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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Secrets

Lost Legends and Spinoffs

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening- 1993 GB, 1998 GBC
During a sailing voyage, Link becomes hopelessly sidetracked and finds himself shipwrecked on Koholint Island. While on the island, Link helps its many inhabitants by recovering the eight Instruments of the Sirens and waking the Wind Fish.

Normal Sword: You get this at the beach.
Second Sword: It's more powerful than the first sword. You get it at Seashell Manor.
Normal Shield: Tarin gives this to you.
Mirror Shield: You get this at the seventh level, Eagle's Tower.
Flippers: You get these in Anglers Cave.
Magnifying Glass: Under the mermaids statue. With this, you can bring tiny objects into focus!
Sleepy Mushroom: You get this in the Mysterious Woods.
Magic Powder: You get this from the witch.
Roc's Feather: Gives Link the ability to jump. You get in in the first level, Tail Cave.
Power Bracelet: Gives Link the ability to lift heavy things. Recived in the second level, Bottle Grotto.
Shovel: You can dig with this one! It has to be bought.
Bomb: Buy it, or you can receive it Kanalet Castle.
Hookshot: Get it in the fifth level, Catfish's Maw.
Bow: Has to be bought.
Pegasus Boots: These make Link able to dash! Get them in the third level, Key Cavern.
Ocarina: Get this music instrument in the Dream Shrine.
Second Power Bracelet: With this, you can lift even heavier things than with the regular Power Bracelet. Get it in the sixth level, Face Shrine.
Magic Rod: Burn things! Received in the eight level, Turtle Rock.
Boomerang: See trading sequence.

1.Jump down the well, just above the library, and to the west of Mabe Village.
2.From the Witch's house, follow the path along until you see one in the middle of some holes. Use the Roc's feather to jump over them and get it.
3.South of Mr Write's house, and west of the chest where you get the Tail Key, there's a hole. Jump over it, go south a bit to a cave entrance, then move the skulls and rocks to get to it.
4.North of Madam Bow Wow's house is the fishing game. Play it and catch the big lunker (the big fish).
5.North of key cavern, and south of the graveyard there's a cave that you have to bomb to get in to. Enter, and bomb the right hand wall, in the top part of it (it make take a couple of goes to find the exact spot.
6.Leave Mambo's cave, and then head east along the water. There's a cave, go in (it's just a bit north-east of the raft shop). Dive underwater and swim around to find the heart piece.
7.Go to Tal Tal heights, and go up the steps directly north of the camera shop (it's the steps to the right of those that lead up to the Wind Fish's egg), move the boulders and enter the cave. Go along the gave until you come out on Tal Tal Mountains again, the go along the water and climb the steps to the top. Go east, up some more steps to the Rooster Guy's house. Use the hookshot to get across the bridge by hookshotting onto the rocks. Cut down the bush, and go down the stairs. Bomb the south wall, and keep going down stairs etc. until you get to the heart piece.
8.Swim around in the south-westerly part of Kanalet Castle moat, until you find it.
9.Go to Yarna Desert and find the area with the quicksand. After defeating the enemy there fall into the sand and obtain your prize from the hidden cave below.
10.Enter the cave north-east of Animal Village by bombing it. Bomb the wall behind the beetle, throw a bomb at the broken boulder to destroy it (it's quite hard to time right), then hookshot across.
11.Move the boulders in the pit to the south of the witch's house, go down the steps, and then get to it by hookshotting onto the rocks.
12.Go out the back-entrance of turtle rock, and grab it.

Secret Seashells
1.Chop down the bushes east of Marin and Tarin's house. It's hidden in one of them.
2.Use your spade to dig in the bottom-right corner of BowWow's house.
3.From the first room in tail cave, go up, left, and then up. The room you're now in has a bomb able west wall. Go through and get it out of the chest.
4.From the start of the Mysterious Forest go up two screens and right one. Use the power bracelet to move the boulder and get it out of the chest.
5.Go down the steps which are one screen west from the Witch's Hut, and then chop down the bush.
6.Go to seashell shrine after getting 5, and you'll be given another.
7.Dig in the middle of the four grass patches on top of Key cavern.
8.Go east from the house by Martha's bay, then north when you get to the phone booth. Go through the cave, bomb and then dig round the owl.
9.Outside the cave that you went in to get number 8, there's a lot of boulders. It's under the one that's crystal-shaped.
10.Chop down all the bushes east of Seashell shrine to find it.
11.When you've got 10 seashells go back to Seashell Shrine for another freebie.
12.Go east from the house by Martha's bay, and then past the phone booth. Cut down the shrub to the east of the phone booth.
13.After you open the passage from Richard's Villa into hos garden, take the left hand passage, the rest is obvious.
14.Go east one screen from the entrance to tail cave, and then use your pegasus boots to charge the tree.
15.Leave Mabe Village via the east entrance by moving the boulders, and then go south a bit. You'll get to a phone booth with a tree to the right of it. Charge the tree with your pegasus boots.
16.Go south from the entrance to animal village, past the phone booth, then east, and across the wooden bridge when you get to it. After going across the bridge, you'll see an owl statue; dig to the left of it.
17.It's beneath a boulder in the south east corner of Yarna Desert (you need to go north a few screens to find the path which leads to it).
18.Cut down the bush on the island in the water next to Key Cavern.
19.Go east from the house by Martha's bay, then south when you get to the phone booth. Go down the steps, swim through the water, go onto the small island, and then cut down the bush.
20.After you return the ghost to his grave, it's under one of the pots in his house (the one by Martha's bay).
21.Go east from the house where the guy with all the cookoos lives. Cross the bridge, and it's under one of the three boulders.
22.Go down the steps in front of the guy with the cookoos house, go east, down some steps, past the waterfall, and then enter the cave. In the top-right corner of the first screen you enter is a bomb able wall. Bomb it, go past the treasure chests, and then get it from the one outside.
23.The room in the top-left corner of Face Shrine has some stairs in it which lead outside to an island with a chest containing a seashell on it.
24.Use the rooster (or -if you're very good- the pegasus boots, and rocs feather) to get over the pits to the west of the entrance to Kanalet Castle, go down the stairs and collect it.
25.In the top-right room, on the ground floor of Eagle's Tower, there's a chest containing one. To get it you have to drop onto the ledge from one of the rooms above.

Trading Sequence
The Yoshi Doll: Just go and play the trendy game in Mabe Village to win the Yoshi Doll (use the shadow of the grabber to help you judge where to let go).
The Ribbon: Go to Mom and Pop's house north of Marin and Tarin's house, talk to Mom, and trade the Yoshi Doll for the ribbon.
The Dog Food: Go and talk to the small Bow-wow, to trade your ribbon for some dog food.
The Bananas: Go to and Talk to Sale the Crocodile on Toronbo shores, to trade your Dog Food for some Banana's.
The Stick: Go past Richard's Villa to Kanalet Castle. There'll be a Monkey called Ki-Ki outside. Talk to Ki-Ki, to give it the bananas, and it'll call up some other Monkeys who'll build a bridge for you and then leave a stick behind. After they've gone, collect the stick.
The Honeycomb: Just to the north of the rock which looks like a pig (near Kanalet Castle) you'll find Tarin. Talk to him, he'll use the stick to knock the honeycomb down. The bees will chase him off and he'll leave the honeycomb behind.
The Pinapple: Go to the animal village and talk to the chef-bear. Give him the honey and in return he'll give you the pinapple.
The Hibiscus: Remember Pop, who's kid you gave the Yoshi Doll to? We'll he's stuck in Tal Tal Heights, just west of the waterfall. Give him the pinapple and in return he'll give you the Hibiscus Flowers.
The Letter: Back to animal village again, and give the flowers to the goat there, she'll give you a letter.
The Broom: Go to Mr. Write's house and give him the letter. He'll give you the broom (and show you the not too truthful picture that comes attached).
The Fishing Hook: Back to animal village for one last time, this time talk to Grandma Ulria and she'll give you a fishing hook in return for the broom.
The Necklace: East of the entrance to Catfish's Maw is a bridge, dive under it and give the fishing hook to the fisherman. He'll catch a necklace and give it too you.
The Scale: Go and talk to the Mermaid in Martha's bay, she'll give you one of here scales in return for her necklace back.
The Magnifying Glass: Go to the statue of the Mermaid which is south of Catfish's Maw. Put the scale in it and it'll move aside revealing some stairs. Go down the stairs to collect the magnifying glass. Now you can read the book with the small print in the library.
Boomerang: After obtaining the Magnifying Glass you can now see the inhabitants of the cave that is on the beach. Once inside you can talk to a person there that will offer to give you a boomerang and an exchange of what you have equipped. Exchange the shovel for it, because at this point you no longer need it.

1. Go talk to the owner of the Photo Shop, and he'll take a picture of you in front of the screen.
2. Look through the window of Granpa Ulria's house to get a photo of him calling 'a certain number'.
3. When Marin's following you, go to the spot where you have the big conversation, and you'll get a picture of the two of you staring out to sea.
4. When Marin is following you, jump down the well to the west of Mabe Village to get a picture of Marin squashing Link.
5. Again when Marin is following you, stand in front of the statue in Mabe Village for a picture of Marin, Tarin, and Link.
6. Stand by Bow Wow, move around a bit to annoy him, and you'll get a picture of Bow Wow about to bight Link.
7. Steal something from the shop in maybe village (try running clockwise round him while holding the item) and you'll get a CCTV picture of Link committing theft. However, be careful, if you do this you cannot ever enter teh shop again because he will be angry that you stole and will instant kill you. And for the rest of the game everyone calles you "thief."
8. After you've got the magnifying glass go back to the fisherman and have a chat, for a picture of Link and his new fishing buddy.
9. Enter the house in the North-East of Animal Village, and stand in the pool of water. You'll get a picture of Link with a water creature (Like the one on Toronbo shores).
10. After you've talked to Richard (but before you've opened the castle gates) stand in front of Kanalet Castle, and you'll get a pic of Link and Richard.
11. After you've returned the ghost to it's grave, go away and then come back again. You'll be rewarded with a picture of Link and the Ghost.
12. Stand in the middle of the bridge to the east of the Coocoo Guy's house. You'll get the best picture of them all; one of Link as the Photographer falls off the mountains.

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