Playstation Codes

Vigilante 8: Second Offense
Password screen
Enter the options screen, select "Game Status", highlight one of the characters, then press L1 + R1.

Enter "ELBICNIVNI" as a password.

All characters
Enter "LLA_KCOLNU" as a password to unlock all characters. Note: Their quests will not be completed.

All characters have maximum stats
Enter "LLA_DORTOH" as a password to upgrade all vehicles.

Rapid fire
Enter "RAPID_FIRE" as a password to remove the delay when shooting weapons.

Super missiles
Enter "BLAST_FIRE" as a password to increase the damage from missiles.

Faster cars
Enter "MORE_SPEED" as a password.

Heavier cars
Enter "GO_RAMMING" as a password to increase your car's weight and ramming ability.

Lighter cars
Enter "HI_CEILING" as a password to decrease your car's weight and hover higher than normal.

Fast action
Enter "QUICK_PLAY" as a password to enable a random fast action arcade feature.

Attract enemies
Enter "UNDER_FIRE" as a password to have three enemies attack simultaneously.

Slow-motion mode
Enter "GO_SLOW_MO" as a password.

No enemies in arcade mode
Enter "HOME_ALONE" as a password.

No gravity
Enter "NO_GRAVITY" as a password to reduce gravity to the point that your car will almost float when a bump is hit.

High suspensions
Enter "JACK_IT_UP" as a password.

Big wheels
Enter "GO_MONSTER" as a password.

No wheel attachment icons
Enter "DRIVE_ONLY" as a password to disable wheel attachment icons from spawning.

View all ending sequences
Enter "LONG_MOVIE" as a password to view all endings in one continuous sequence.

Same cars in multi-player
Enter "MIXED_CARS" as a password to allow more than one person to select the same car in multi-player mode.

Disable all codes
Enter "NO_CODE" as a password.

Original levels
Pause the game, remove the game disc, then insert the original Vigilante 8 disc. If done correctly, the message "V8 levels enabled" will be displayed. Insert the Vigilante 8: Second Offense disc again. Then, quit the current game to access the original Vigilante 8 levels as well as the new levels.

Alternate vehicle color
At the vehicle selection screen, highlight a vehicle and press Circle to change its color or intensity.

Play your own music
Pause the game, open the PlayStation lid, and replace the game disc with an audio CD. When the game resumes, the music from the CD will begin playing. A prompt for the game CD will appear after the level ends.
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