Nate: Hello! It's me, Nate! Welcome to the Great Fox!

Fox: Not much happening...nothing new has happened lately...

Nate: School ended sometime in May, and I'm chillin' in our new swimming pool! I'm going into the 10th grade, which requires biology class...

Slippy: *hides under a table* Knives...everywhere...I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE DISSECTED!

Nate: ...Anyway...All our new recruits have left, so it's just me, Fox, Falco, Slippy, ROB64, Peppy, Bill, and Katt.


You: W-w-w-what was that!

Falco: It's the Venomians! They're attacking the Great Fox!

Peppy: Oh my God! There's too many of them! Listen, we need your help! If you agree to it, please report to the hangar!

You: Uhm...can I look around first? You know, take a tour?

Bill: Take a tour!? NOW!? We're under attack! If we don't fight off the Venomians, there'll be nothing left to take a tour of! Ooooh...fine. But we have to hurry! Choose your tour guide, and the rest of us will go to battle!

ROB64 - You want to help us? That's great. Please follow me.
Bill - Let's hurry to the danceroom. Maybe we can play a song that'll get you in the fighting mood!
Fox - C'mon, hurry, if you want to see the museum!
Slippy - Ok, I'll get you to the teleporter room.
Peppy - This isn't the time to be reading! But if that's what you want, follow me to the library. Hope you can read with plenty of noise and motion...
Falco - They say you shouldn't fly drunk, but maybe hearing the theme songs of our team and former recruits will inspire you to fight!
Nate - You want to see my room? Okay, follow me, quickly!
Katt - If you want to vote, come with me!
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