Nintendo64 Codes

Enable Code (Must Be On) F1192B80 2400
Infinite Health 8020A965 0064
Infinite Armor 8020A987 0064
Infinite Experience 8020A967 00FF
Max Vitality 8020A969 0007
Max Attack 8020A96B 0007
Max Speed 8020A96D 0007
Max Acro 8020A96F 0007
Max Power 8020A971 0007
Infinite Sidewinder Ammo 8020A9B0 00FF
Infinite Shock Wave Ammo 8020A9B1 00FF
Infinite Chvizatergo Ammo 8020A9B2 00FF
Infinite Shot Cycler Ammo 8020A9B3 00FF
Infinite Ion Cannon Ammo 8020A9B4 00FF
Infinite Disc Of Dredalus Ammo 8020A9B5 0063
Infintie Venomous Ammo 8020A9B6 00FF
Infinite Poseidon Trident Ammo 8020A9B7 00FF
Infinite Hammer Ammo 8020A9B8 0000
Infinite Sunflares Ammo 8020A9B9 00FF
Infinite Bolter Ammo 8020A9BA 00FF
Infinite Ballista Ammo 8020A9BB 00FF
Infinite Stavros Stave Ammo 8020A9BC 00FF
Infinite Wyndraxs Wisp Ammo 8020A9BD 00FF
Have Weapon Modifier 8120A8F6 ????
Quantity Digits to Accompany Have Weapon Modifier Code
0001 - Disrupter Glove
0002 - Side Winder
0004 - Shock Wave
0008 - Chivizatergo
0010 - Shot Cycler
0020 - Ion Cannon
0040 - Disc Of Dredalus
0080 - Venomous
0100 - Poseidon Trident
0200 - Hammer
0400 - Sunflares
0800 - Silver Claw
1000 - Bolter
2000 - Ballista
4000 - Stavros Stave
8000 - Wyndraxs Wisp
FFFF - All Of The Above

Donkey Kong 64
Use Tiny and shrink to enter the fairy-shaped stone building in the main hub. Collect the camera to start photographing the fairies hidden in the game and unlock the "Mystery Menu" options.

DK Theater
Find and photograph two fairies with the camera to unlock the DK Theater option at the "Mystery Menu". This option allows all the animation sequences to be viewed.

DK Bonus Stages
Find and photograph six fairies with the camera, then locate Rambi the rhino, and Enguarde the swordfish to unlock their bonus stages.

Original Donkey Kong
Use a Gorilla-Grab to operate the level in the Frantic Factory area, then play the original Donkey Kong game. Successfully complete all four stages, then play once more and complete the game to collect the Nintendo Coin. Then, find and photograph six fairies with the camera to unlock the original Donkey Kong option at the "Mystery Menu".

Collect at least fifteen Banana Medals, then visit Cranky to play the Jetpac game. Get 5,000 points in the game to collect the Rareware Coin. Then, find and photograph six fairies with the camera to unlock the Jetpac option at the "Mystery Menu".

Boss Battle
Find and photograph ten fairies with the camera to unlock the Boss Battle option at the "Mystery Menu". This allows any Boss that already has been defeated to be fought again.

Krusha In Multi-Player
Find and photograph fifteen fairies with the camera to unlock the Krusha In Multi-Player option at the "Mystery Menu".

Cheat Mode
Find and photograph all twenty fairies with the camera to unlock the Cheat Mode option at the "Mystery Menu". This allows unlimited items during a game.

Bonus levels
Find and collect forty Blueprints and bring them to Snide to unlock eight bonus levels (Batty Barrel Bash, Beaver Bother, Big Bug Bash, Krazy Kong Klamor, Kremling Kosh, Peril Path Panic, Searchlight Seek, and Teetering Turtle Trouble).

Kasplut colors
Look at the hair color of a Kasplut when one is encountered. The color will reveal what color Blueprint he is holding. Green hair indicates a green Blueprint. If the Kasplut has white hair, then he does not have anything.

Multi-player mode
Go to the first level in adventure mode, where you find Diddy. Locate the big pad with King K. Rool's face in front of Funky's Place. Stand on the pad and press Z. You will be transported to a "battle arena", where you must defeat a group of small enemies. Once the timer runs out, you will receive a crown and have ability to play two multi-player games (a third-person death match-like game, and a multi-player version of the Battle Arena).

Alternate costumes in multi-player mode
Select a character, then press Analog-stick Up or Down.

Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game after collecting all bananas to view the normal ending, with an extra sequence with K. Lumsy taking the Kongs for a ride. Successfully complete the game after getting all the collectibles to view the normal ending, K. Lumsy sequence, and an extra sequence featuring Cranky.

Restore watermelon meter
When low on health, get next to a "Tag Barrel", jump into the barrel and exit to replenish your watermelon meter.

Swim faster
When swimming above water, hold B to swim faster.

201st Banana
Collect all 200 known Bananas so that Donkey Kong gets his hoard back. After collecting all 20 Banana Fairies, a message requesting you to visit the Head Fairy will appear. Visit her with Tiny and she will show you the way to the 201st Banana.

Rainbow Coins
Locate the dirt mounds marked with "DK" scattered throughout the game. Stand on top of a mound, then hold B to attack and send a shockwave to destroy the mound. A large Rainbow Coin will appear that results in five Banana Bunch Coins for each Kong.

Features menu
Enter "?TJL BDFW BFGV JVVB" as a password. Then the game will begin on level one. Now pause the game to access a new "Features" menu that allows level selection, invulnerability, map mode, health boost, and weapons/ammunition. You can also access the "warp to fun" levels 25, 26, and 27. Once enabled, the health boost and weapons/ammunition options may not be disabled. The invulnerability option will be disabled on level 32. Once enabled, the features menu will appear when any saved game is paused until the Nintendo 64 is powered off or reset. Destroy all the barrels on Level 1 to access Level 32. The warp is in a secret room behind the starting location of the level. Save the first barrel to be destroyed last.

Super status
Enter "W93M 7H20 BCY0 PSVB" as a password. Now the game will begin on the last level with 100 health, 200 armor, all weapons, full ammunitions, the backpack, and levels 29 to 31 completed. The inventory will contain three pentagram items that power-up the laser to be three times as powerful as the BFG9000 and activate the three switches in the last level to close the gates that spawn the monsters.

Level 32 (Hectic) demo
Enter "RVNH 3CT1 CD3M 0???" as a password. Now a demo of level 32 will appear as the fourth demonstration sequence.

Secret levels for special keys
Level 4 has a secret entrance to level 29.
Level 12 has a secret entrance to level 30.
Level 18 has a secret entrance to level 31.

Death messages
After losing a life, do not immediately resume the game. Wait a few seconds and random messages will appear at the top of the screen for several seconds at one minute intervals

Blue Key 8006328F 0001
Yellow Key 80063293 0001
Red Key 80063297 0001
Blue Skull Key 8006329B 0001
Yellow Skull Key 8006329F 0001
Red Skull Key 800632A3 0001
Gun/Chain Gun Ammo 800632E3 00FF
Shotgun Ammo 800632E7 0064
Missile Ammo 800632EF 0064
Plasma/BFG/Laser Weapon Ammo 800632EB 0064
Always Have Gun 800632C3 0001
Always Have Shotgun 800632C7 0001
Always Have Double Shotgun 800632CB 0001
Always Have Chain Gun 800632CF 0001
Always Have Missile Launcher 800632D3 0001
Always Have Chainsaw 800632BB 0001
Always Have Rocket Launcher 800632D1 0001
Always Have Plasma Rifle 800632D7 0001
Always Have Laser Weapon 800632DD 0001
Always Have BFG 9000 800632DB 0001
Always Have Bio Suite 80063283 00FF
Always in Berserk Mode 8006327B 00FF
Always in Invincibility Mode 80063277 00FF
Rapid Fire 8106333A 0B94
Invincible 8006330B 0002
Infinite Armor 8006326F 00FF
No Weapon Graphics 80063343 0000
Turn Map Markers On 8006330B 0004
Invincible And Map Markers 8006330B 0006

Duke Nukem 64
Cheat menu
At the main menu, press Left(2), L(2), Right(2), Left(2) in the NTSC version of the game. For the PAL version of the game, press Left, Down, L(2), Up, Right, Left, Up.

All items
Enable the "Cheat menu" code. Then at the main menu, press R, C-Right , Right, L, C-Left , Left, C-Right, Right in the NTSC version of the game. For the PAL version of the game, press R, C-Right, Down, L, C-Up, Left, C-Right, Left.

Enable the "Cheat menu" code. Then at the main menu, press R(7), Left in the NTSC version of the game. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Now an option for invincibility will appear on the cheat menu. For the PAL version of the game, press R, C-Right, R, L, R(3), Left.

Level select
Enable the "Cheat menu" code. Then, press L(3), C-Right, Right, Left(2), C-Left in the NTSC version of the game. For the PAL version of the game, press R, L, R, C-Down, Right, Up, Left, C-Up.

No monsters
Enable the "Cheat menu" code. Then, press L, C-Left, Left, R, C-Right, Right, Left(2), Right in the NTSC version of the game. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a siren. Now an option to toggle monsters on/off will appear on the cheat menu. For the PAL version of the game, press L, C-Up, Left, L, C-Down, R, L, R.

Infinite jet pack fuel
While flying with the jet pack, enable the "All items" code.

Big Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All items" code and the "Friendly Fire" option. Now have one player shoot the other player with the expander gun. Enable the "Invincibility" code before the first player explodes, then disable "Invincibility".

Small Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All items" code and the "Friendly Fire" option. Now have one player shoot the other player with the shrinker gun. Enable the "Invincibility" code, then disable "Invincibility".

Refill health
Destroy a fire hydrant, or another water source. Then, stand in the water and hold A to slowly restore health. Alternatively, stand in front of a toilet or urinal and press A.

Game Shark Codes
Infinite Health Level 1 80247463 00FF
Infinite Ammo (Pistol) 802A5A01 00FF
Have All Keys 802A5A47 000F
Have Shotgun 802A5ABB 0001
Infinite Ammo (Shotgun) 802A5A03 00FF
Have Sub Machine Guns 802A5ABC 0001
Infinite Ammo (SMG's) 802A5A05 00FF
Have Grenade Launcher 802A5ABD 0001
Infinite Ammo (Grenade Launcher) 802A5A07 00FF
Have Pipe Bombs 802A5ABE 0001
Infinite Ammo (Pipe Bombs) 802A5A09 00FF
Have Shrinker 802A5ABF 0001
Infinite Ammo (Shrinker) 802A5A0B 00FF
Have Expander 802A5AC0 0001
Infinite AMmo (Expander) 802A5A0D 00FF
Have Missile Launcher 802A5AC1 0001
Infinite Ammo (Missile Launcher) 802A5A0F 00FF
Have Plasma Cannon 802A5AC2 0001
Infinite Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 802A5A11 00FF
Have Laser Trip Bomb 802A5AC3 0001
Infinite Ammo (Laser Trip Bomb) 802A5A13 00FF
Infinite Armor 812A5A92 0064
Infinite Vitamin K 812A5A90 0190
Infinite Jet Pack 812A5A8E 0640
Infinite Scuba Gear 812A5A8C 1900
Weapon Equipped Modifier 802A5A23 000?
Open Cheat Menu 801012D8 0001
Open Invincibility Cheat 801012DC 0001
Open Monsters Cheat 801012E0 0001
Open All Items Cheat 801012E4 0001
Open Goto Level ?? Cheat 801012E8 0001

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