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The Lefty Day Game

The Lefty Day Game takes place on, of all days, Lefty Day, August 13th.

This is a quite unique game. Everyone has to shoot lefty, no matter whether you are lefty or not. To ensure that you do shoot left, I (Clay) fabricate a plate of plywood that hooks onto your grip using your grip frame screws which covers the right side of your trigger guard, so you can't put a finger through that side. If you are caught shooting righty somehow, you will be penalized.

This is how the game works:

First, this works best as a big game, the more, the merrier. There are three teams: Team One, Team Two, and the Agents. The Agents go around the field and plant six (number may vary) pairs of lefty scissors in bases throughout the field. There are also tons of righty and ambidextrous scissors, which are set as duds. The object is for the members of Team One and Team Two to try and find the most or all of the lefty scissors. All the while though, it is as a normal paintball game. If you see the other team, you shoot at him. Fire fights can happen between teams but the best strategy is to have small detachments of single players go off and snipe at the others for a while, then return.

The Agents act as referees and make sure everyone shoots lefty and does not break any basic rules. Once a team thinks they have enough lefty scissor to win, the bring their stash to the Agents. If there are any dud scissors in the stash, they are assumed to be a trick on the Agents, who may then remove one player from that team for five minutes. This is also the length of time you are out if you get hit. One agent will be assigned to the deadbox when someone is killed, and he times them for five minutes, at which time he is free to enter the game. Now the Agents sound like a good, wholesome, lawkeeping breed right? Wrong. We are only human. Agents are open to any and all bribes and cannot be penalized for accepting them. Agents can be bribed with paint. Now, it is up to the Agent whether or not he takes the bribe, but if he does, he shows one team where a pair of lefty scissors are (if bribed by a player not in the deadbox) and if the player is in the deadbox, a bribe just gets him out. He is limited to showing one pair of scissors per bribe. The agents are invincible and cannot be killed, except upon vote by the other Agents, in which case he is out for the whole game. This is only to keep agents in check.

Also, the agents are to be informed of cheating by any member of a team. They try to confirm this report and if they do they will don whatever gear they choose and eliminate the player who commited the cheat. If you are shot by an Agent you are dead for ten minutes. Bribes get you out on a minimum of five minutes. Cheats include shooting righty, playing on, wiping, or slandering leftism during this game.

Only one member of our team is a lefty by the way, and that is Falzo. Falzo and me developed this game since he is a true lefty's rights activist in his own.

-Captain Clay

*can't pick up a pen with his left hand*