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Cosrin's Weekly News Source / 1st Edition ~ Volume 4

~Cosrin's HEADLINE News~

From you, our distinguished readers, & collected from the Boards

~GMs Honore, Eris, Fjorgynn and Grolsch gathered to readdress the punishment given to the Fighters Guild after former GL Vorlock's buying of the luck out of turn. Eris reports, "We put our lil' heads together, and rethought the punishment given tae the fighters. And, we created an amendment tae the current treaty that includes all future penalties fer early
wifdrawls, er I mean early luck buys

The revised Guild Luck schedule for the next few weeks is reported below.
~Upcoming Guildluck dates:
Thieves April 22 - 28
Mages April 29 - May 3
Fighters May 4 - 5
Monks May 6 - 9
Mages May 10 - 13
Fighters May 14 - 15
Thieves May 16 - 19

~Legend Icejester becomes Immortal Valtera's anointed as she proclaimed him early this week to be her first Disciple of Magic. Many citizens were about for her arrival and multiple debates and heated shouts erupted between the Immortal and citizens (and she called your Editor a shrew and congratulated Icejester for snagging the soul of a Paladin of Indus for her ).

~The Town Guards report a large influx in the amount of femfendar shipments into Moorgate. Known for its ability to make one "fly," its use as a mood altering paste is well documented. Increases in the amount of crazed citizens has increased dramatically in recent weeks.

~In a related topic......Poetic Ranger Mazrim reports he was approached and commanded by a "large headed cat" to create and build a new Guild in our land.
In an excerpt from the account, Mazrim questions the cat's sanity "at this point i was getting a lil piturbed..start a new guild? was this cat with a head to large for its body insane?"
The account progresses into a battle in which the cat pins Mazrim to the floor and the following dialogue takes place:
<< cat:" first u must build the guild wil be expensive..but u must.."
me:"okokok...ill build the bloody thing..but i doubt anyone will join it..they all thik im a fool"
cat:" if u build it..they wil come.."
the cat got off back to its hideously malportioned figure..leaped back onto the chair and smiled

~Penilord announced a "Special Lover's Mortal Combat Tournament" this week to be held this evening (after the paper is put to rest for the week). There are no fees to enter, and no prizes to win but plenty of might and love to be demonstrated in this first-ever tournament of its kind. Sounds like fun for the brave, details can be found here: Penilord's Special Lover's Mortal Combat Tournament!

~Fighter's GM Fjorgynn was returned to his former Half-Giant Berserker form by Immortal Leoni by use of a blood putty.

~Winners of the Interguild Tournament held by Baroness Eris were: Monk Baron/Legend Dandy, Fighter Legend DrPepper, Mage Legend Vistilantus and Thief Legend Merlordd

~Pigeons were dispatched by the Architects of Moorgate with blueprints to the winners of Cosrin's Olympiad this week. The seven-room houses that have been under construction on Laurel Lane and Winner's Way in East Moorgate are currently being decorated by their owners and keys to be distributed as the owners complete their interiors. (Grolsch won a house but clearly will
not need a key).

~A collection of life-like dolls appeared in Moorgate for avid doll collectors, were quickly snapped up and disappeared. The dolls were weapons or hand armour and included Action Shaxul with Kung Fu grip, Hirobi with Rocket fists, Leoni with Vitriolic Spit, Giselle with Thwap o'Death, Sage Elanthius with Staff and Trollhater with Death Bow.

Submissions for Headline News can be sent to the Editor at SN: Mail4Melis

~News from the GUILDS~

~Thieves GM Grolsch is looking for input on the proposed new guild charter. Thieves are invited to review and comment on it. Also, the suggestion has been made to include Assassinations of Distinction to the paper. I'm pleased to announce this will be added, please forward them to Mail4Melis if you wish them to be included.

~Mages Nominations for candidates being taken for the vacated GL position.

~Monks No news received.

~Fighters DrPepper named Knight's GL after the final GL election this week.

~Large Print Section~

~A new section dedicated for the elderly citizens of Cosrin that have a hard time reading newsprint.

You all know who you are....Malevolus, Merlordd, Trollhater, Varda, Icejester, DrPepper, etc, etc, etc..... 


~News from the Clans~

~Cynthor named Clan Master of the Rough Riders Clan!

~Clan Leaders/Members send submissions as they come up & I'll print them!!

~Current Sanctioned Clans:
Rough Riders, Clan of Life, Dark Flames, Sisters of Shadows, Children of Light

~Current Proposed Clans:
Order of Marbo (contact Azeron), Clan of the Dragon (contact Aquatica), Order of the Gray (contact Arcadain), The Master's Clan (contact Cassandra)

~Oh Baby!! - BIRTHS~

~A baby boy, born to Cynthor and Lilliana. The parents have chosen the name Elember, after their treasured friend, Cember. The birth was attended by close friends and Lilliana's fellow mages Vistilantus and Icejester. The infant was decorated with a small insignia of the Coven by the two attending Warlocks, though not harmed. Many friends brought gifts to the new
family. Cynthor reports that mother and baby are doing well.


by Sports Reporter Vorlock deMyst

~Nasty words spewed at the weigh-in yesterday in anticipation of Heavy weights Air "Windy" Elemental and "Too Many Heads" Hydra slugging it out this evening to see who will become Cosin Heavy Weight Champion. Windy is 20-1-2 while Too Many Heads is a whopping 30-0-0. Heavy odds favorite: Hydra.

~The Gibbering Gnolls put a spanking on the Kobold Clubbers today in a 10-1 victory in the Semi-finals and have secured a seat in next weeks final game.

~The Gate House - Invasion News~

News of Invasions that plague the peaceful streets and causeways of Moorgate shared here. Deaths, Survivors, Creatures, Tactics submitted by YOU, the reader.

~Day 22 of Winter Cloak. Warlocks Vistilantus and Icejester read and chanted spells from ancient Scrolls of the Dead resulting in the mass summoning of Undead on and around Moorgate. Liches, Ghouls, Vampires, Ghastly Ghouls, Skeletons, Skeletal Warriors, Vampire Lords and finally DEATH itself poured onto the causeways, the gates of the city, the Market, the Docklands and the surrounding forests.
The invasion was lengthy and involved 42 citizens and resulted in numerous deaths, including Heroes Trollhater and Giselle. Senrania granted life again to all of the embattled citizens unlike the liches they were fighting. The sheer scale of the invasion and the inordinate amount of beasts amidst the constant warlock chanting was a horror to all involved.


~ARMOUR - Leather to Steel by Sabin. Please give him a tell and he will get to your order ASAP. Special: FREE Balancing of your weapon!

~BUBBLY/TEA - Glasses of Bubbly 10k, Pots of Tea 6k. See Rrbhaunoch.

~CONTRACT KILLING - by Rats and DrPepper. We will kill anything ye can find. TWD/Bridge troll 100k min price, must be lvl 25 (2 for the price of 1 special); Cyclops and giant 50k min lv 20; hydra/sorc 50k min
lvl 15; Baktar the Bloody, 50k min lvl 15

~DRAUGHTS - Draughts of the Gods. 25k in shops, bargain prices at, not 20k, not even 18k, but to you a grand price of 16k. What does it do? Random amount of charges (Usually 1-16) to restore all spell points. See Grolsch (when the guards aren't around)

~MERCENARIES FOR HIRE- See above under "Contract Killing"

~POISON - Fed up of Forgrim giving random offensive enchants for 2k? Come see Grolsch in the lands. 5 Levels to choose from, each having more damage and charges. Only 400 gold per intensity level. See Grolsch.

Send advertisement submissions to SN: Mail4Melis

~Match Made In Cosrin - PERSONALS~

#10 SFOR (Single Female Ogre Ranger) looking for SMAA (Single Male Any-class Any-race) who has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh. Must enjoy hunting and mischief. Fighter's Guild members preferred, but not required.

#20 SMER (Single Male Elven Ranger) looking for a sweet and faithful SFE/OA (Single Female Elf or Ogre Any-class) who is mature, but loves to have a little fun every now and then. Must be able to hold an intelligent conversation.

#30 SMET (Single Male Elven Rogue) looking for a SFAA (Single Female Any-race Any-class) that wont break his heart, and knows how to have a good time. Also a plus is above level 13, likes to hunt pass and isnt too serious!

#40 Level 15, guild level 13 SFHM (Single Female Human Monk) looking for a SMAA (Single Male Any-race Any-class) who likes hunting, exploring, snuggling and just having fun in the lands!

If you're interested in any of the personals above, contact MatchMadeInCsrn and tell them the number of the ad and a little about yourself -- we'll take care of the rest!

~Word Around Moorgate~

Gossip Column Submissions can be sent to Rumour Goddess (Word Around Moorgate Column Editor) at SN: WAMGossip or Mail4Melis

~Rumour is.... explorers have been overheard at the Woo Hoo saying they are clearing out Evermarsh finally and that it should be accessible to citizens some time in the future

~We hear Zaida and Andulusian have put their heads together and are cooking up a Bachelor/Bachelorette auction

~From the Embalmer's Ledger - Obituaries~

~None to report as all corpses were given life again by the Immortal Senrania.

~Engagements / Weddings~

~Scarlotta and Recin invite everyone to their wedding Sunday (May 7th) at 8:00pm EST at the Hidden Waterfalls.

~Arts & Entertainment Supplement~

From Cassandra, our wonderful Column Editor: 
<<I have been preparing diligently for a journey and though I really hoped to get something written for Moorgate matters or the entertainment section, but my journey preparations have been quite overwhelming.>>

<hug Cassandra> Be safe and return soon!!

~Assassinations of Disctinction~

~Calling all Thieves!! People love to hear about these amazing feats. Have an impressive assassination or wish to list your assassinated beasts? Submit them to the paper at Mail4Melis!!


~Moorgate Matters - Feature Article~

A Comedic Venture Into Cosrin's Clothing Dilemmas
by Pythagoras, the Monk with a Theorem

**Pythagoras submitted this to me in hopes of becoming Cosrin's Dave Barry. It is no way intended to offend anyone and if you wish not to read his comedic view of underwear, please avert your eyes. Also, my address is Mail4Melis if you wish to complain.

I know, I know what you are saying."I take my laundry to that lady up on the West causeway just as often as everybody else. I think I smell fine." Well, I believe it is time SOMEBODY gets off the pot & says SOMETHING about the total lack of underwear in the lands. Sure, we have armor, cloaks, robes, gloves, boots, casual wear, even tuxedos & fancy evening dresses, but....NO UNDERWEAR? Personally, I have not yet had use for a tuxedo. If in
the future I am in need of one, however, I hope they are purchased & not rented (i.e., sold back). I would hate to be the next in line after some stinky half-ogre berserker had his special day knowing that he did not have anything BETWEEN those fancy pants & himself.
I petition and plead with the clothing merchants: FOR THE LOVE OF KALI, GET US SOME UNDERWEAR!

This is just the humble opinion of a single, simple, lowly human monk. Feel free to direct all response to the EDITOR.

Brother Pythagoras, the monk with a Theorem

~UPDATES to our Land~

~Per a great suggestion by Cosrin's Administrator, update news will be posted in the paper when updates are issued.
I was not given a date for this upcoming update though. :-(
~Update news if given at your initial sign-on, but it is typically limited and only a highlight thus more detailed accounts will be given here. The best site for update information is on Elanthius' web site: Updates as listed in The Tower of Elanthius

MARCH 18th Update:
-Orchard fixed to perfection, lots of evil insects to pester you now
-Town Park opened - Museum, library, amphitheatre, 3 new quests
-MOOD command added
-SQUELCH command added
-Inns & Bars act as glades, HPs and SPs restore way faster
-GNOTICES command added (get notices about your guild)
-Serenity updated
-Traps added to certain rooms
-For some reason 30 rooms got deleted, leaving problems in Serenity, Misty Vale and the Graveyard

~Directory of Mysterious Web Portals~

The Tower of Elanthius Excellent portal covering multiple areas including Adventurer's stories and stats, stories & pictures of Immortals & Heroes, simply fantastic
Rubiglo's World Artwork, Guild portraits of members ;-), Rubi's history, a most excellent and heavily visited portal
The Center of the Temple of Marbo by Azeron New, still under construction, the view of the world by Azeron, very nice
Vistilantus' Tower Terrorizing, ever-moving, world including a Gallery
Cassandra's Home A place of records, stories, history, extremely well done
Cosrin's Melizande Very old site (pre-Subguild), nice pic of Marley- the highlight <g>
Red Dragon's Lair by Kayta New, still under construction, beautiful artwork
Tips for new visitors to the land of Cosrin Very old site written by Trollhater, title is self-explanatory, very nicely done for newcomers or the curious


Thank you for your patronage of the paper. Submissions taken!!
(Also, I asked for the ability to have responses to the paper...and um, they made a whole seperate folder...which was not really what I had in mind but I am working on giving you the ability to respond directly)
Editor-In-Chief Melizande

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