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Mongol Cavalry with Spears

This page, and the next, consists of photos of my Mongol horse archers that are carrying spears. All the Mongols in these pictures are from Old Glory pack ME-03.

Again, one of the great things about this range is every, I mean EVERY, Mongol is unique!

I haven't found a source that clearly states whether Mongols used shields or not. So, I decided to only arm half the Mongols in this unit with shields. This way I'm either half right or half wrong. Besides they look cool.

The Mongol on the left illustrates one of the little things that irritate me about some of the models in this pack. Notice how he is holding the spear? He's holding the spear way too close to the bottom of the spear shaft. It must be difficult to hold a spear like that! Yea, I'm being picky.