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Monster Rancher 4 News
GameShark Codes
Monster Techniques List
Monster Information
Monster Rancher 2 Club
Image Gallery
Champion Monsters
Message Board
Monster List
Results of Poll#1
My Art!
CD List
Fan Art!
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October 27, 2003

Another day, another pile of stuff to be done. The monster list has grown by leaps and bounds, with Monols and Golems added to the total. The card descriptions were also added for the cards I have, so that it looks a bit less 'listy' and looks more organized. Monsters so far shown in MR4 will be added to the news section sometime today, as well as some more info on MR4.


October 26, 2003

*Yawn* Well, I've got a lot of work ahead of me on various things, mainly just updating things that were already here. A small MR4 gallery is up, with some cool battle pics to look at. The CD list had been updated some as well, adding many of my CDs to it.


October 25, 2003

Well, some interesting news I guess to begin with. I just inheireted this site. Yeah! While many people have long forgotten about Monster Rancher, the newest edition, Monster Rancher 4 is coming out for PS2 soon. So many of the new additions to the site will be related to MR4, though I will continue to update MR2 data. Added a Monster Rancher 4 News section, not much there but a nice pic showing some of the monsters they still have. Added 2 new champions and updated the monster list. My email address is, so if you have any suggestions or Champions to send in, do so there.


October 29, 2001

IMPORTANT NEWS: My email/internet account was shut down during August and most of September. I havent been able to get back into the account and I have lost all of my emails. I just was able to get back online and now have a new email address, Please, If you sent me any emails over that time period, try and resend them. I will respond as soon as possible. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience ~PrettiePixie90

April 19, 2001

Woohoo! I have started on the new site! It looks great! Go to for a preview! Seeya there!

March 28, 2001

*sigh* This site is a mess. I am personally ashamed of it. So many people see it a day, and yet it looks like crap. Im not going to abandon the site. I am going to build a new, better site! But I need your help. It seems like most people love to send in their Champion Monsters, but have no pictures for them, so I have to find a lame replacement. If anyone knows a good MR picture site please email me. I added 2 new Champs, but sadly many of the ones sent to me were deleted. Please, if you sent me a champ in the past couple months and its not on the page please tell me. Seeya soon! Join Neopets!

November 19, 2000

Sup? Sorry I havent been able to update much but I have school and I just started a new website, Today Im fixing most of the flaws and small mistakes on the site and ending the poll. I'll try to update champion monsters soon. Here are my alter egos: Ireallylovecheese, PrincessMisha, Trunksgirl81, EmeraldMercury. Do you know any of them? Pussaw, You most likely do.~PrettyPixie90

September 14, 2000

The angelfire web counter kept resetting itself so today Im switching to honesty counter. After a little work with my calculator I estimated the average amount of people and I figure im pretty close to the real number! I also got rid of that list because it was making my page longer than it needs to be.....

August 24, 2000

I changed my email to

Please everybody join my Monster Rancher 2 Club then you can post messages and pictures and you can use the chat room and its absolutly FREE. Attention all Pixie Trainers I have now the complete Pixie Monster List up which is Monsters 1-25. I do have the GameShark Codes up so feel free to take a look at them. I now have started a techniques list and an Image Gallary is up. Please vote on my poll, and after 2 weeks I will show the winning monster on the winning monster section that will be up after 2 weeks. Please sign my Guest Book while you vote on the poll. I have had permission from some other sites and I am going to take their information and my information and make a big CD List, it will be up in a few days.

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