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The Ark of the Convenant is made by Castaway Arts.

This is an exquisite model and a must have for any Israelite army out there. This model amply fills the role of my Hebrew army's centerpiece. The Priest models are all different and the Ark is finely detailed.

The lid of the Ark levitates, a misty haze vents outward. Nearby a dead foe, whose shield failed to protect him from a lightning bolt that melted his face, lies near a few discarded implements of war.

I painted the Priest simply, to make the Ark the focus of my miniature diorama. The Ark came out a little darker than I like, but I didn't want to paint it over again (the first attempt was a disaster). I need to improve my "painting gold things" skills. Maybe there should be an option to have the Ark portion of the model cast in gold, wonder what the price of that would be?