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Of Fantasy

Hey This is Vincent aka LagunaXLoireXH. I don't give a fuck how well or good my page looks, its here so I can share some of my fun stuff. I've just started ( Feb.05, 2000 ) and I hope yall find this stuff funny. If you, the people, like it, then I like it. Its all that matters. And in truth, some of this stuff isn't as funny as it is cool. And there are some stories which just suck fucking ass cause I didn't spend much time on it, or I still need to add to it. Anyways, you be the judge. Lets get to the stuff!

By the Way.... if you don't know what date it is why not check the calendar?

Somehow... I don't think this is right... -.^

Resident Evil.... Director's Cut(Me being the director)

Under construction story