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Updated: September 17th 2000

A tall, pinto Clydesdale stallion canters over to you, his slick coat shining in the sun. He rears and
whinnies, then gallops back towards the woods through a path. He looks back at you with
large mysterious eyes, daring you to follow...

A legend never goes untold, a name is known
forever, in the hearts of those who knew. Those
who saw the grace, the elegance, the power and
force. Those who saw the dream come true.
-Dedicated to RC and Minnow by Cay

You run through the woods, then come to a tall row of freshly scented pine trees. You push one large branch away, revealing hundreds of acres of lush feilds, and a beautiful blue sky. You admire this new wonderland, and notice the stallion in the distance. He rears once more and nickers, then disappears, right before your very eyes.

Leaving a Legacy...

When something is made or created and it seems so small that people often think that it doesn't have a chance, those people are often wrong. Everything grows to be something, whether that something is good or bad. Every person or thing has their moment of fame or triumph, their moment of disappointment or failure, and their moment of joy or pride. Through the past year or so, Outriders has experienced all of these moments and many more. We have experienced these all together, the members of Outriders, as a team. Together we have all put in something to this game, to make it was it once was. But then again, even though Outriders was once a shining star in the world of sim games, nothing lasts forever. This game has slowly died down over the past month or two, which is a sign that our many onths of fame are over. However, as a creator of Outriders, I'm not upset that this game just isn't the same, or that it isn't running too well, because when I look back to what it used to be, I'm proud. I know that some of you may be thinking, "Why don't they just restart the game...", but it's not that easy. If we ever did restart Outriders, it wouldn't be the same. We wouldn't have the same fictional horses or oiginal members who gave this game it's spark and it's legend. Now, it's time that we leave the world of sim games, and still keep with us the memories. It's time to leave our legacy behind.

*If any of you would like to say a final farewell to Outriders or if you have any comments or questions, please leave us a message on the board. Thank you so much!*

Message Board

Outriders is totally against horse cruelty!
It has to stop! Please put this ribbon
onto your page to show you care, too.