

Tales of Neminekor

The city of West Guile was thriving. After the Great Guild War between West Guile and the Seven Merchants of Mekiminor had ended, relative peace engulfed the land. The switching of kings had been the only problem recently, with a few riots breaking out here and there. Drakeus Fathemore, seventh Fathemore ruler in Neminekor, now sat on the throne. During the final battle of the Great Guild War, Archememnon, the past King’s captain of the guards and military establishments, was slain, along with most of the other guards. West Guile is without proper military security. It was during this relative compromise between peace and chaos that attracted the adventurers. And they came. Mages, warriors, rogues, and priests from all around came to West Guile to help, and search for adventure. Known as The Awakening, Good and Evil came to West Guile, and continued their everlasting battle. Still without proper military security, the king and his governor, Deminitie, were getting a bit desperate, as Evil began to accumulate within their city. Beneath the city, the thieves were returning to their old deeds of mischief. A new lord of shadows had risen, a man by the name of Smole. Smole was not without competition however, as an even more mysterious figure, a figure by the name of only the Masked One, had appeared in the city. The Masked One’s intentions were not obvious, but he seemed to have a lot of influence over local thieves. And with the appearance of a master assassin, one by the name of Aneur the Knife, it was obvious that the Game of Thieves was one again in full swing. But the real danger was soon to come. A danger no one expected, and most cannot see. A danger which needed to be stopped.

The grey robed man moved silently. The room was dark, save three small candles placed on an overturned crate. The armor-clad figure watched as the old man went through a purse of assorted magical trinkets. He pulled out a small amulet, with a deformed metal skull. He placed it over the armor-clad figure, whispering a magical incantation as he did so. “It is time,” he whispered pointing into a dark corner. The armored one walked into the corner, disappearing into the darkness. “It is time…”