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Welcome to the Mario Archive!

Please Read EVERYTHING on this page BEFORE you go on!!!

I will provide you with simple instructions on how to navigate this site, but not detailed. This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0, which can be downloaded free of charge from Please maximize your browser for best effects.

If at any time you wish to return to this page, please click on the Mario head.
This site has codes for a lot of Mario games. To visit it, please click on the CODES button above.
This site has game endings for Mario games. To visit it, please click on the GAME ENDINGS button.
This site has download links for pictures, sounds, and PC games. Click on the DOWNLOAD link.
The links section can be self-explainatory.
Finally, the thing you want the most: ROMS!!!!!!!!
Click on the ROMS section to go there!!!! (Most ROMS are provided by other pages.)

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