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EarthBound Walkthrough By Ed the Moogle Don't copy without permission. The lastest version of this walkthrough is available at Ed's EarthBound page, at First, some notes about each character. Ness- Gains the most HP of the group, and has the best physical attack power. Capable of unleasing some effective PSI Power, too. He is the only one who can use PSI Rockin, a powerful kinetic energy wave. He is the most well-rounded character in the game and the person you start the game as. Paula- Gains the least HP, but the most PP (up until the land of Magicant). Very useful PSI Power. She is the only one capable of using PSI-deflecting shields. She can also use powerful Ice, Fire and Thunder attacks, though not healing power. Her Pray command, which can do many different things, can be used in a pinch. Jeff- The only member of the group that cannot use PSI Power. But he makes up for it with his ability to repair and use complicated machines. He can create weapons or other useful tools out of seemingly normal broken things. His Spy command can spy on an enemy's statistics, as well as reveal weaknesses and items they may have. Poo- He is the strongest in the group second to Ness. He can unleash strong physical attacks with no weapons, as well as use a wide variety of powerful PSI. His Mirror ability allows him to assume the form of an enemy and use their own attacks against them. He cannot be controlled if he successfully mirrors an enemy. His only weapon, the Sword of Kings, will serve you well if you can find it. Part 1: Your Quest Begins Intorduction: It was a night like any other in the town of Onett, at the far north end of EagleLand, until a chunk of burning rock sailed through the atmosphere and crashed into a hilltop, shaking half of EagleLand. The Onett Police Force, famous for their roadblocks, quickly blocked every road near the hilltop as Captain Strong and an Eagleland scientist surveyed the scene. Now, down to business.. Kupo! (Preparing to rapidly type) When you start out in your room, go into the next room and talk to your sister. She won't have much to say right now, so take the gift box in her room to get the Cracked Bat. Equip the Cracked Bat and go downstairs. Talk to Mom if you want, but go outside either way. The Onett Police Force is already on the scene. Follow the path south of your house to end up at the crash site. It's barricaded off and Pokey is busy bothering the police. Talk to him and he'll yak about the meteor, then go back home and talk to Mom to go back to sleep. Later, you'll be awakened by a knock at the door. Go downstairs and open the door. It will be Pokey, whining about his missing brother, Picky. Agree to help him (you have no choice, although I like telling him I won't help about 345187346812624154069 times just to see if he'll go alone). Talk to the Dog and he'll join you. Talk to Pokey and he will join you. Now head outside. But, alas, before you leave, the phone starts ringing. It's your Dad(!) on the other end of the line. He'll ramble on about you being a hero and a bunch of other crap (just like in EarthBound Zero). Anyway, after he's done rambling on, head outside. Well, it looks like the police are gone and a bunch of critters are here to ruin your day. Nothing majorly tough, but it's good to get to Level 2 or 3 before going to the hilltop. Once you reach the top of the hill where the police were earlier, your dog will run back home. You'll find Picky sleeping under a tree. When he joins you, head back down the hill. But before you can, Pokey stops you and asks if you hear a buzzing noise. Answer either way and a bee(!) will come out of a light that glows from the meteor. He rambles on about Giygas and the legend of three boys and a girl who stop Giygas. Then Buzz Buzz joins you. Well then, head back to Pokey and Picky's house (in case you don't know, it's the house next to yours). Well, on the way you'll be attacked by Starman Jr.(!) and you'll enter your first mini-boss battle. This will be the second easiest victory in the game (the first is when you meet an enemy much weaker than yourself). Buzz Buzz will keep casting PSI Shield Beta to protect your team. Just keep attacking Starman Jr. and Buzz Buzz will take him out (I like Picky's attempts to help). When he is crushed, head to Pokey and Picky's house. Well, their parents are pissed at them and their dad is pissed at you. And for some dumb reason I have yet to determine, their mom mistakes Buzz Buzz for a dung beetle and smashes him. Talk to your crushed ally to get the Sound Stone, the most important item on your quest. Then go outside and back to your house to heal up and save your game (the photographer will continually harass you throughout the game, so get used to him). Head south into town and stop by the Drug Store. Buy a Tee Ball Bat for $48. Then go Northwest to the clubhouse (there's a secret entrance in the trees) and talk to one of the kids in there to get his Mr. Baseball Cap. Equip that too. Then head back into town, stopping by the library to get a map if you want, and go to the Arcade. There are members of the Shark's Gang all over the place. Fight them to get up some levels, preferably to about Level 7 (take out Skate Punks first, they can call on Yes Man Jr's and Pogo Punks to gang up on you). Then go into the arcade and fight all the people who attack in there. Once you're done, you'll probably need some healing. Head back to your house and heal up. Then go back into town to the Burger Shop and stock up on Burgers (you've probably also won some in battles with the Sharks). Then go to the Drug Store and buy a Cheap Bracelet for $98 (you'll be spending thousands of dollars on stuff later, so this is a bargain). Then go into the back yard of the arcade and fight the leader of the Sharks, Frank. Frank is pretty tough. His 63 HP may not sound like much, but he can do some serious damage. Try Hypnosis the first round of combat. If it works, it will make the battle easier. Heal up with Burgers or Lifeup Alpha if you really need it. Just bash him until he is defeated. When he is defeated, he'll hop in his big mech, Frankystein Mark II, and attack again. The mech has 108 HP. Unfortunately for him, it's a piece of junk and needs to release steam between attacks. Take advantage of this by attacking it or healing up between attacks. When you defeat Frankystein Mark II, Frank will admit defeat and the sharks will no longer bother you. Head to City Hall and talk to the mayor. He'll already know that you stopped the Sharks. He will give you the key to the shack north of town if you agree that you'll help him avoid any responsibility. Agree to this and take the key to the Shack (by the treehouse and the mole). Talk to the guys out front after you've unlocked the door and one will give you a Travel Charm, which prevents Paralysis. Then go inside the shack. There's a big hole in the wall inside the shack. Go through the hole to get behind the shack. Then go into the big cave. Inside the cave, you'll find some mean enemies and pretty good treasure. Watch out for the Black Antoids, they're lethal! It's OK to use healing PSI, because there is a Magic Butterfly in a later part of the cave (you can enter the cave and leave and it will return again). Power up until you learn PSI Rockin (fight near the Magic Butterfly's place so you can always get more PP) and make sure you have 2 or 3 burgers and full HP and PP. At the top of a big rope ladder, you'll meet the Guardian of one of the "Your Sanctuary" locations, Titanic Ant! He'll attack with two Black Antoids. Use PSI Rockin (it's named after whatever you called your favorite thing, so the name may vary) the very first round to deal major damage to Titanic Ant and defeat his two allies. Titanic Ant will constantly use PSI Magnet to sap your PP, so use as much of it as you can before he absorbs it all (try to use Rockin again to make this an easy battle). Bash him into defeat when you run out of PP, and remember to use those Burgers! When you win, follow the hallway he was guarding to arrive at your first "Your Sanctuary", Giant Step. You'll also be completely healed. Head back down the mountain and you'll find a cop waiting for you. After rambling on about trespassing and stuff, he'll tell you to meet him at the Onett Police Station later. So do just that. Talk to Captain Strong when you get there. He'll ask if you really want to go to Twoson (you may have heard from Paula if you've rested at your house or the Hotel). Answer yes and he'll take you to a room with five Police Officers. They'll each challenge you to a one-on-one battle. Bash away at them and save your PSI for healing up. After you defeat all five of them (well, four, the last one chickens out), Captain Strong will challenge you. Captain Strong isn't too tough either. Bash away at him and use your PSI to heal, especially when he uses his Submission Hold. After he is defeated, he'll order the police south of Onett to open the road for you. Head out of the police station and go south along the path. Watch out for the Ramblin' Mushrooms. They may Mushroomize you, and that wouldn't be good, because not only does it confuse your character in battle, it switches around the controls from time to time, making it harder to walk around. On the path, you'll notice a house (unless you don't know what a house is) There are mice in the house with signs on their head. Talk to the biggest mouse and she'll let you take one of the Exit Mice. They are useful in the fact that they can let you escape from any dungeon. Use it when you're team is almost defeated and out of items and PP. Moving along, once you get to Twoson, take some time to look around. If you are mushroomized, head to the Twoson Hostpital (your control may get messed up if you are mushroomized. If that's the case, just turn the controller around). Talk to the healer and he'll buy the mushroom for $50. That's $50 to spend on goodies! Stop by the Dept. Store to buy better weaponry and take out some money. If you go to the Twoson Hotel and keep annoying the guy at the table, he'll give you some money. Then stop by Burglin Park to buy some more goodies. Everdred will probably attack you in Burglin Park (for no apparent reason). Everdred isn't so tough. The worst thing he does is steal your items. But if he gets a SMAAAAAASH attack on you, you're toast (he defeated me three times in a row that way). Once he is defeated, he'll tell you about Paula and how she was kidnapped by Carpainter and some chubby kid. Once you're done talking with Everdred, go to the Day Care southeast of Burglin Park. The kids seem to miss Paula as well. If you go upstairs after talking to her dad, you'll find a Teddy Bear, which can be used as a decoy in battle. Go south to the Mach Pizza and get their phone number. This will come in handy throughout the game. Once that's done, go to the Bus Station (don't get on the bus yet) and withdraw $200 from the bank. If you don't have it, buy an egg or two from Burglin Park for $12. Then wait for them to turn into Chickens (not Chicks), then sell them for $110. A $98 profit! Not bad! Anyway, after you buy all your supplies and scrounge up $200, Drop by Apple Kid's house. He'll ask you for something to eat. Give him something to eat (any food item). He'll thank you and ask if you'd like to invest $200 in his inventions. Give him the money and his mouse will give you the Reciever Phone when you talk to him. You can find a Broken Machine in his trash can. Put it on Escargo Express for now (call Mom once to get Escargo Express' number), as it is of no use to you at the moment and you'll need valuable inventory space soon. Head out again and follow the path east of town. Go through the cave and come out on the other side. There will be a girl picking mushrooms. If you get mushroomized, you can sell her the mushroom. Fight your way past the UFOs and other nasty little critters that hang out around here, then check the Pencil statue at the dead end. Since you can't get past it or do anything about it yourself, head back to Twoson. Upon exiting the cave, you'll get a call on the Reciever Phone. It's Apple Kid! Apparently he's finished his invention, the Pencil Eraser! But when you go back to his house, he is gone. Orange Kid will tell you that Apple Kid went to Burglin Park, so go there instead. He will give you the Pencil Eraser. Before you return to Peaceful Rest Valley, make sure of two things. 1) Carry two or three hamburgers with you. 2) Unequip the Travel Charm and sell it (or put it on Escargo Express), because no enemies will try to paralyze you in Peaceful Rest Valley. Now go back to that statue and wipe it out. Part 2: Carpainter's Cult Continue through Peaceful Rest Valley, picking up the goodies along the way. Equip the Hard Hat when you find it and use the For Sale Sign (if you bought it) to sell the Mr. Baseball Cap for a good amount of money. When you see a cabin, head south and east into a cave. When you exit the cave, you'll be in Happy Happy village. You can stay at the southwest house for $50 and buy stuff at the Drug Store on the opposite side of town. At the self-service stand, you can do the egg trick and get more money (just don't pay for them). If you decide not to pay for an item at the self-service stand (or just don't pay full price), talk to the guy behind the tree and he'll fight you. Go through the cave near the Drug Store to find the cabin you passed by eariler. Go inside to find Paula. She'll tell you that Carpainter has the key to her jail cell. She will also give you the Franklin Badge so that you can defend against Carpainter's lightning. Go outside and Pokey will be there. He'll tell you about how he joined Carpainter's cult, and then send a few of his friends after you. Fight them off and make your way back to Happy Happy Village. Go into the center house and there will be a LOT of people in there. Talk to the ones that move faster to make your way across the room (some will fight you, but they aren't much of a problem). After you climb the stairs, talk to Carpainter. He'll try to fry you with lightning no matter what you answer, but the Badge will deflect it. Carpainter will then attack you. He'll pretty much do himself in with his Lightning attacks reflecting off your Franklin Badge. When he is defeated, he will give up the Key to the Cabin. Go back to the cabin (most of the guys downstairs are gone!) and free Paula. Buy her some equipment at the Drug Store and go into the cave below it. Paula will go up levels like mad in here, so fight a bunch of guys. Unfortunately, she has fewer HP than Ness, especially at such a low level, so defend her at all cost. The Mighty Bears are the most dangerous enemies in this dungeon, but a PSI Freeze should take them out. At the end of the cave you will find the second guardian of "Your Sanctuary", Mondo Mole! Use Paralysis on him and this will be a very easy fight. Paula will also get tons more experience. If you want to have a fair fight, use PSI Fire and have Ness put up shields and try to be around level 20. Try your best to keep Paula from being defeated, although it probably won't happen. Go into the door once you defeat him to find the second "Your Sanctuary", Lilliput Steps. Once you're done, hike all the way back to Twoson and talk to Everdred. He'll give you a Wad of Bills, which you will use shortly. Go to Polestar Preschool and talk to Paula's parents. Her mom will give you a Hand-Aid, which will restore all of your HP. Save it for when you really need it. Go to the Chaos Theater and talk to the Runaway Five out front. One will give you a Backstage Pass. Go inside and give it to the guy standing in the way and he will let you in. Go in and watch the show, then talk to the manager. Go behind the desk and give him the Wad of Bills. The Runaway five will be very happy that they can finally leave and will give you a free trip to Threed (which you couldn't do earlier due to the ghosts in the tunnel). Part Three: Zombie Town When you arrive in Threed, you'll discover it's been overrun by Zombies and other nasty critters. Buy better weapons and armor at the Drug Store, then go northwest into the graveyard. There will be two zombies guarding an underground passage. They won't attack you, but they won't let you pass, either. Be careful in the graveyards. The Stinky Ghosts have incredibly high Defense and the No Good Flies can easily back-attack you. Return to the Hotel. A strange woman will walk inside the hotel. Follow her inside into one of the rooms and you'll be ambushed by zombies. You'll be KOed and put in an underground prison. Paula will pray to your next friend, Jeff, to come and help. Jeff actually lives somewhere called Winters, at Snow Wood Boarding School. You'll control Jeff for a little while. As you try to leave the room, Tony will join you. Go downstairs and talk to Maxwell to get the Key to the Locker. Then go next door to the Locker Room. When you try the key, it won't work very well. Return to Maxwell to get the "Bad Key Machine." Try the machine on the lockers. Check every locker for Jeff's first weapons and armor. Then go upstairs and take a bunch of Cookies (if you think you will need them, the Spiteful Crows outside will also drop a lot of cookies). Go outside and Tony will help you jump the front gate. Go into the Drug Store nearby. Buy a Pak of Bubble Gum and give it to the Monkey near the entrance. He will join your team (you'll need him in a bit). Head south from there to the Tessie Watching Club. Talk to the people in the tents and one will let you stay the night. In the morning, Tessie will appear and ferry you and the Bubble Monkey across the water. On the other side, pass through the cave, picking up the goodies on the way (and fighting Mad Ducks, Worthless Protoplasms, and the like). There's also some good presents, like the Stun Gun. At the other side, you will find a phone to save your game and the creator of the dungeon, Brick Road, who will heal you. He'll also tell you about his dream of becoming "Dungeon Man!" Go south again to another cave. This one is a bit more trying. Pick up the Cheap Bracelet on your way through. When you reach the rope, use the Pak of Bubble Gum and Bubble Monkey will float up and drop the rope down for you. Climb up and proceed. Pay no attention to the shining spot for now (the guy will refuse to fight someone who doesn't have a Sound Stone). Go outside and the Bubble Monkey will run off with another monkey. Head south, avoiding the Cave Boys (although you could fight them for Exp, but they are pretty tough), to Dr. Andonuts' lab. Go upstairs to pick up a Broken Pipe. This will be of use later, so take it with you. Talk to Dr. Andonuts a couple times to hear about his Sky Runner and the Phase Distorter (which will be of use later). Get in the Sky Runner and watch the lengthy cinema. When you crash land in the prison where Ness and Paula are, you'll assume Ness' identity again and Jeff will join your team. Use the Bad Key Machine on the locked door to open it. Head to the south end of town. Buy better supplies for Jeff at the Drug Store and the guy behind it who sells Bottle Rockets and stuff. Put the Bad Key Machine on Escargo Express and then get the Broken Machine back and give it to Jeff.Then head south some more to a strange purple tent. The tent is actually alive and dangerous! Use Paula's PSI Fire, Ness' PSI Rockin, and have Jeff attack with Bottle Rockets. Soon enough, you will defeat the tent. Pick up the Fly Honey you find in the garbage can. Then wander around until you recieve a phone call. It will be Apple Kid, with another wacky invention, the Zombie Paper (similar to Fly Paper, but it works on Zombies). He'll send it to you via Mach Pizza a few seconds after the call. It turns out his newest invention is just what you needed. Take the Zombie Paper to the tent in the middle of town and use it. Then go stay the night at the hotel. All the zombies, including the two guarding the ladder, will go in the tent and get stuck to the paper. Go investigate that ladder the zombies were guarding, and bring some supplies (namely a couple Vials of Serum). There's lots of ghosts down here. Watch out for the Zombie Posessors, because they can posess you with a Mini-ghost that is VERY annoying (freezes you or attacks for 1 damage EVERY round). Open the caskets, because they have some good items in them. At the end of the tunnel, you will fight a mini boss, the Mini Barf. Hit him with PSI Fire/Freeze (I forgot which works better) and be sure to heal up when you run low on HP. He'll blind all your characters at the beginning, so don't use physical attacks. Jeff's Bottle Rockets will come in handy. When you exit the tunnel, there will be a guy that sells you supplies. He'll tell you about Saturn Valley, which is just ahead. Fight past some Red and Black Antoids, Armored Frogs, and Zombies (among others) and enter the cave to reach Saturn Valley. The Mr. Saturn are pretty cool. They let you heal up for free and they have some pretty good items for sale. Buy new weapons and armor while you're here. Talk to the Mr. Saturn to learn about Master Belch, who has been kidnapping the Mr. Saturn. One will even tell you the password to Master Belch's secret base. After stocking up, go back through the cave you went through to get here. Go north to the waterfall, and walk into it. Walk to the left and push up and someone will tell you to say the password. Don't push any buttons for three minutes and the door will open. Inside, there will be a lot of enemies. This is a good place to stock up on items and experience. The Foppy attack in large numbers, but aren't very dangerous. Fighting Foppies is a good way to build Exp. You can also get some good items, like the HP Sucker for Jeff. At the end of this factory, you will meet Master Belch, who sent the Zombies to Threed. Use the Fly Honey at the beginning of the match and Master Belch will be too busy eating it to fight you. Then just hit him with normal attacks. Master Belch will be down very quickly. That was pretty easy, wasn't it? After his defeat, follow the tunnel behind him and you will be back in Saturn Valley. Go into the Hot Springs to cure status conditions or revive allies. Then talk to the Mr. Saturn by the stump and he'll give you a pep talk (he seems to be the only Mr. Saturn who can speak without the wierd font). Heal up and save your game, then go into the other cave by the Hot Springs. You'll find tougher versions of enemies you've met earlier in the game. If you are mushroomized, backtrack to the Hot Springs to heal it. After a short hike and lots of enemy fights, you'll find the third guardian of "Your Sanctuary." Trillionage Sprout is the toughest boss yet! Try to be around Level 28 before fighting. Try PSI Fire and PSI Rockin and have Jeff use any Bottle Rockets he may have. The HP Sucker also does a lot of damage against him, and heals Jeff in the process! Defeat it and record the song of Milky Well. Then return to Threed. It will be free of Zombies. Part Four: Strange Events In Fourside Take the bus to Fourside (the ghosts in the tunnel will be gone). You will be stopped on the way because of a traffic jam in the Dusty Dunes Desert. You'll have to get out and walk. Drop by the drug store and buy some supplies. Buy some weapons and armor, too. They'll be the best you'll get for quite a while. Talk to the arms dealer out back to buy some goods for Jeff. If you run into Criminal Caterpillar (very hard to find), fight it. It uses strong fire attacks, but it gives lots of experience points (around 10,000 a pop!). Walk around the desert and find gift boxes. They have some goods in there that will be useful. Once you reach the other side, the traffic jam will be gone and you can return to the Bus Stop and ride to Fourside (or walk if you want to save $6). Once in Fourside, head to the Topolla Theater and buy a ticket. Talk to the manager. It seems that the Runaway Five are stuck in debt again. You could probably pay them off again if the debt was $10000 (at this point I had like $15,000 in the bank), but this time it's a million dollars (and the most you can carry is $99,999, so fighting tons of enemies won't work). Watch the show and talk to them back stage, then return to the Dusty Dunes Desert. Find the mining camp in the middle of the desert and give the guy some food. He'll agree to give you some of the treasure if he finds it. Go inside the house and the guy will let you stay the night for free. The next morning, there will be a big hole outside the house. Go into the hole. You'll meet the miner inside. He'll tell you about the five Guardian Diggers. You'll have to travel all around the cave to meet all five. Bring some Vials of Serum (purchasable in Threed), because there's lots of enemies that like to poison you. Be sure to pick up the gifts you find laying around. When you fight one, don't use normal attacks because he has a Power Shield (which will throw half the damage you inflict right back at you). Try HP sucker, PSI Flash, and PSI Freeze (one Freeze Gamma can kill a Guardian Digger in one hit!). When you defeat all five, talk to the two miners and then go back to Fourside. You'll be stopped by the miner. He'll give you the Diamond. Well, you know what to do with it. Go to Topolla and bail out the Runaway Five! If you passed by the Department Store earlier, you know it was closed. It will be re-opened. Stock up on supplies and visit the store room to find an arms dealer. When you try to leave the store, the lights will go out and Paula will vanish! (See bottom of document) You'll hear a voice on the PA tell you to come to the top floor. On your way up, you will meet strong enemies, so be careful. Once you reach the top floor, go into the office to fight Dept. Store Spook. Attack him with everything you've got. Once he is defeated, head to Jackie's Cafe in the northwest end of town. Talk to the (somewhat annoying) people, then head back outside. You'll find Everdred surrounded by people. One will let you through if you give him something. Give him something (just buy something cheap and give it to him if you can't spare anything you have), then talk to Everdred. He'll tell you to check the wall behind the counter in the Cafe, then walk off. Do as Everdred said and you'll end up in Moonside, the very strange "evil side" of Fourside. Remember that when someone asks you a question, that yes means no and no means yes. When you talk to some people, they will warp you to a different place. Talk to the guy some warp you to. He'll say that the only person that can pass is a guy with connected eyebrows and a gold tooth. Keep talking to the people that warp you until eventually you reach a guy that asks if you want to warp. Answer "no" and he'll warp you to where you want to go. You'll end up in a room with some guy that looks like Mr. T and a guy that you can barely see because he blends in with the background. Talk to the guy that blends in and he'll come with you, and then to Mr. T, who will warp you out. It turns out the nearly invisible guy is the guy you were looking for. Talk to the guy who won't let you pass and he'll run off with the invisible guy. Walk down and talk to the guy in front of the statue and he'll dissapear. Then check the statue (it's the same one Lier and Carpainter had) and it will attack. Watch out, because the thing can paralyze you. Equip some items that prevent paralysis (Travel Charms) and hit him with Rockin and Bottle Rockets. When he is defeated, Moonside will dissapear. Apparently it was just an illusion created by the statue. Part Five: Evil in the Sewer No sooner do you step out of the storeroom that Apple Kid calls you again. This time he has an even wackier invention. He sends Escargo Express to deliver it. But when the guy gets there, it turns out he dropped it in the desert. After talking to the Monkey, the delivery man, and Electra, Monotoli's maid, go to the Dusty Dunes Desert again and enter the Monkey's hideout (you couldn't get in earlier, because Talah Rama was blocking the entrance). After going through a long trading process (and picking up some valuable items on the way) you'll meet Talah Rama. He'll tell you more about your destiny of defeating Giygas and give you Apple Kid's invention, the Yogurt Dispenser. Then he'll allow you to learn teleport. Go back outside and talk to the monkey. The monkey will teach you Teleport, which will be very handy later. Return to Fourside once again and give Electra the Yogurt Dispenser. Go to the floor where Pokey is, then take the other elevator to the top floor. Fight past the Security robots and pick up goodies until you meet the Clumsy Robot. The Clumsy Robot rarely attacks, but when it does, it is very powerful and can do well over 200 HP damage. Cure immediately when this happens. You can hit the Clumsy Robot all day, but it will always refill it's HP with a Bologne Sandwich (which you can't actually get even by cheating). Eventually, the Runaway Five will bust in and stop the robot. After they stop the robot, go into the next room to meet Mr. Monotoli and Paula. He'll tell you some about your quest and the Mani Mani statue, and how it forced him to serve Giygas. He says that you should go to Summers. Then he opens a secret walkway to his helicopter. But Pokey hijacks it and takes off. Hmm, you'll need some other way to get to Summers. Leave the Monotoli building. When you're about to get on the elevator, Apple Kid will give you a call and tell you that he is searching for Dr. Andonuts. Leave the building and go back downstairs. Get on the Runaway Five's bus and ride to Threed. Return to the wreakage of the Sky Runner in the underground prison and Jeff will fix it. Fly back to Winters and talk to Prof. Andonuts. He will rewire the Sky Runner to fly you to Summers. For now, head back to the Shining Spot that Jeff passed by earlier to find the fourth Guardian of "Your Sanctuary." Shrooom is a dangerous opponent. He uses attacks that Mushroomize and poison. Try to be around Level 40 before entering this fight. Try hitting him with PSI Freeze, Bombs or Bottle Rockets, and have Ness save his PSI for healing. If someone gets mushroomized, heal up your characters in case they are hit by the mushroomized person. When he is defeated, you will find the fourth Shining Spot, Rainy Circle. Return to the lab and the Sky Runner will be ready. Hop in and fly to Summers. But this time, you'll crash land and the Runner will be totally vaporized. Head up into the town and you'll soon discover that everything here is very expensive. Go to the shop to buy some supplies (the Gold Bracelets are valuable, so buy them if you can afford them). Head east into the port, Toto. Talk to the people in the houses. One will tell you the phone number to the Stoic Club. When you leave the house, Tony will call up and ask you to enter your name (yes, YOU, the person reading this). After you've done that, find a phone and call the Stoic Club. After you've made a reservation, go to the Stoic Club. Talk to the people in here (pretty boring people, if you ask me), and talk to the lady by the entrance. She'll tell you to stop by a cart on the beach later. Go down there and talk to her and you'll eat her Magic Cake and assume the identity of Poo for a while. Poo's master will tell you to go to the training grounds. First, travel around Dalaam and take the treasure chests you find. They'll have some very useful items in them. Once you are done, go south to the mountain. Talk to Star Master. After he dissapears, climb the rope to the top and ignore the girl that tries to get you to leave. The spiritual guy will do lots of mean stuff to you. Let him do everything he wants. After you do that, Poo's training will be complete (no, he will not be missing any eyes, limbs, or the like, despite what the spiritual guy said). Go back to the castle and talk to Poo's Master. He'll power you up a little bit and send you to Summers, where Ness and friends are waiting. You'll control Ness again and Poo will join your team. Now that you have Poo on your team, enter the Museum and go upstairs. Talk to the guy and he'll take the Tiny Ruby from Poo and allow you to enter the unfinished exhibit. Be careful in here. There will be two strong foes waiting to attack as you enter the room. These give a good share of Experience points for Poo, though. Read the Heiroglyph, then go back downstairs. The guard will stop you and give you a copy of the Heiroglyph. When you go back downstairs, the receptionist will be gone and the phone will be ringing. It will be the owner of the Dinosaur Museum in Fourside, Mr. Fork. He'll mistake you for Mr. Spoon and tell you about a "huge find." Well, what are you waiting for? Teleport to Fourside and find out what it is! When you go in the Dinosaur Museum, he won't let you enter the room he found it in, though. He says that he wants an autograph from the new singer at the Topolla Theater, Venus. Head over there, watch the show (and the funny scene within) and get the Signed Banana. Give it to Mr. Fork. He'll allow you to pass. What he found was a path into the sewers. You'll meet more dangerous versions of old foes down here, along with some useful items. After a long hike through the sewers (bring some Skip Sandwiches to save your sanity from slowly trudging through the water). At the end of the sewer, you'll find the Plague Rat of Doom, another guardian of "Your Sanctuary". Try to be around Level 50 for this fight (have Poo be around 35). Prepare to heal up, because most of his attacks will be SMAAAAAAASH attacks. Try using PSI Flash, PSI Freeze, and have Jeff use Big Bottle Rockets (you can buy them at Fourside Dept. Store, courtesy of the arms dealer). Defeat him to reach Magnet Hill. Upon reaching Magnet Hill, you'll notice a chest. Open it to recieve the Carrot Key. Part 6: Secret of the Pyramid Teleport to Dalaam. Heal up and save your game at the palace. Remember the rabbit statues you passed by earlier? Use the Carrot Key on them and they will all dissapear. Enter the cave. You'll find some good items in here. You'll find the Bracer of Kings for Poo if you look around. At the end of the cave (which you have to drop through a lot of holes to reach), you'll meet Thunder and Storm, another guardian of "Your Sanctuary" (that was quick, wasn't it?). While they appear to be two seperate targets, you can hit them both at once. PSI Freeze is the most effective attack on them. Try to be around level 55 (have Poo be around level 40-45). Thunder and Storm actually aren't very tough. Make sure one of your characters has the Franklin Badge. Be sure to heal up when they take a deep breath. Their next attack will be very strong. Other than that, just keep nailing them with Freeze attacks. Defeat them to learn the song of Pink Cloud. After that, return to Summers and talk to the guy in Toto. He'll let you ride his boat for $20 a person to Scaraba ($80 total). On the way, you'll be attacked by Kraken, a tough mini boss. Kraken uses a wide variety of attacks. It spits fire that hits everyone, lightning that hits one person (Franlin badge?) and it can use it's body as a weapon. Try using PSI Freeze and PSI Flash, and have Jeff use Big Bottle Rockets or attack. Equip a character with the Fire Pendant you found in Moonside and they will be tougher to defeat (I reccomend giving to to Ness). After you defeat Kraken (and listen to the sailor brag about how he helped) you'll arrive at Scaraba. You'll find an arms dealer at the inn and a bunch of cool goodies at the market. Buy some Serums, because they'll be very useful in a while. Also pick up a Piggy Nose, so you can find truffles in Deep Darkness. Once you're ready, head south to the Sphinx. There will be five tiles in front of the Sphinx. Read the Heiroglyph Copy and follow the "Dance before the Sphinx" thing. If you're still confused, step on them in this order: ___1/6___ 4_______3 __2___5__ You'll probably notice that it makes a star shape (unless you don't know what a star is. If that's the case, I pity you). The door will open behind the sphinx. Enter the pyramid. Inside, the heiroglyphs will jump off the walls to attack. They can poison you and give you a cold, so use Serums and Healing A and B when needed. When you get to the room with the big casket, go to the right and down the stairs. Check the casket down there and you will fight the Guardian General. Guardian General can't do much, he just punches at you. Try PSI Fire and regular attacks, and save your PSI for healing. After he is defeated, go into the next room and step on the floor plate that stands out. Go back to the room with the big casket and the casket will be out of the way, revealing a hole. Jump down it. Down here, you'll find an object on the ledge. Get it and it will turn out to be the legendary Hawk Eye. Get it. You'll need it shortly. Walk to the right and exit the pyramid. As you leave, Star Master will come by and heal you. He says that Poo must come with him for a while to learn PSI StarStorm, a powerful attack. Poo leaves the party for a short while (see bottom of document). Go north and you'll find a merchant and a nomad. Buy stuff from the merchant, and talk to the nomad to get the Key to the Tower(!). Head Northwest and you will come across a big stone robot (remember Breath of Fire?). Use the Key and enter the robot. Inside, you'll find a pay phone, a hospital, and a bench that heals you. Use any services you may need. After that's done, follow the pathways up and pick up the goodies you find. After a long hike, you'll reach the top of the tower. You'll find Brick Road. It appears that Dr. Andonuts has made him "Dungeon Man" as he always wanted to be. He tells you to jump down the hole nearby. Jump in the nearest hole (the other one is blocked) and you'll eventually end up back outside. Dungeon Man will be a part of your fighting team for a moment. Head south until Dungeon Man gets stuck in the trees. Talk to the warrior you find. He'll tell you about the bottomless river. Go back and talk to Dungeon Man. He'll say that he has a submarine you can use. Go back up to where you found Brick Road and the other hole will not be blocked by the sign. Go down that hole and you'll end up on a ledge with a pay phone. Save your game if you want, then head up and you'll find a bunch of old vehicles. One is actually one of Dr. Andonuts' healing machines! After healing, check the Submarine and Jeff will carry it outside and fix it up so you can use it. Part 7: The Secret of Stonehenge Once it's fixed, you'll sail to Deep Darkness. Here, the poisonous swamp will slowly ebb away your HP, so try to avoid walking in it if possible. Go east to find an Arms Dealer that sells Multi Bottle Rockets (the best Bottle Rockets, they do about 800-1400 damage each!) and go up onto the ledge to find a salesman and a doctor. If you choose to let the salesman pay the doctor, you won't have to pay anything (your dad will pay it back at the end of the game). Teach the monkey to teleport and you will be rewarded with the Monkey's Love. Go south into the darkest part of Deep Darkness. When you can't see anything, use the Hawk Eye and the area will light up. Travel around the swamp and use the Piggy Nose occasionally to sniff out Magic Truffles that restore 80 PP each. Save these for the end of the game. In the swamp, you'll notice the helicopter Pokey took off in earlier. Jeff examines it and says that he could fix it, but the engine is missing. Press on further to find Master Belch, only now he's calling himself Master Barf and is a lot meaner to boot. Don't bother with Fly Honey, he won't eat any more. You'll actually have to fight him this time. Use Freeze, Big and Multi(!) Bottle Rockets (a couple Multi Bottle Rockets will make this a quick fight). When you've dealed enough damage, Poo will re-appear and finish off Master Barf with his new technique, PSI Starstorm! Master Barf will give you the Casey Bat, Ness' strongest weapon, but not the best. It almost always misses. Go a little farter after defeating Master Barf to find Tenda Village. The Tenda won't have much to say to you, because they're all shy (except one). But you can heal up and use the phone. Check the trash can by the phone to find a good weapon for Jeff. Leave the village for now. You'll get a call from Apple Kid. He'll tell you that he has found Dr. Andonuts. Then he will get cut off. Then Orange Kid will call and tell you about the book that can cure shyness. He says that Apple Kid has it. Of course, if Apple Kid has it, you'll have to go get it from him. Go to Winters. You'll meet more dangerous enemies in Winters, that can use the deadly Diamondize attack. Follow the path that you took as Jeff (Tessie will help again). When you reach the lab, Apple Kid and Prof. Andonuts will be gone. The only ones left are Bigfoot and the mouse that follows Apple Kid around. Talk to the mouse and you'll get Apple Kid's invention, the Eraser Eraser. Talk to Bigfoot to buy supplies. Then enter the hole in the middle of Stonehenge, north of the lab. You'll be in a strange place where sirens are going off like crazy. Use the Eraser Eraser on the eraser-shaped object that blocks your path and it will vanish. Enter the Stonehenge Base. There will be lots of Starmen (remeber Starman Jr?) in here, along with Star man Supers. This place is a big twisting maze of pathways. When you reach a big open room, pick up presents you find and fight some Starmen and Starmen Super to get experience. A Starman Super may randomly be carrying the Sword of Kings, the only weapon designed specially for Poo. Use Spy on each Starman Super you fight and they may have it. The chances are 1/128, though. At the back of the base, you'll find an Exit Mouse. In the room after the next you'll find the people captured by the Starmen. Among them are Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid, Mr. T, and even a Mr. Saturn! Go in the next room to find the one responsible for the whole operation, Starman Deluxe! Don't hit Starman Deluxe with PSI, it will just reflect and hit you instead. Use a Multi Bottle Rocket to make this a quick battle. If you don't have one, keep attacking Starman Deluxe with regular attacks and Big Bottle rockets (if you have those, they work pretty well). Cast Shield of Light or Power Shield to soften the blows. If he calls on other Starmen or Super Starmen, ignore them. They will be destroyed if Starman Deluxe is destroyed. Go back to the previous room and talk to everyone. The Mr. Saturn will give you the Saturn Ribbon, a defensive item for Paula. Apple Kid will tell you that he returned the shyness book to the library in Onett. Leave the base and teleport to Onett. Talk to the guy in the mask (the one who didn't say anything earlier) and he'll tell you to check the shelves. When you find it, return to Tenda Village. Give the book to the leader of the Tenda (the one that looks like an imp) and he'll read it to all the Tenda. The leader of the Tenda will give you some Tendakraut and ask you if you entered your name right (yes, YOU) Now you'll be able to talk to them. One will give you items if you give him Horns of Life. Most aren't very useful, but you will get a weapon for Ness, among other things. Talk to the strong Tenda near the rock and he'll get it out of the way for you. Head underground. Down here, you'll meet several new enemies. If you stumble upon a room full of Fobbies, build up some experience by defeating them (they attack in large groups and are easy to beat). After finding more goodies and finding your way through the labyrinth, you'll meet the seventh guardian of "Your Sanctuary." Electro Specter isn't too tough. No magic works particularly well, so hit him with a little of everything. He will start with a PSI Shield, then switch to Shield of Light (I think). So wait until he changes his shield. He takes quite a while to beat. Jump down the hole and you'll find Lumine Hall. Jump down the hole in there to end up at the Lost Underworld. Part 8: The Eight Songs Unite You'll have to fight Wetnosaur, Chompsaur, and occasionally a very rare Ego Orb. Use the geysers that erupt after the earthquakes to heal up (red cures status, Blue restores HP and PP) and take cover in the shelters when you need to save. Look around for the Cloak of Kings for Poo. When you reach a small village within a cage, it will turn out to be the second Tenda Village. They'll take your Tendakraut and allow you to enter. You can buy some good items here, so take the time to do so. Talk to the rock in the villlage to learn about the last "Your Sanctary." Then heal up and head south to it. You'll be in a volcano. There are dangerous enemies here, like Psychic Psycho and Major Psychic Psycho (who has a 1/128 chance of giving up the Star Pendant [no, not the item that prevents poison from FFVII]). You'll find Jeff's second best weapon in here (the best is crafted from the Parabolic/Antenna). At the end of the tunnel, you'll meet the last guardian of "Your Sanctuary", Carbon Dog. Try to be around level 70 for this fight. Carbon Dog can use powerful attacks, but he can't stand up to PSI Freeze. After taking about 3000 damage, he'll let out a bright light and become Diamond Dog, possibly the toughest boss in the game. He has no particular weakness and about 3000 HP. He also has a Psychic Power Shield. Hit it with a few weak attacks to destroy it, then unload on him with your best attacks. Use PSI Rockin, PSI Freeze (may freeze him for a round if you're lucky), Multi Bottle Rockets, and PSI Starstorm. Use your items and PSI to heal up. Diamond Dog uses powerful physical attacks and may Diamondize a character. After you manage to defeat him (he may take a few tries), record the song of the Fire Spring. The eight songs will combine and send Ness into the realm within his mind, Magicant. Ness will be by himself in Magicant. You'll meet many old friends in this place. Buy an Earth Pendant for Ness and two more for your friends when you meet up with them again. Also stock up on Magic Pudding for the battle with Giygas. These restore 40 PP each. Near the pathway that has enemies on it is the house of Flying Men. Talk to one and he will join you. But he cannot be healed and can only take about 600 damage. Follow the right path to find... well, you. He'll give you the Baseball Cap, the hat you could have gotten at the very beginning of the game. The present nearby has a useful item, though. A Bag of Dragonite. Save this for an emergency. Along the way you'll find a Magicant Bat. Equip it for now. When you reach a big pole thingie, check it to warp to the Sea of Eden. Be careful, because there are Krakens here, and you will not be able to escape if you get into combat with them. However, they give lots of experience and there's a 1/128 chance of getting the Gutsy Bat. It has less attack power than the Casey Bat, but raises Guts by 127 and is much more accurate. At the center of the Sea of Eden, you'll meet the ultimate foe, Ness' Nightmare! Use PSI Rockin, because he puts up a Power Shield and uses strong attacks. Use B and C, but not D. It drains more PP than you can spare. When he hits you with Rockin (he can use it, he's a part of Ness, after all), use Lifeup C right away. Use Magic Puddings to outlast him. Part 9: Final Battleground After he is defeated, Ness will gain the power of the Shining Spots and that will boost his power quite a bit. On top of all that, he gains 200,000 (!!!) experience, goes up quite a few levels and gains new PSI power that is very useful. Then Magicant will vanish and Ness will recover at the Fire Spring, where his friends await him. You will teleport to Saturn Valley to find Dr. Andonuts, Apple Kid and Mr. Saturn working on the Phase Distorter 2. But when you try to use it, the machine will not work. There is a missing material that is mostly found in meteorites. Now where could you find a meteorite??? Teleport back to Onett and you'll find it's been overrun by powerful new enemies, like Ghost of Starmen (who uses Starstorm at the start of every fight). Make your way to Ness' house to heal up and save, then continue up the hill to the Meteor. Check it to extract some Zexonyte, the material that the Phase Distorter needs. Return to Saturn Valley and talk to Dr. Andonuts. Give him the Zexonyte and stock up on supplies at Dalaam (they sell Brain Food Lunch, the best food item). When you're ready, stay the night at Saturn Valley and talk to Dr. Andonuts. You'll get in the Phase Distorter 2 and teleport to... The tunnel you may have stumbled upon in the Lost Underworld. Upon arriving, you'll find that the Phase Distorter can heal and save, but the time warp mechanism doesn't work. When you explore, Star Master will show up and give Poo his ultimate PSI, Starstorm B. You'll also meet a Mr. Saturn who says he was kidnapped by Pokey. Check the wreckage of the original Phase Distorter (Pokey again?) to find a Horn of Life. Apple Kid and Dr. Andonuts will show up in Phase Distorter 3. Talk to Dr. Andonuts and he'll explain that Giygas is attacking from this point, only millions of years in the past. He'll also say that the time-warp process will kill any life inside the Phase Distorter 3. So he must transfer your "spirit" to a robot for the final battle. After that is done, teleport to the past. There isn't a lot here, except for Giygas' strongest soldiers. If you need to build up levels, stay close to the Phase Distorter 3. It can heal you and save your game. When your team is around level 80, you should be ready. Follow the path and pick up the Legendary Bat for Ness (if you don't have the Gutsy Bat). Towards the end, you will meet Final Starmen, the strongest Starmen of all. Enter the tunnel and follow the long path of pipes to a big machine. You'll also find Pokey driving a big armored car. In this fight, concentrate all your attacks on Pokey. Any attacks on Giygas will reflect back at you. Cast a Psychic Shield to protect yourself from Giygas' onslaught of PSI Rockin. Try using Brain shock to confuse Giygas and Pokey into hitting each other, and thus hurting each other instead of you (though your shield is ineffective if Giygas reflects a spell off himself). After inflicting enough damage on Pokey, he will turn off the machine and the second round will begin. Giygas will attack you with either a Thunder, Flash, or Freeze attack (his freeze attack hits everyone and his Flash attack may kill you instantly). Hit him with anything you have and the third round will begin. Put all your effort into keeping Paula alive. She is the only one who can use Pray. Pray is the only thing that can defeat Giygas. When you use it once, his defenses will weaken. Don't bother with attacking anymore, just heal up and have Paula keep using Pray. After about nine uses, Giygas will be defeated (which is pretty cool, because you are the one who eventually defeats him). Pokey will make his getaway while Giygas implodes. *WARNING! ENDING SPOILER!* Your robotic bodies will be destroyed, but the spirits of the characters return to their bodies, waiting at Saturn Valley. From here, you can basically do whatever you want. But to see the rest of the ending, you must go back to your house and talk to your Mom. Then the cast of characters and the credits will roll (while the pictures the photographer took roll by in the background.) If you wait for a minute or two after the credits, someone will be knocking at the door (Deja vu?). It will be Picky this time. He'll give you a letter from Pokey saying that he'll be back for revenge. Then these words appear: THE END? ********************************************************************************** Note: There are two places you can get "Stuck" in the game, and will have to restart if that happens. 1) If you're in the Fourside Dept. Store and Paula has the pencil eraser, you will get stuck (you need it to reach Talah Rama). So make sure someone else is carrying it or it's on Escargo Express. 2) When you exit the Scaraba pyramid and Poo has the Hawk Eye. Star Master picks him up as soon as you leave, and you need to use the Hawk Eye before he comes back. Someone (I lost their e-mail address) told me that you can teleport back to Ness' house and get the Hawk Eye if Poo had it when he left. Many thanks to them. If you find any errors please let me know.