Gods of Neminekor

The gods in Neminekor are not related, like the Greek gods for example, instead, they are each represented by a star in the night sky. The temples are said to be a link to the gods mind, a place where it’s possible to speak to them. The other unique thing is the gods personal attributes affect day to day life. For example, a person with a grey beard was said to be blessed by Helsrik, God of the Northern Winds. Below is a list of the gods, along with what they rule, and some symbols that represent them.

  • Angor

    God of Order and Right

    White robes, Amulets of Protection

  • Taar’Kye

    God of the Harvest

    Sickle, Rain Drops

  • Rashar

    God of the Sea and Sails

    Blue Sails, Waves

  • Blasth

    Mysterious God of the Lost Isles


  • Helsrik

    God of the Northern Winds

    Snow, Frost, Grey Beards

  • Media

    Goddess of Nature and the Hunt

    Bow and Arrow, Deer

  • Lamarr

    God of Fire and War

    War Hammer, Flames, Red Hair

  • Qeth

    Mistress of Death

    Skull, Night, Plague

  • Elson Somnis

    Goddess of Birth, Protector of Women

    Weddings, White Flowers, Birthmarks

  • Hunog

    God of Food and Festivity

    Festival of Hunog, Wine

  • Masq

    God of Luck, Concealer of Thieves

    Shadows, Lockpicks, Daggers

  • Dralon

    Lord of Chaos

    Broken Swords, Shattered Glass

  • Nespheneru

    God of Evil

    Skulls, Demons, The Usual