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This is a complete list of backdoor links to get into towers when the rooms are full. If you dont know what a backdoor is i'll explain. It is an entry link that allows you to enter the game rooms when they are full. You must be logged into yahoo to access these links. I am in no way affiliated with Yahoo! Games, Yahoo Towers , or Yahoo! Inc. I did not write the Yahoo! games and I do not do tech support for these games. Please send tech support e-mail directly to Yahoo. Thank you. Please sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page, I would like to send out information and updates as I make them! Be sure to visit Sarek's site at the bottom of the page "The Best Yahoo Club!", You can find lots of good tips on his site, like Making a Rainbow X ... the 1337 Yahoo move on Towers! Oh One more thing, check out the }GDI{ link at the bottom, its the gaming clan I belong to for the many different games that I play. If you are a gamer or play UT, this site is a must! I dont get to update this site much, its been up since 2000 and I am writing this in 2005 (updating anyhow) but thank you for continuing to use it, i know i use it every now and again. Ify ou have any questions just drop me an email, look to the bottom of the page for the addy. Peace and happy gaming!


Towers Normal Rooms

Leaning Tower of Pisa (social)
Tower of Babble(social)
Eiffel Tower (social)
Sunshine 60 Tower (social)
Two Union Square (social)
Empire State Building (beginner)
Sears Tower (beginner)
Chang Tower (beginner)
One Astor Place (beginner)
Olympia Centre (beginner)
World Trade Center (intermediate)
CN Tower (advanced)

Towers Ladder Rooms

Space Needle (Automatic Reporting)
Petronas Tower (Automatic Reporting)

Want in?
Decypher this,C1R WKPWN 2OF ZRRZ8F H7CCF0 sign the guestbook, leave your answer under private message (makesure its under private message) and i will give you the password. What is there you ask? Up-to-date Towers codes. I have them, and you can to. Any questions e-mail me, remember, there are NO dumb questions!

Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook

A Bad Ass Y Towers Site

The Best Yahoo Club!

2Die4 Clan UT!


Flash SHit I am Learning!

DrowWeb Site Editor
Drow, a.k.a. tbonect, r0ck_da_house, crenshinebon, the_best_dr0w