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Towers, Observatories, and other Tall Places...

This is another page created because of misconceptions about paintball "sniping" and what a sniper really does in paintball.

To start, who thinks it's a good idea to climb a tree, or put a ladder up to a branch, sit there and wait for the enemy to come, snipe them at 100 yards, win the game, and be reveared by the entire paintball world? You, you, and you over there? Good. Kick yourself.

There are any incredible amount of problems with actually playing from a tree fort, deer stand, etc., etc. Once you shoot at someone, they know where you are. They are going to advance on you. If you try and climb down out of one of these places, you will be killed fifty times over. So what do you do? Stay there? Make yourself useless to the team? Nice plan McFly.

Now, this plan of action may work ok for you if you have an ambush rigged. But what is the other team going to think if only one guy is shooting from a tower and they haven't seen anyone else that game and they have a clear advance on you...? This is a pretty obvious ambush, come up with a different way to fool them into a trap. That one's mighty pedestrian.

As an observation point, a tower is an ok idea, if you have a good field of view, a quick way down (jumping out of a deer stand with your gun and harness? can we say broken paint?) and confidence that if you need to, you will be able to get down before they come within range. If they are close, you will never get out of there alive on your own. You will need some serious covering fire cause a guy climbing down fifteen feet is an AWFUL tempting situation, even if the enemy is being held down. So avoid such a situation will ya?

However, if you have a talented scout/recon player, you could mess the enemy up pretty good. Try and get this guy to occupy an enemy tower or fort before they get there (this depends on what signals the start of your games of course) and whack em down when they walk through the door. He will undoubtedly make at least one kill if he's good. But you are likely to loose him so this is a kamikaze tactic more than anything else, and if the guy is good he shouldn't be your first sacrificial lamb so to speak...

When you get down to it, towers have only a very limited range of use in paintball, and even when they do, it all depends on a million ifs ands and buts....

Keep your feet on the ground

-Captain Clay