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Jagged Alliance 2 is a game were you hire Mercenaries to fight for you and Liberate a Country from a Evil Queen that wants to kill all the resistance, and now that includes You!



I suggest you start off the game with some of these mercs, because they are well rounded and don't cost an arm and a leg:

The First Thing you should do after you have selected your team is Start the game then win the Battle at Omerta, deliver the letter to Miguel by first giving it to the woman in the sector, after you have completely checked out Omerta for items and such go to:
  1. Drassen
  2. San Mona
  3. Chitzena
  4. Grumm
  5. Cambria
  6. Alma
  7. Balima
  8. Meduna

    Each city has its own separate quests which can help you along the way, or hurt you.

Also you can go to other special sites in between taking towns:
Sam Sites
Capturing Sam Sites helps alot in taking over the rest of the country. The Sam's I have Found are the Central Sam(I8), once you have capture this you tell new men you hire to arrive at several different locations.
There is also a Sam Site around Drassen in the Swamp(D15).
There is another SAM near Chitzena(D2).
The last SAM is in Meduna(N4).
Tixa is a prison(J9) where you can find some prisoners and a Heck of alot of Armor(mostly Kelvar & Spectre Leg Armor), there is also a basement in Tixa. There is a man named Dynamo release him and the town of Alma will thank you. In the Basement of Tixa there is another person you can Recruit named Shank.
In Estonia there is a Junkyard with a man name Jake who owns it he is a great guy to buy Weapons and other useful Items, you will also run into a man named "MAD DOG" you can recruit him(his accuracy isn't the best but he makes up for it with his gun the "CAWS"(a US experimental Weapon that does High Damage).
Also in Estonia there is a Bum in the Junk yard give him something that you dont need and he will give you a Security Card, which you can use to access the SWF in Orta.
Orta(K4) is a MRF(medical research facility) that is a very good place to take over because in the basement there is a SWF (Secret Weapons Facility), with tons of Rocket Rifles.
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The Sites On The LapTop

AIM is your main Mercenary recruiting facility. The have the largest selection of mercenaries, most of the are pretty evenly rounded but you will find some of them are exceptionally better then other mercenaries.
MERC is another mercenary recruiting place, but they have crap mercs and only a few of them, i see no reason why you'd hire any merc's from them except that they're alot cheaper, but the suck.
Bobby Ray's
The single most great online weapons store, you can get pretty much anything you need here. At first his selection is small, but its not like he's gonna give you the top of the line in assault right off the beginning, because you'd dominate, and it'd be no fun. Anyway, this is where you buy weapons, ammo, armor, and misc items.
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Not everyone you meet(that has a name) will want to be recruited but at the very start of the game you can recruit a Woman named "IRA" you recruit her from the Rebal alliance after you talk to "MIGUEL", it is a good idea to recruit her because once you have taken control of town sites she will tell you a bit about them. The order you recruit people from the Rebals is:

1. IRA- the first non-mercenary person you can recruit. (at the Rebal Base in Omerta).

2. DIMITRI- after you take over Drassen you should be able to recruit him. (Rebal Base).

3. CARLOS- after you take over around 2-3 towns you can recruit CARLOS. (Rebal Base).

4. MIGUEL- the leader of the Rebals, after you have taken over around 4-5 towns you can recruit him. (Rebal Base).

5. MadDog- you can find him in Estonia, he's got himself a kick ass gun, but not to much ammo.

6. SkyRider- he is located in the swamps around Drassen, if you escort him back to the Drassen airport he will offer to be you're helicopter pilot.

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Merc Name

$One Day$

$One Week$

$Two Weeks$

Medical Deposit

GUS $6,000 $37,000 $70,000 $5,900
MAGIC $5,500 $35,000 $65,000 $5,500
SCULLY $4,800 $30,000 $63,000 $4,600
REAPER $4,000 $25,000 $48,000 $4,000
SHADOW $3,100 $20,500 $39,000 $3,300
IVAN $2,950 $20,000 $38,000 $3,500
SCOPE $2,900 $19,000 $35,000 $3,400
LYNX $2,850 $18,500 $35,000 $3,300
TREVOR $2,800 $18,000 $32,200 $4,300
STATIC $2,500 $15,000 $25,000 $3,200
LEN $2,400 $15,000 $28,000 $3,100
VICKI $2,200 $14,500 $26,000 $3,100
SIDNEY $2,000 $12,500 $22,000 $2,700
BUZZ $2,200 $12,000 $18,000 N/A
RAIDER $2,000 $12,000 $20,000 $1,700
ICE $1,500 $9,000 $15,000 $2,200
RAVEN $1,800 $11,000 $19,000 $2,500
CLIFF $1,600 $10,000 $16,000 $2,000
STEPHEN $1,500 $10,000 $17,000 $2,500
THOR $1,750 $10,000 $15,000 N/A
NAILS $1,800 $10,000 $16,000 N/A
WOLF $1,400 $8,000 $14,000 $2,500
FIDEL $2,000 $9,500 $16,000 N/A
DANNY $1,300 $8,000 $14,000 $2,700
SPIDER $800 $5,100 $8,500 $1,600
DR.Q $1,500 $7,500 $13,000 N/A
HITMAN $1,000 $6,000 $11,000 $1,600
STEROID $950 $5,000 $8,000 N/A
MALICE $1,200 $6,000 $10,000 N/A
RED $900 $5,900 $10,000 $2,300
BLOOD $850 $5,500 $9,000 $1,900
FOX $625 $4,000 $7,000 $1,600
MELTDOWN $800 $4,900 $9,000 $1,600
BUNS $725 $4,700 $8,500 $1,800
GRIZZLY $525 $3,500 $6,000 N/A
MD $500 $3,000 $5,000 $1,100
GRUNTY $550 $3,600 $6,400 $1,500
BULL $400 $2,700 $4,500 N/A
BARRY $700 $3,400 $5,500 N/A
IGOR $500 $3,200 $5,500 $1,300
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Stats For All AIM Members


M.E.R.C Name


Florence "Flo" Gabriel $100
Frankie "Haywire" Gordon $150
Tim "Gumpy" Hillman $150
Doug "Gasket" Milton $200
Bill "Razor" Lamont $150
Biff Apscott $200
Larry Roachburn $700
Thorton "Bubba" Jones $600
Tim "Numb" Sutton $900
Jim "Cougar" Wallace $2,000
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Stats For All MERC Members


Omerta has no primary facilities but is a good place to hire Rebals.
Drassen has an Airport from which you can have Bobby Ray and other people send you Items, Drassen also has a Mine which you should capture and secure to make sure you have a steady income. Search around in the swamps and you will find a man named Skyrider (a Helicopter Pilot), and a Sam Site.
San Mona
San Mona has a mine that is abandoned(so that's no good to you), but also it has lots of stores to buy and sell things at you have to be careful about one of the houses that has a man named KINGPIN in it(he owns San Mona) his Militia are very careful and will shoot you to Death with no mercy if you try to open or take any items that are laying around especially in KINGPIN's house. A good way to deal with KINGPIN and get all those guns and ammo in his house is to open his back door and throw in a can of Mustard Gas (you can find one at Tixa), the Mustard Gas works the best, plus you wont have to waste any ammo or get yourselves killed.
This is a very small town with only two sites, one is a Mine the other is a Rune. You will find two people here, if you escort them back to Drassen Airport they will give you some money, PLUS! once they have gone back home they will send you two AutoMag's (These are Very Powerful Guns!), Chitzena also has a SAM near it.
Grumm is one of the best towns ever(but one of the Biggest) this town has a GOLD Mine, and alot of facrories. In one of the sites I found Two Mortars! If you have met up with the Bounty Hunter you will find a man named Jasmin in sector(G1) , this is really the man name T-REX, kill him and cut off his head with a knife then bring his head back to the Bounty Hunter(Carmen) and he will give you $20,000. Also in sector(H2) there is another terrorist, he's owns the bar.
This is a town the size of Grumm that has a Hospital, a Mine, and alot of houses. In one of the sectors you will find a lady thats son has gone missing, the lady will ask you to find him and if you do you'll get a reward. There is also a person named Annie there she is really MOM, she's in sector(G9).
One of the most Militarized towns besides Meduna(not a good town to attack right away), Alma has a Mine and some other sites. NEWS FLASH- Alma has a little problem with Blood Cats apparently Alma Mine is being attacked by Giant Blood Cats(if your one of those people who love to hunt go check out sector(I16). AND BRING ALOT OF MEN! because there are like 30 Blood Cat's running around AND THEY'RE HUNGRY!!!
This is the most stuck up town in all the country the people here LOVE the Queen, there is however a museum with a nice GOLD Chalice in it, now you can either bring the Chalice to Chitzena and get 100% Loyalty or take the Chalice to KINGPIN and get a nice handsum reward of $20,000(you can only take it to KINGPIN if you haven't stolin his $30,000 from his mine (a good thing to do would be go to Balima, take the Chalice, take it to KINGPIN get the reward, then throw a can of Mustard Gas into his house, this will kill him and his men so then you can take the Chalice to Chitzena, along with your $20,000 reward, and also the $30,000 from his mine), Also is sector(L10) there is a gas station that is guarded by a few of Dedrianna's men, but they're a push over but once they are all dead, a guy will be there willing to sell a Vehicle for $10000(if it is morning) if you buy it he will also refill your gas for free each time you stop by.
I have no info. about this town except it is VERY VERY well defended with TANKS! on the three roads leading into it.
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I apologize for the small number of pictures I have if you have any info. where I might be able to get more Please E-Mail me at:

Contact Me About Pictures

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Before trying these Cheats you should visit and download the Version 1.06 upgrade for JA2.

(Tactical screen)

ALT + E Make all characters (enemies and NPCs) and items visible

ALT + O Kill all enemies in current sector

ALT + T Teleport selected character to cursor location

CTRL + H Hurt character under cursor location

ALT + D Refresh APs of selected character

ALT + R Reload selected character's gun

CTRL + U Refresh all characters' health and energy (heals them)

ALT + ENTER Aborts enemies turn

(Map screen)

CTRL + T In travel mode, teleport squad to sector under cursor

ALT + AUTO RESOLVE Kill all enemies in sector (without having to load sector and use ALT + O)


+ Increase funds by $100,000

- Decrease funds by $ 10,000

SPACE while Left-clicking merc forces any "away" character to join team

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There are several Quests for you to complete along your way to victory. Completing the Quests my also help you as you strive for victory, here are a few of the Quests.
The Kingpin/Assassin's Quest
In San Mona if you meet up with Kindpin there is a few quests. first- theres the Maria Quest ( C5,D5 ). In sector C5 there is a man named Angel talk to him for a bit and he will tell you that his sister Maria has been forced to work for Kindpin. After that go to D5 and quietly break in or pay your way into the Shady Lady, dont get into any gun fights or you will fail. Rescue Maria and take her out of the Shady Lady and back to sector C5 and reunit her with Angel, he will give you a special leather jacket and the deed for his store. second- Go talk to Kingpin while he is in his house, dont break in or you'll get shot to pieces. what you want to do is go to the fighting club in between the hours of 3:00pm and 2:00pm and challenge Darren's fighters, Kingpin will come there to watch the fight, thats where you can talk to him DO NOT THREATEN HIM OR ANY OF HIS MEN , after the fight(s) are over send a few men down to his house and wait a while either inside or outside, speed up time and when he's back talk to him this will start the Kingpin/Chitzena Quest He will tell you about a Chalice that is in Balime, if you get it for him he'll give you some money... $20,000. or you can take the Chalice to Chitzena and return it to Yanni, in return Chitzena gives you 100% loyalty for ALONG time. third- Go down into the San Mona mine and look around, you will see a bunch of chests that contain Kingpin's Cash take the money and you will start the Assassins Quest . After the money is taken a few days later you'll get an email from Kingpin and he's not happy you stole his money, he'll give you 48hours to return it... or else. If you return it the Quest will be over, if you keep it every so often you'll run into one of his assassin's- Ray, Tyrone, Olaf, Jim, Jack or Olga. They are all well equiped and really good!, and you never know when or where they'll be waiting. Keep in mind that if you steal his money San Mona will become a VERY hostile City and you will NOT be able to give him the Chalice.
The Terrorist's Quest
There are several Terrorist through out the country. To start the Quest you'll have to find a man named Carmen, he is usually in one of the bars in either San Mona or Drassen. Once you've talked to him and he gives you a disk you have started the Terrorist's Quest all you need to do to be successful in this quest is find the terrorist's, kill them, chop off their heads and give their heads to Carmen who will give you $20,000 per head.
Bloodcat's Quest
You will run into Bloodcat's all over the place, that is not the quest. To start the quest go to ( I14 ) and talk to Auntie she'll tell you about the Bloodcat raids, and ask you to help them, if you accept then the Bloodcat Quest will be on. Then go to ( I16 ) thats where the Bloodcat lair is, there are about 15-20 Cats walking around (when fighting the Bloodcat's keep all your Mercs in a tight group, DO NOT SPREAD THEM OUT). After you kill ALL the Bloodcat's head back and talk to Auntie.
The Creature Quest
if you have the Sci-fi Mode on then you can do this Quest After you have captured at least three cities (Drassen, Grumm, and any other) you will see a video, the Queen will tell Elliot to stop feeding the Crepitus (those are the Creatures that you will meet up with, down deep in the mines!) Anyway... Once you recieve a E-mail from one of the head miners telling you that Giant Bugs have been seen down in the mine. Move your Mercs to the mine(s), get your Mercs fully suited will the best armor availiable to you and the best Weapons Possible. Its also a good idea to give all your men Night Vision Goggles(IT HELPS!!!) make sure you have alot of spare Clips, then when your all set send ONE full squad down into the mine. You'll find a Queen Crepitus WAY THE HELL DOWN in the bottom of the Mine! (lie down all your Mercs) and shoot the SH!T out of her, then steal her guts!... and sell them to Gabby.
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Webmaster: Chad Poate Date Last Updated: October 2, 2002