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GlobalRail train sim (freeware)

Released Version b1.02 on May 2001 Help documentation

NEW! April, 2002. I have been working on and off for the past 6 months writing the Route Editor and improving the scene rendering engine, ie using QuadTrees for my terrain management.
The project is still active and I would like to release a freeware train sim to the public by the end of 2002.

Download the software (5Mb ZIP file) from here (uploaded 06/26/01) Australia #1 site

Download from here (uploaded 06/27/01) USA East Coast

Download from Australia #2 site here (uploaded 06/26/01)

Check out Debug and Release News here.

Screen dumps: Main cab window: screen dump1.jpg

cab view

Train building window: screen dump2.jpg

train build window

SPike 20th May 2002. email: