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Mongol Cavalry Horse archers

The core of any Mongol army is their light cavalry. My Mongol army has over 70 horsemen. Armed with their deadly bows, these expert marksmen wear down the opponent with a hail of arrows. Then, when the time is right, charge in and finsh the job.

This is the extent of my Mongol army as of April 1, 2000. Not much of a horde at the time. Except for the Command figure (the guy in the front without the bow), this picture has all ten figures in the OG ME-02 bag. The great thing about this range is every, yes EVERY, Mongol is unique!

Painting horse reins black saves a lot of time. A quick grey high-light using the side of the brush and they're done. For the black horses I paint brown reins.

Mongol Horse Archers explode out of cover, keeping up a high volume of missile fire.