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Keeping Up With the Superguns

Now, this page here is purely, 100% opinion, but I feel it is one shared by many paintballers, especially those who find all levels of play (Stock Class, pump days at the local field, scenarios, weird weapons) interesting.

Many want to limit the ROF, ban full auto forever, do this do that, let pump players take more hits before they're dead, the list of ideas goes out the door and into the street. I personally support letting people shoot as fast as they want, full or semi, carry a truckload of paintballs, spend 2000 dollars on a gun that can be killed by a hard drive virus, etc. Where would we be today if no one wanted a semi-auto? Then a fast semi-auto? Then controllable full auto? And electro pnuematics? These are all spectacular innovations by the same breed who are responsible for the FULL face mask, CONSTANT AIR, nitro systems, truely innovative markers like the Nova's and the Epic.

Can't afford an LP electro pnuematic gun? Cool, neither can I! But you know what? An SC Phantom can still take those guys out as easily as pie! One shot kills him, what do you need the other 499 for? If you want a fast marker, use one. Possesing the ability to shoot fast will never hurt you, but you don't need it. Of course, you can't get into the same situations with a pump as a semi, but you need to compensate, and you can play the same game. But don't argue cause you can only turn 1 bps and the guy with the BM2k threw 100 rounds at you. Suck it up, use tactics, and gog him. Or get gogged. He still took aim, pulled the trigger and nailed you, that's what it's all about, so you can do the same. Don't try and stop these advances guys. They are what will eventually make markers like these I speak of affordable. And if you don't like playing with them, there will ALWAYS be stock class.