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Rod of Adaption
This magical rod is of great use to adventurers. It allows the wielder to re-size items such as armor and garments so that they will fir a specific creature. The wielder touches the rod to the intended recipient while speaking the first command word, then touches it to the item and speaks the second word of command. The item will then re-size itself to be a perfect fit for the recipient. For instance, a party finds a suit of elf-sized elven chain mail. The rod wielder touches the rod to the dwarf in the party, then touches the armor. The suit then shrinks to be dwarf size. The rod has limitations, however. It cannot increase an item to more than double its original mass, nor reduce it to less than half. Also, while mundane items are affected automatically, magical items gain a save vs. disintegration (with normal bonuses). Artifacts are never affected. Once an item is altered, it builds up a magical field, which prevents that particular rod from affecting it again. Finally, many magical items will automatically alter themselves to fit a wearer by themselves, so changing them with the rod is a waste of a charge. There is no known way to recharge these rods. Their manufacture is thought to include a sliver of doppelganger bone and the spells enlarge, reduce and polymorph any object.
These items are highly prized, as is the formula of their manufacture.
 XP: 1,500 GP: 7,500