NIntendo 64 Codes

Starcraft 64-
God mode
Play through the game until you get to the third episode (Protoss). Successfully complete the last round on that episode to unlock God mode (Special).

Info Mana
Play through the game until you get to the sixth episode (Zerg/The Last Episode). Successfully complete the last round on that episode to unlock the Info Mana cheat.

Mega Build
You can get the Mega Build cheat disc in the first level of the Zerg mission in Brood War. After you save the first two hives, go down into a corner and you will see a data disc. Touch it to unlock the Mega Build cheat, which allows you to build faster.

Fog of War Off
Play through the game until you get to the Protoss mission (Brood War - X-03: Legacy of the Xel 'naga). Go to the small island after Corsairs fly by at the beginning of the mission. Touch the white flag to unlock the cheat.

Give Me Cash/Gas
Play through the game until you get to the Terran mission (Brood War - X-07: Patriot's Blood). Locate the second Terran computer beacon in the room with four civilians. Use the bottom door to exit. Move to the right until the fire bats are encounter. Go through that area and locate the Ursadon being held in a cell. Use a marine open the cell door and approach the Ursadon. Move all your units into the cell when it asks to be hugged and press B. This cheat will give you 1000 minerals and gas.

Faster building
Repeatedly press B on a structure to build it faster.

Objective Change
On Terran episode 1 mission #3 you can change the objectives by destroying just a few Zerg buildings. You will then hear advisor saying that another way to end the mission is to destroy the Hatchery. Now just get a huge army of firebats with stimpack, a lot of marines too to provide air coverage, and some Vultures too. A short cut to the Hatchery is to go across the North bridge and keep following that road. You will find two Sunken cities and some burrowed zerglings and hydralisks before you see it. Now get your Firebats to burn the place down with Stimpack.while your Marines and vultures keep them covered.

Make a descision
On episode 5 Terran mission 4 you can either destroy nukes or physics lab. But not both. So I say go for the Nukes because in mission 5b (that will be 5b if you destroyed nukes) Battlecruisers will attack your base. That is more cleaner and cheaper too when you look at it. If not destroy the physics lab to go to mission 5a and have a nuke attack which is very expensive when it comes to repairs and rebuilding. So its up to you but I prefer having Battlecruisers attacking me.

Extra level
On Zerg episode 6 beat mission #9 with 5 min. left to unlock a secret level where the history of something I won't spoil for you so get going.

Open Tech Tree:
Play through the game until getting to the Original Episode 3 (Protoss) level 6: Into The Darkness. When the mission begins, go down the hall until you get to the stairs. Do not go down the stairs -- instead turn to your left and proceed down the hall. The adviser will tell you to turn back. Go back a short distance, then go back toward the dead end to get the cheat. -anonymous

All Upgrades:
Play through the game until getting to Episode 1 (Terran) level 4: The Jacobs Installation. You will start in a room with a door. Go through it and up through the hallway. There is a missile shooter in the wall at the end, a door that goes up, and a hallway that goes left and right. Go through the right side hallway (with the missile shooter). Just take Jim Raynor and do not attack the orange civilian. Talk to him and he will tell you not to kill him and that he will give you the cheat. Continue through and he will disappear and he will give you the All Upgrades cheat. Note: You have a short period of time to reach the orange civilian, so be quick. -From anonymous

Over the limits
To build over the 200 limits as Protoss just get a Dark Archon to use Mind Control on an animal and now you have scouts to make sure you are not subjected to a sneak attack. As Zerg just get rid of some Drones mutate them into a building that is cheap and then build your units.

Control all three groups
Play as the Protoss against at least one Terran group and at least one Zerg group. Use your Dark Archon with the Possess ability and possess a Drone and a SCV. After doing this you can use the drone to build Zerg structures and the SCV to build Terran structures.

Hidden sounds
Repeatedly select a person until he says a phrase that is not normally heard during a normal game.

Hints and Tips
Weaknesses and stenghts
Some races are weaker to another. Terrans Firebats can shred Zerg units due to being organic (dumb zergs) and can shred Zealots. Use the EMP from the Science Vessel on Protoss and you can say bye bye shields for them. Also the Dark Templar can shred all units that don't have a detector around. Zerg Ultralisk special units (Devouring one, Hunter Killers, and Torrasque...all hero level units) can take Terran for lunch. A few Protoss Carriers can make Zerg say bye bye. So now you know some ideas of units to use.

A little help to get through Brood Wars Zerg last level
On level ten of Zerg Brood Wars, a way to get tough defenses so you can go off on a killing spree is to do this: 1.Put Spore Colonies on the north and have maybe 3 lurkers near the bridge. 2.Put Sunken Colonies near the west bride with 1-3 Overlords and on the other side add 4-6 lurkers there for advance warning. 3.Put both kinds of colonies on the Southeast with some lurkers on the other side for early warning plus a little after lurkers burrow 4-6 Hydralisk to ambush those pesky Arbiters and Carriers.

You should now have a great defense and now just build your offense a kick but (plus you get the Info Mana cheat).

Star Wars:Episode 1 - Battle for Naboo
Pink ship
Enter "RUAGIRL?" as a code.

All regular levels and one bonus level
Enter "LEC&FIVE" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. All regular levels and the Trade Federation Secrets bonus level will be unlocked. -From:

Infinite lives
Enter "PATHETIC" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Note: If you die, it will still count against getting a medal.

All upgrades
Enter "OVERLOAD" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

Super shields
Enter "NOT&DEAD" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

One-hit kills
Enter "EWERDEAD" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

Expert mode
Enter "NASTYMDE" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

Crazy camera
Enter "DRJEKYLL" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime

Developer commentary
Enter "TALKTOME" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Developer commentary, lasting about three minutes, can be heard in each level.

Unlock art gallery in showroom
Enter "KOOLSTUF" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Note: The music is not unlocked with this code.

Concert hall
Enter "WAKEUP" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

View development team
Enter "LOVEHUTT" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

Enter "DESTRUCT" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime.

Advanced shields
Enter "DROIDEKA" as a passcode. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a chime. Alternately, advanced shields can be found in level 1, behind an arch that is behind an AAT. -From:

Advanced bombs
Advanced bombs can be found in the "Glacial Grave" level, on the opposite branch of the river that leads to the gunboat hanger.

Advanced missiles
Advanced missiles can be found in the beginning of "The Smugglers Alliance" level. Help the civilians, even though the captain tells you not to and a speeder will come out of a homestead. Protect it and it will lead you to a farm with the upgrade.

Advanced blasters
Advanced blasters can be found in the "Liberation Of Camp 4" level. At the last shield generator, face towards the down-slope and there will be another up slope leading towards the upgrade.

Homing torpedoes
Homing torpedoes can be found in the "Borvo The Hutt" level. Go northwest of the first battle to find a village among the trees and the upgrade.

Rapid fire lasers
Rapid fire lasers can be found near the end of the "Sancuatary" level. There is a small valley to the right of the main valley. Inside is a volcano and a strange "fairy" object. The upgrade is behind it.

Cluster seeker missiles
Cluster seeker missiles can be found in the second bonus level, "Couruscant Encounter". Turn right immediately after starting to find a brown striped building. Enter the hole in front of it and turn left immediately before the path turns to the right. You will see it to your left.

Sith Infiltrator
You can play as the Sith Infiltrator once you access the third bonus level, "Dark Side". You can use the Sith Infiltrator in levels where you can use the Naboo Starfighter.

Trade Federation Secrets bonus level
Successfully complete the game with all bronze medals to unlock the Trade Federation Secrets bonus level. In this level you have to protect a base from an attack.

Couruscant Encounter bonus level
Successfully complete the game with all silver medals to unlock the Couruscant Encounter bonus level.

Dark Side bonus level
Successfully complete the game with all gold medals to unlock the Dark Side bonus level.

Super Smash Bros.
Play as Captain Falcon
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives in under twenty minutes. Then, defeat Captain Falcon. For the Japanese version, beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives. Then, defeat Captain Falcon.

Play as Purin (Jigglypuff)
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives. Then, defeat Purin. For the Japanese version, beat the game with any character on any difficulty setting and number of lives in under twenty minutes without continuing. Then, defeat Purin.

Play as Ness from Earthbound (Mother 2)
Beat the game on the normal difficulty setting and three lives without continuing. Then, defeat Ness.

Play as Luigi
Beat Bonus Game 1 "Break The Target" with the eight original characters. This can be done during Bonus 1 practice. Then, defeat Luigi. If you lose the match, complete Bonus 1 again with any character for a rematch.

Mew in Pokeballs
Unlock all four bonus characters to have Mew appear randomly in the Pokeballs.

Classic Mushroom Kingdom stage
Beat the game with all eight original characters. Then the Classic Mushroom Kingdom stage will be available under versus mode.

Sound test
Beat Bonus Games 1 and 2 with all characters, including the secret ones. This can be done during Bonus 1 and 2 practice.

Control credits
Press one of the following buttons during the ending credits. Press Analog-stick to change the angle and move the target. Press Start to scroll faster, or to return to normal speed. Select a name with the target and press A to view details about their work in the game. Press B to pause or resume the scrolling.

Alternate costumes
At the character selection screen, press C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, or C-Down.

Change character view
At the character biography screen, hold Z and press the Analog-stick.

Item switch menu
Play the game in versus mode at least fifty times to unlock an item switch option. For the Japanese version, use any character to record one hundred kills to unlock an item switch menu. Options on this menu include toggling certain weapons and the frequency they appear.

Custom menu (Japanese version)
Battle 100 times with Yoshi vs. Kirby for multi-player options.

Extra points for each level
The following trick may be used to get an extra 100 points in each level. Defeat your opponent in one player mode. Press L to taunt just before he dies. If your character is in a taunt when the camera zooms in for the scores, 100 points will be awarded for the fighter's stance.

Silphco. stage secret
Begin a game with Captain Falcon on the Silphco stage. Then when Chansey, Charmander or others pop out the door, use the Falcon Punch to knock them spiraling away.

Samus without her suit
Unlock Ness, then select versus mode and choose Samus as your only opponent. This trick is easier if Samus is set as a human controlled player, so she stands still. Next, go to any place (preferably the ship) and fire the PK Thunder at yourself, so Ness slides into Samus. Then right as Ness hits her, pause the game. If done correctly, Samus will no longer be wearing her suit.

Borrow a life
Begin a team game under versus mode. Then if you lose a life, press Start to take a life from your partner.

Lose a power as Kirby
If you want to intentionally lose a power gained after eating another character as Kirby, press L to execute his taunt.

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