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The Spring Break 25

The 25 is customarily held on Spring Break (Easter Break). We gather up the whole gang, which gets larger every year, and pick one of our fields and camp out.

The two teams camp at opposite ends of the field, and play all day and some into the night. We usually come up with different scenarios and stuff to mix the games up.

This game is more fun than most because we usually end up with a ton of guys, lots of food, and a good, freezing night of camping, coupled with paintball, what could be better?

We always set strict rules for the 25, how late we're aloud to play (depends on neighborhood), masks on at all times outside the tents, no shooting tents or gear, etc.

That's about all there is to say for now, I'll post ya on this year's 25 when it happens.

-Captain Clay _______________________________________________________ The 25 Hour Game - 2001

Well, this year's 25 was held on Chris's field. We got a total of about 12 guys, somewhat dissapointing, but better than others. The games commenced towards the end of the afternoon.

First, we played the Alamo. My team defended the first game and won. In the second game, we switched teams, and Third Rail won on the attack again. From this, we went into a one shot kill zone game that lasted a good while. We covered lots of ground, forded raging rivers (i.e - small streams), and in the end, my team won again :). We had two more games that night, one more in the Alamo, and the other like a regular game. That was it for the night.

The next morning, we woke early, scarfed bagels and orange juice, and commenced with a game. Falzo and I ran off to the other teams left flank. They had occupied a well defended hill. We worked around, and our team eventually surrounded them. We won. Then, another great game. Same teams. I wore my ghillie suit and carried my Phantom into battle. At one point, I was on my belly ten feet from two other guys, but still with no shot. I stood and fired, then ran back for a bit of cover. Falzo charged from the front, Justin and I ran in from the back end, and we soon had them beat. Four of the other team members took off deep, and I mean deep, into the woods. We pursued. Justin and I snuck up on two of them. We fired shots, eliminating one, but Justin was shot in the back and eliminated. I then charged the other guy when his gun ran out of air and got him. We pursued the other two for nearly half an hour, and eventually won.

One more round of Alamo, us defending, and we won. Then the other team defended, and Falzo and myself layed down grenades and artillary fire, while the others charged, and we had our last game of the day won.

All in all, a pretty cool 25.


Captain Clay