 Person spacepod-115 CG-Allows one person to travel in space

3 Person Spacepod-185 CG-Allows up to 3 ppl to travel in space.

Upgrades- Gravity Room 45 G - Allows you to train while flying. Mega Thrusters 45 G- Takes 2 days off of flying. Docking Mechansim 25- G Allows you to gain entrace to others ships no matter where they are if they're in space.

Space suit-100 CG- allow you to travel in space w/o the aid of a ship(as long as you have flight).also boosts stats a little(adds 35 to all your stats)

DBZ Radar-175 CG-Allows you to find a dragon ball at least every other day when you search for one.

Weighted Clothes-45 CG-For every time you train ,when you're done this gives you 50 more points when you're done.

Gunblade-100 CG-can only have one,Boosts your PL and AP by 45

Whip-100 CG-can only have one,Boosts your SP and IN by 45.


Moogle-50 CG---------I will have pics for these l8ter

Chocobo-50 CG---------**see above**

Namek items

1&3 Person Space pods--(see above)

Translator- 75 G- Must have this to use Namek DBz

Phoenix Down-75 CG- Brings a dead character back to life.

Senzu Bean Plant 75 G- Grows 3 Senzu beans a week.

Space Suit-100 CG--(see above

Ginyu armor-350 CG-adds 100 to all your stats and some protection from materia.

Guru Enhancement-500 CG-adds 500 to all your stats.


Cell Jr.-50CG-I will have pics for this l8ter

Kiaoshin Store

Kaoshinian Armor-200 G takes 1/2 the damage dealt to you by an enemy.No protection from Materia

Senzu Bean 5 G-restores health by 3

1 and 3 Person Space Pod-( Same as above)

Sword of Might: 200 CG- adds + 150 to your attack

Tree of Might Seed: 200 CG- Takes 1 week to plant, every week you get a piece of Mighty Fruit, eat a piece to add 100 of your stats.

****Armor is not cumulative, when you buy a better one you get a 1/2 back refund for your old one. Weapons you can keep.****

I will have store items for the other planets in another week Earth Store Senzu Bean 5 G-restores health by 3 Weighted Clothes 25 G- gain 3 more exp when fighting and 12 for training 1 person spacepod 70 G- allows you to fly to other planets- upgradable 3 person spacepod 90 G- allows up to 3 characters and/or pets to fly to other planets- upgradable Earth Armor 35 G- adds + 2 to your Def. Power Sword 50 G- adds + 4 to your attack Upgrades- Gravity Room 45 G - Allows you to train while flying. Mega Thrusters 45 G- Takes 2 days off of flying. Docking Mechansim 25- G Allows you to gain entrace to others ships no matter where they are if they're in space. Cell 30 G- Allows you to keep people hostage. Space Suit 25 G- If you know flight and have this suit you can fly to other planets (can't be upgraded). DBZ Radar 85 G- takes 2 days when off when searching for DBz Monkey 25 G- treated just like a character Earth Dragon 25 G- treated just like a character ______________________________________________________ Namek Store Guru Enhancement 250 G-adds 200 to your Phys, Ment, and Ki. Senzu Bean Plant 55 G- Grows 3 Senzu beans a week. Genetic Transmogrifyer- 15 G- 1 use allows you to change your special ability. Senzu Bean 5 G-restores health by 3 Weighted Clothes 25 G- gain 3 more exp when fighting and 12 for training Green Armor 55 G- + 4 to your Def. Green Power Sword- 60 G- + 5 to your attack. Translator- 75 G- Must have this to use Namek DBz or Dark Star DBz Cell Jr. 25 G- Pet Namek Dragon 25 G- treated just like a character ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Kiaoshin Store Kaoshinian Armor-200 G takes 1/2 the damage dealt to you by an enemy. Senzu Bean 5 G-restores health by 3 1 and 3 Person Space Pod-( Same as above) Sword of Might: 100 G- adds + 7 to your attack Tree of Might Seed: 200 G- Takes 1 week to plant, every week you get a piece of Mighty Fruit, eat a piece to double one of your stats. Must have a ship to plant stays on your ship with you and produces fruit on your ship. ****Armor is not cumulative, when you buy a better one you get a 1/2 back refund for your old one. Weapons you can keep.****