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For this week:

Tye-mela'ne Marie! ("I Love you Marie!" in Quenya, the Elvish language invented by J.R.R.Tolkien)

Preview Weeks

The pics to the left are the same as the ones to the right. The only differense is that the pics on the right are under 100k wich will make them easier to load. I added these picīs cause some people have slower server than others.
Ogre Ogre small
Elven Woman  
Elven Woman 2  
Mikeīs pic Mikeīs pic small
Utopia Characters:  
Winterfell Winterfell small
Itay Itay small
The Pimp Pimp small
Mystery Mystery small
Lackland Lackland small
Ambar Races:  
Cordelons Cordelons small
Humans Humans small
Ashwins Ashwins small
New Mersans New Mersans small
New Slythes New Slythes small

"More picīs"

You can also see these picīs at an Elfwood Gallery.