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Past What's Goin' Ons?

Holy Freakin' Crap!!!

It's been a damn year since I updated this place! Sorry about that. It's been full of me doing things. Plus... I forgot the password. I figured it out though. I'm a clever one. Highschool is now over. I drove all the way to Kansas to see Jess only to have her get really mad at me for no reason when I got back, not to mention surviving two highway blowouts and have to hitch hike and other assorted idiocy. My best friend Joe is joining the army with intent to become special forces. I'm thinking of doing the same. I've tryed and failed for more girls than ever and I even dressed up like Wolverine. It's been a real trip. I suppose that's it for now. Keep an eye out for new updates more regularly because I should have time now!

Just took an X-men survey, was there ever any doubt???

You are Wolverine! A loner by nature, you feel uncomfortable when
around those you don't know and even those you
do. You are awkward when it comes to
relationships, but fiercely loyal to those you

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Happy Birthday Rivers!!!

Rivers doesn’t believe in birthdays... He also doesn’t believe in eating meat which is just insanity. Well I do, so Happy Birthday big guy! Keep crankin’ out the mellow melodies and the rockin’ riffs! Maladroit is awesome by the way. Good compact disc. Hey, it’s summer. I’m a senior. It feels alright. Odd to think that in just a year I’ll have to actually do something with my life. At the beginning of this year, as a Junior, I felt the same as when I was a Freshmen and Sophomore. Those aren’t big deals. The last year of school is supposed to be cool though. I’m sure it will be. I’m not going to think too much about all that though, I’ll focus on having fun this summer, as it should be. I’m getting an Xbox tomorrow, should be cool. It’s better than PS2, just Read
for yourself. I also got DSL which is cool, if you don’t have it then you’re missing out. Uh…. That’s really about it. In the 'Meet Matt' section I put up a list of my good friends. Read the book ‘On the Road’ by Jack Kerouac, it’s awesome. That’s it in a nutshell, from the nut himself.

Van Halen, the Next President, and a New Approval!

Put up some new links in the Other Sites section and on this here main page too. Check it out, I learned to two hand tap like Van Halen, that's cool. Most of you don't know what I mean, but oh man.... I made a song for this girl that I hurt too, I was thinking of posting it on the site or at least sending it to her, but I just have my doubts as to where that would go. I came across a truly wierd picture of this guy, but I like him and think he'd make a good president, check that out. Also the site has earned a new kind of approval, scroll down to the very bottom of the page...

New Things Abound!

Lots of updates. Brand new picture of me in the Meet Matt Section. Add-ons to the =w= page. Sharp and Welsh's pages. Check em' out. Ok so maybe that wasn't a lot... Oh well. Today is a friend of mine's website's birthday. Or some shit. Go there. The Radio Movement Rumor has it that yours truly will even be in the comic now.

Dumbasses, and Clones, Oh My!

Well I went to German day and won 1st place in the advanced German spelling bee. That's freakin' cool. I love having a website because you never know what's going to happen. Some jackass left a message on the poll that says I brag too much. Fuck you, you don't have a web site, you're probably not smart enough to make one and you're a coward because everyone knows that to really insult someone you do it in the Guestbook. What a dumbass! The other thing that happened is that theres another Matt Ritter that lives in Jersey. He signed my guest book. Rock on!

Fichety fichety fich!

Go look at the =w= page, it's updated! The band has its own history page and each individual person has their own bio page! Except for Matt Sharp, Mikey, and Scott. I have info on Mikey and Sharp but no one really cares about them anymore. Well, Sharp is awesome and we all miss him but he's been gone a long long time. I'll put that up eventually, maybe. I'm entering a German spelling bee again. My team and I won it last year. It'll be great because it's on my birthday. If you don't think I'm going to win again or don't care at all than you're just eine Wiener. New poll too!

The Script

My friend Matt and I are writing a script for fun. It's friggin' awesome! I'd like to tell you about it, but you'd probably steal it and sell it. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you aren't. It's the breakdown of society... Vote on the poll so it gets to a hundred so I can change it. Do it, you know you wanna. Oh yeah, and does anyone know who Jeff Beck is??? What kind of music does he play? I'm not talking about Beck from the band Beck, either. This is some other musician.

Casual Thievery

My friend Matt is stealing from the city of Arnold. Again. He wanted to make a chatroom for his website but just decided to steal the city of Arnold's instead. Matt we salute you. As for me? The Mattster has found a lovely young lady to call his own. Jessica, you are so very cool! In general news I am going to go see Weezer again! Floor seats!!! Not regular seats. Regular seats are for peasants. I don't know about you, but I'm no peasant. Also eventually the story of The Hat shall be put up in the next few days. Stick around for that one or be stupid and not...

The Birth of What's Goin' On

After some mild harassment from a friend, it's time for an update. All kinds of people have been asking me where they can write Rivers. Well just click the link, stupid. I think this spot where I always type what's going on should have a name. As I was just typing that I came up with the name. The next time I update this, this section shall be called 'What's Goin' On?'.