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Mongol Nobles

The elite heavy cavalry unit of my Mongol army are pictured below. For the commander and standard bearer I used the figures provided in the Mongol mounted command pack.

Old Glory Mongol extra-heavy light cavalry (ME-06). The Noble riders come only with two different poses. Fortunately, the heavily barded horses come in 4 different poses, go figure. The Mongol heavies can do everything the Mongol horse archers can do. The differences being their weapon skill and leadership are all one point higher. They also have a wider choice in weapons and armor. They'll need the extra armor because they'll probably be the target of every missile-armed enemy in sight!

The sword on the commander model is upright and therefore very fragile. I keep on accidentally bending it, he did make it to Historicon 2000 with his sword intact.

In order to make the unit look a step above the other horse archer formations in my army, I decided to give all the models in this unit the same color scheme. This is probably unhistorical, but I took artistic license because it makes the unit appear elite and, most of all, I like the way it looks!